Railroad Operations-Mechanical (RRTM)
RRTM 130 Freight Car Yard Inspection* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites: Approval of the railroad training administrator and the JCCC department approval
This course is the first of a series of three for freight car training. It is designed to introduce the student to the safe inspection, testing, and repairing of freight cars in a repair track environment in accordance with Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Association of American Railroads (AAR), and BNSF Railway procedures and policies. 32 hrs. lecture, 8 hrs. instructional lab/total.
RRTM 131 Freight Car Repair Track Inspector* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites: RRTM 130 and approval of the railroad training administrator and JCCC department approval
This course is the second of a series of three for freight car training. It is designed to introduce the student to the safe inspection, testing, and repairing of freight cars in a repair track environment in accordance with Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Association of American Railroads (AAR), and BNSF Railway procedures and policies. 32 hrs. lecture, 8 hrs. instructional lab/total.
RRTM 152 Freight Car Air Brakes, Basic* (2 Hours)
Prerequisites: Approval of the railroad training administrator and the JCCC department approval
This course is designed to provide the student with a basic working knowledge of Freight Car Air Brake Equipment as well as a firm understanding of both Association of American Railroads (AAR) and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) rules and requirements with emphasis on safe work practices. 40 hrs. integrated lecture lab/total.
RRTM 130
- Title: Freight Car Yard Inspection*
- Number: RRTM 130
- Effective Term: 2015-16
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Approval of the railroad training administrator and the JCCC department approval
This course is the first of a series of three for freight car training. It is designed to introduce the student to the safe inspection, testing, and repairing of freight cars in a repair track environment in accordance with Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Association of American Railroads (AAR), and BNSF Railway procedures and policies. 32 hrs. lecture, 8 hrs. instructional lab/total.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Explain the Blue Flag Law.
- Apply the Freight Car Safety Standards.
- Appraise and apply proper safety appliances.
- Evaluate air brakes, both visually and mechanically, and make required adjustments.
- Explain the operation of Rear Of Train devices.
- Identify the classes of hazardous materials and select proper response.
- Evaluate and judge condition of wheels and trucks.
- List the freight car truck components and evaluate their condition.
- Analyze wheel and truck components.
- Analyze and classify condition of freight cars.
- Analyze and classify condition of open top loads.
- Compose bad order / home shop cards.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Blue Flag Law A. Identify significance of blue signal protection. B. Select proper methods of blue signal protection. C. Describe who is responsible for and who requires blue signal protection. II. Freight Car Safety Standards A. Select proper method for notifying train crew of defective equipment B. Identify federal defects and how to properly handle reporting. C. Select condemnable measurements as they pertain to safety standards. III. Safety Appliances A. Identify freight car safety appliances. B. Relate minimum clearance with specific safety appliances. C. Select proper repair method for specific safety appliances. IV. Power Brake Law / Air Brake Tests A. Identify proper method for completing class 1 air brake test. B. State required air pressure(s) during air test. C. Identify FRA inspection and testing requirements for conducting air brake test. V. Rear of Train Devices A. Identify required blue signal protection for main track and other than main track. when applying End of Train (EOT) device. B. Identify maximum variance between EOT device and Head of Train device. C. Select proper calibration requirements for telemetry devices. VI. Hazardous materials A. Select correct response to hazardous incident scenarios. B. Identify hazard class categories. C. Select correct communication of specific placards. VII. Freight Car Wheel Defects A. Distinguish correct FRA condemning limits for specific wheels and freight equipment. B. Distinguish correct AAR condemning limits for specific wheels and freight equipment. VIII. Freight Car Trucks A. Select proper wear limits, gauging and cause for renewal of trucks. B. Identify truck bolster and side frame components. IX. Wheel and Truck Inspection A. Evaluate and categorize roller bearings, wheels and axels. B. Evaluate and categorize truck bolsters and side frames. X. Freight Car Inspection A. Evaluate a freight car and summarize condition by using checklist. B. Explain items found during inspection, passing and failing. XI. Open Top Load Inspection A. Identify freight equipment with Open Top loads. B. Identify proper references with regard to AAR Open Top Loading Manuals. C. Select proper loading requirements based on given scenarios. XII. Bad Order/Home Shop Cards A. Match terms with definitions concerning the Federal Railroad Administration. B. Identify proper home shop disposition request for freight cars. C. Select required information for bad order card when a car is defective.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Examinations 40-60% of grade Projects/Assignments 40-60% of grade Total 100% Grade Criteria: A = 90 – 100% B = 80 – 89% C = 70 – 79% D = 60 - 69% F = 0 – 59%
Grade Criteria:
- This course will meet five days for eight hours per day of lecture and lab.
