Mechanical services include a variety of responsibilities for the maintenance, service and repair of locomotives, freight cars and other rolling stock. Skills include diesel engine repair, electrical and electronic system repair, freight car repair and inspection, and welding processes. The final phase of the program consists of training provided in cooperation with the National Academy of Railroad Sciences. Selective admission to the program is based upon various criteria. Interested students should meet with a JCCC counselor as early as possible.
(Major Code 2840; State CIP Code 49.0208)
Associate of Applied Science Degree
Prerequisites for Required Courses
Prior to beginning the program, the student must take one of the following prerequisite courses, or have obtained a waiver from the department or may contact the Testing Center for prior learning credit.
First Semester
CPCA 105 | Introduction to Personal Computers: Windows | 1 |
CPCA 108 | Word Processing I: MS Word* | 1 |
CPCA 110 | Spreadsheets I: MS Excel* | 1 |
ENGL 121 | Composition I* | 3 |
MATH 130 | Technical Mathematics I* (or higher) | 3 |
PHIL 124 | Logic and Critical Thinking | 3 |
RRT 120 | History of Railroading | 3 |
Total Hours | 15 |
Second Semester
| 2 |
ENGL 123 | Technical Writing I* | 3 |
MATH 131 | Technical Mathematics II* (or higher) | 3 |
PHYS 133 | Applied Physics* | 5 |
RRT 121 | Railroad Technical Careers | 3 |
^ | 1 |
Total Hours | 17 |
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
Technical Electives
Total Program Hours: 64