Pastry/Baking Certificate
The one-year pastry/baking certificate program is for students who are seeking employment as pastry cooks in pastry/bake shops, hotels, restaurants or other areas that produce pastry and baked products. Students may have an entrepreneurial interest for opening their own operation.
The program involves a total of 30 credits over two semesters with a maximum enrollment of 15 students. See the selective admission selection process. This program only starts in the fall semester. Current industry professionals may desire this program to upgrade their skills and increase their knowledge in this area of study.
Students must complete HMGT 120 Food Service Sanitation and HMGT 223 Fundamentals of Baking before enrolling in the program.
(Major Code 4350; State CIP Code 12.0501)
Prerequisites for Required Courses
All Students must complete the three prerequisite courses with a passing grade PRIOR to enrolling in the pastry program.
HMGT 120 | Food Service Sanitation | 0-1 |
HMGT 223 | Fundamentals of Baking | 0-3 |
Total Hours | 0-4 |
Fall Semester Only
HMPB 155 | Pastry Shop Production I* | 4 |
HMPB 160 | Pastry Shop Principles I* | 4 |
HMPB 233 | Patisserie* | 4 |
HMPB 252 | Pastry Shop Business Basics I* | 3 |
Total Hours | 15 |
Spring Semester Only
HMPB 255 | Pastry Shop Production II* | 4 |
HMPB 257 | Sugar Basics* | 4 |
HMPB 260 | Pastry Shop Principles II* | 4 |
HMPB 262 | Pastry Shop Business Basics II* | 3 |
Total Hours | 15 |
Total Program Hours: 30