- All JCCC students are issued a college e-mail account that is accessed through MyJCCC. This account is used by the college to communicate course, grade, financial aid, enrollment and other important college information. It is your responsibility to check your JCCC e-mail account regularly for important information.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
RRTM 131
- Title: Freight Car Repair Track Inspector*
- Number: RRTM 131
- Effective Term: 2015-16
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
Prerequisites: RRTM 130 and approval of the railroad training administrator and JCCC department approval
This course is the second of a series of three for freight car training. It is designed to introduce the student to the safe inspection, testing, and repairing of freight cars in a repair track environment in accordance with Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Association of American Railroads (AAR), and BNSF Railway procedures and policies. 32 hrs. lecture, 8 hrs. instructional lab/total.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Identify categories and rule structure of the AAR Field manual
- Describe and apply proper daily test procedures and single car test procedures on air brakes
- Identify and repair defective brake rigging components
- Evaluate and apply lubrication to hand brake components
- Evaluate and analyze couplers for defective conditions
- Identify defective gears and yokes
- Identify defective cushion units and uncoupling levers
- List the criteria for inspection and maintenance of doors, hatch covers, and outlet gates
- Identify condemning criteria for roller bearings, wheels, and axels
- Identify and gauge defective truck components
- Analyze and classify wheel and truck components for defective conditions
- Evaluate and classify center plates and side bearings
- Evaluate and effect repair of safety appliances
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. AAR Field Manual A. Match terms with definitions from the AAR Field manual. B. Identify sections of each AAR rule. C. Select proper responsibility for the condition of freight equipment. D. Appraise and select proper references from the AAR Field manual. II. Air Brake Tests A. Select proper test attention requirements per AAR S-486. B. Identify brake configuration and piston travel. C. Select proper operating pressure for specified air brake test. III. Air Brake Components and Air Hoses A. Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for renewal of air brake components and air hoses. B. Identify correct repairs when freight equipment is on a repair track. C. Select correct method and procedure to secure air brake equipment. IV. Brake Rigging A. Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for renewal of brake rigging. B. Select proper replacement of brake shoes and brake beams. C. Identify proper repair of truck mounted cylinders with respect to cylinder and beam size. V. Hand Brakes A. Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for renewal of hand brakes. B. Identify correct repair of hand brakes. C. Identify correct testing, inspection, and lubricating requirements for hand brakes. D. List proper method and procedure to secure hand brake and components. VI. Couplers A. Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for renewal of couplers. B. Select proper replacement coupler with respect to removed coupler. C. Evaluate coupler for presence of cracks or breaks. D. Identify coupler grade and type. VII. Gears and Yokes A. Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for renewal of gears and yokes. B. Select proper replacement yoke and gear with respect to removed components. C. Analyze gears and yokes for cracks. D. Identify yoke grade and type. VIII. Cushion Units and Uncoupling Levers A. Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for renewal of cushion units and uncoupling levers. B. Select proper replacement cushion unit with respect to removed unit. C. Select proper replacement uncoupling lever with respect to removed lever. D. Evaluate uncoupling lever for defects. IX. Doors, Hatch Covers, and Outlet Gates A.Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for removal of doors, hatch covers, and outlet gates. B. Select proper replacement cover with respect to removed hatch cover. X. Roller Bearings A. Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for renewal of roller bearings, wheels, and axels. B. Identify the why made codes. XI. Trucks A.Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for renewal of trucks B. Identify truck bolster and side frame components. XII. Wheel and Truck Inspection A. Analyze and classify roller bearings, wheels, and axels. B. Analyze and classify truck bolsters and side frames. XIII. Center Plates and Side Bearings A. Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for renewal of center plates and side bearings. B. Select the proper set up and clearance for side bearings. C. Identify center plate defects. XIV. Safety Appliances A. Select proper wear limits, gauging, and cause for renewal of safety appliances. B. Identify safety appliances. C. Identify and select proper safety appliance clearances.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Examinations 40-60% of grade Projects/Assignments 40-60% of grade Total 100% Grade Criteria: A = 90 – 100% B = 80 – 89% C = 70 – 79% D = 60 - 69% F = 0 – 59%
Grade Criteria:
- This course will meet for eight hours per day for five days. This will consist of 32 hours of lecture and 8 hours of lab.
