Architecture (ARCH)

This is an archived copy of the 2016-17 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


ARCH 120   Introduction to Architecture (3 Hours)

This course is an introduction to the profession of architecture through a study of its history, vocabulary, theories and practices. The facets that make up the total architectural curriculum as well as the various professional roles that architects can be expected to perform will be covered. Architectural study is seen as both an art and a science. The interdisciplinary character of architectural practice is emphasized. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

ARCH 123   Architectural Principles* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ARCH 120.

This course will elaborate on the concepts first presented in introduction to architecture. General focus will be on the modern profession and architects dealing with past, present and emerging ideas as they relate to physical and social context including landscaping, buildings and cities. Unifying themes will be presented of formal architectural principles in relation to modernism and the impact on design, the site, landscaping, and site planning issues. This course is only offered in the spring semester. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

ARCH 127   Introduction to Architectural Graphics (4 Hours)

This course is designed to build a conceptual and manual foundation for professional architectural education. Students will learn to apply a variety of media and drawing systems such as freehand drawing, architectural lettering and equipment usage. Students will also learn applied geometry including line, tone, texture and utilizing sun, shade and shadows. Multi-view, paraline, axonometric and oblique drawings will be taught and students will build models related to architectural forms. Emphasis will be on learning to think in spatial terms while introducing professional, conceptual and visual vocabulary. Graphic presentation skills will be developed using standard graphic conventions, basic computer skills, and basic material investigations. This course is only offered in the fall semester. 8 hrs. integrated lecture, studio/wk.

ARCH 131   Architectural Graphics* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ARCH 127.

This course builds upon the conceptual and manual skills acquired in Introduction to Architectural Graphics. Students will expand their ability by learning to apply a variety of media and advanced drawing systems, such as design drawing techniques, model building, graphic diagramming, grid perspective drawing, projection perspective drawing, and shade and shadow studies. Emphasis will continue to be on learning to think in spatial terms as well as developing a new repertoire of graphic presentation skills. 6 hrs. integrated lecture, studio/wk. This course is only offered in the spring semester.

ARCH 140   Architectural Design* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ARCH 127.

This course introduces the student to the process and vocabulary of design. The purpose of the content is to develop the ability to solve two- and three-dimensional design problems with basic methods, vocabulary and media appropriate to the architectural profession. This course is only offered in the spring semester. 6 hrs. integrated lecture, studio/wk.

ARCH 210   Design History & Society (3 Hours)

The nature of design, even more than the traditional fine arts, responds to and is indeed inseparable from the culture and society in which it exists. This course provides a survey of design history from the nineteenth-century Industrial Revolution to the present, with emphasis on graphic and industrial design and art and architecture, examining the history of design as it corresponds to changes in economics, politics, technology, industrialization, and other societal factors. While focusing on the events and achievements in modern Western cultures there will be selected references to pre-industrial landmarks and developments and a global scope will be examined. Design will be studied as a social practice that contributes to the production, maintenance, and representation of culture and society. The course will focus less on aesthetics than on the cultural milieu in which designers have created images and objects that give physical form to intangible ideas. 3hrs. lecture/wk.

ARCH 220   Sustainability in the Built Environment (3 Hours)

This course examines evolving issues of sustainability as they pertain to the built environment. The course will cover a broad spectrum of issues, with attention focused on historical precedent, changing social matrices, technological advancements, political and regulatory consequences, and potential future transformations. Analysis of sustainability as a concept and societal goal will be considered throughout the course as we consider issues that are both local and global. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

ARCH 244   Architectural History Before the Modern Era (3 Hours)

This course will acquaint students with the architecture and ideas of world civilizations from prehistory to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Emphasis is on architecture as an integrated element of the development of commercial, technological, and ideological transferences among different regions, nascent religious groups and evolving political enterprises. The course will consider architectural styles and cultures from around the globe. 3hrs. lecture/wk.

ARCH 245   Architectural History: Modern (3 Hours)

This course will investigate the architecture of the Modern Era. The focus of this course is on the principles of design, education of the architect, artistic forces and concepts of the built environment within its historical context. The work of prominent architects and their architectural theories will be covered and analyzed. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

ARCH 245H   HON: Architectural History: Modern* (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: Honors department approval.

One-credit hour honors contract is available to qualified students who have an interest in a more thorough investigation of a topic related to this subject. An honors contract may incorporate research, a paper, or project and includes individual meetings with a faculty mentor. Student must be currently enrolled in the regular section of the courses or have completed it the previous semester. Contact the Honors Program Office, COM 201, for more information.

ARCH 250   Architectural Design Thinking* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ARCH 127 and ARCH 131 and ARCH 140.

This course will enrich concepts previously encountered in architecture studio courses and explore new methodologies that apply to design thinking processes. Students will encounter ill-structured, undefined design problems and learn to analyze and determine numerous ways to evaluate and illustrate the outcomes in multiple design solutions. Collaboration is encouraged between individuals and group participants using various processes to interpret, develop and visually construct final solutions to projects using computer-based design applications, free-hand drawing techniques and three-dimensional model making capabilities. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/lab/wk.

ARCH 292   Special Topics: (1-3 Hour)

This course periodically offers specialized or advanced discipline-specific content related to diverse areas of architecture not usually taught in the curriculum to interested and qualified students within the program.