- All JCCC students are issued a college e-mail account that is accessed through MyJCCC. This account is used by the college to communicate course, grade, financial aid, enrollment and other important college information. It is your responsibility to check your JCCC e-mail account regularly for important information.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
RRTM 152
- Title: Freight Car Air Brakes, Basic*
- Number: RRTM 152
- Effective Term: 2015-16
- Credit Hours: 2
- Contact Hours: 2
- Lecture Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Approval of the railroad training administrator and the JCCC department approval
This course is designed to provide the student with a basic working knowledge of Freight Car Air Brake Equipment as well as a firm understanding of both Association of American Railroads (AAR) and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) rules and requirements with emphasis on safe work practices. 40 hrs. integrated lecture lab/total.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Recognize training center emergency action and safety policies.
- Describe safety and security issues facing today’s railroads.
- Identify various air brake equipment.
- Describe the history of air brake equipment.
- Describe various air brake equipment applications.
- Inspect and evaluate freight car air brake equipment according to AAR and FRA guidelines.
- Describe and discuss approved testing and maintenance methods for freight car air brake systems.
- Recognize and explain Rear/End of Train Devices (ETDs).
- Recognize and explain auxiliary valves and other freight car devices and train brake systems.
- Explain single car test devices.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Orientation and Welcome A. Identify BNSF policies concerning lodging, expenses, telephone usage. B. Discuss training center emergency action plan and safety policies and other important issues according to JCCC as well as BNSF requirements. C. Discuss both JCCC and BNSF concerns and expectations as well as those of the students for the training week. D. Describe security issues for railroads and discuss importance of security. E. Discuss importance of safety and hazard awareness. II. Introduction to Freight Car Air Brakes A. Describe and discuss the history of freight car air brake equipment. B. Discuss fundamentals of freight car and train brake systems. III. Air Brake Components and Hand Brakes A. Identify freight car brake system components. B. Discuss freight car air brake components in detail, using visual aids. C. Discuss hand brakes in detail. IV. Conventional Body and Truck Mounted Brake Systems, Brake Rigging and Slack Adjusters A. Describe conventional body and truck mounted brake systems. B. Identify brake rigging and slack adjusters. C. Demonstrate knowledge with hands-on adjustment on Wabco truck mounted piston simulator rack. D. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of truck mounted brake systems on Ellcon National, Thrall Davis, Misner, and Wabco TMX brake simulator racks. V. Auxiliary Valves and Empty/Load Equipment A. Discuss the purpose of auxiliary valves and empty/load equipment. B. Identify auxiliary valves and empty/load equipment. C. Participate in hands-on demonstration of empty/load equipment on simulator rack. VI. Power Brake Law and Rear End of Train (EOT) Devices A. Identify EOT devices. B. Explain the operation of EOT devices. C. Discuss in detail the Federal Power Brake Law. VII. Electronic Single Car Test Device and Air Brake Tests A. Participate in hands-on lab exercises using Electronic Single Car Test Devices on Freight Car Air Brake simulators. B. Demonstrate understanding with practice tests and diagnostics of air brakes.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Examinations 40-60% of grade Projects/Assignments 40-60% of grade Total 100% Grade Criteria: A = 90 – 100% B = 80 – 89% C = 70 – 79% D = 60 - 69% F = 0 – 59%
Grade Criteria:
- This course will meet eight hours per day for five days of lecture and lab.
- BNSF approved safety glasses with side shields, ear protection and gloves are required during lab activities for this course and will be supplied by the training center. Steel-toed boots are also required and are each student's responsibility to bring to class. Individual requirements such as prescription eyewear and other specialized PPE are also each student's responsibility.
- All JCCC students are issued a college e-mail account that is accessed through MyJCCC. This account is used by the college to communicate course, grade, financial aid, enrollment and other important college information. It is your responsibility to check your JCCC e-mail account regularly for important information.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).