Art (ART)

This is an archived copy of the 2016-17 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


ART 124   Design 2D* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: CDTP 145.

This is an introductory study of the principles of visual perception, two-dimensional space organization and the visual elements of line, shape, texture and space. Concepts, materials and processes necessary to an understanding of two-dimensional form are explored using traditional and digital tools and techniques. Working knowledge of Adobe Illustrator is required. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 127   Design 3D* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 124.

This is a study of the function of three-dimensional organization in the development of visual ideas. Concepts, materials and processes necessary to an understanding of the three-dimensional relationships of space, form, form evolution and the dynamics of structure are explored. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 129   Design Color* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: CDTP 135.

This is a study of the nature of color, its physical properties and visual qualities. Basic theories, phenomena and their applications will be explored using pigment, colored paper and digital color systems. Working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop is required. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 129H   HON: Design Color* (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: Honors department approval.

One-credit hour honors contract is available to qualified students who have an interest in a more thorough investigation of a topic related to this subject. An honors contract may incorporate research, a paper, or project and includes individual meetings with a faculty mentor. Student must be currently enrolled in the regular section of the courses or have completed it the previous semester. Contact the Honors Program Office, COM 201, for more information.

ART 130   Drawing I (3 Hours)  

This is an introductory course with an emphasis on the development of fundamental drawing skills, increased power of observation and an awareness of the personally expressive and compositional aspects of drawing. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 131   Drawing II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 130.

This course involves intermediate problems in drawing with emphasis on individual expression based on historical as well as contemporary concerns and approaches in art. Students will work from models, still-life, and conceptual presentations. A variety of media will be explored. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 135   Painting I (3 Hours)

This course is an introduction to the basic elements of painting. Students will learn basic painting skills, color properties, color mixing, color relationships, applications and proper use of tools and equipment. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 136   Painting II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 135.

This course involves intermediate problems in painting with emphasis on individual expression based on historical as well as contemporary concerns and approaches in art. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 138   Digital Imaging for Artists I (3 Hours)

This course is an introduction to the use of the computer as a medium for making fine art. The course will emphasize developing the student's skill in making expressive visual statements using computer technology. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 142   Ceramics I (3 Hours)

This course is designed to build a conceptual and manual foundation for future ceramics education. Students will study the properties of clay, its preparation, hand and wheel techniques, surface design, firing methods, fundamental ceramic terms, principles of design, introductory ceramic history and orientation to safe practices for the ceramic artist. Emphasis will be on developing skills appropriate to the beginning student for the purpose of creative and technical expression. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 143   Ceramics II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 142.

This course covers more advanced methods and studio practices in creative ceramic wheel expression and glaze formation. Emphasis is on development of a sense of thrown form and creative decoration or optional creative non-wheel ceramic form development. The course focuses on advanced ceramic form production, aesthetic issues, investigative study and practice. Clay, glaze and firing techniques are investigated in depth. The student acquires a repertoire of studio skills, a deeper awareness of ceramic history and articulated criteria of judgment. Individual interpretation and conceptual development are expected. The study of aesthetics of ceramic form is undertaken. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 145   Sculpture I (3 Hours)

Students will explore and study natural and synthetic sculptural forms as they create work using traditional or contemporary media and techniques. Assignments require work in limestone, clay, wax, bronze, aluminum and steel, and involve carving, modeling and building up. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 146   Sculpture II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 145.

This continuation of ART 145 will focus on advanced methods and techniques with emphasis on materials, forms and the student's selection of an individual direction with individual material choices. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 148   Metal and Silversmithing I (3 Hours)

This course is a basic introduction to the terms, tools and techniques involved in creating jewelry and other wearables as they relate to the human figure. Casting, fabrication and construction will be explored. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 148H   HON: Metal and Silversmithing I* (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: Honors department approval.

One-credit hour honors contract is available to qualified students who have an interest in a more thorough investigation of a topic related to this subject. An honors contract may incorporate research, a paper, or project and includes individual meetings with a faculty mentor. Student must be currently enrolled in the regular section of the courses or have completed it the previous semester. Contact the Honors Program Office, COM 201, for more information.

ART 149   Metal and Silversmithing II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 148.

Students will study advanced casting and construction techniques. Projects should show a higher degree of design and function. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 172   Watercolor Painting (3 Hours)

This course is an introduction to transparent water media with emphasis on learning fundamental painting skills, the visual elements, composition, visual perception and an awareness of personal expression. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 231   Life Drawing I* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 130.

This course is an introduction to the basic elements of drawing for students wanting a concentration in drawing the human figure. Students will acquire basic competence in developing drawings involving the human form. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 232   Life Drawing II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 231.

This course is an intermediate investigation of drawing from the human form. This class is for students wanting to concentrate on figure drawing beyond Life Drawing I. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 235   Studio Workshop I* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 131 or ART 136.

This course involves advanced problems in painting (or drawing) with emphasis on individual expression based on historical as well as contemporary concerns and approaches in art. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 236   Studio Workshop II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 235.

This course involves advanced problems in painting (or drawing), above and beyond those experienced in Workshop I, with emphasis on individual expression. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 238   Digital Imaging for Artists II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 138.

This course is a continued study of skills learned in Digital Imaging for Artists. Students will concentrate on creating personal imagery using digital media. 6 hrs. integrated lecture studio/wk.

ART 244   Ceramics Workshop I* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: ART 143 and department approval.

Students will have the opportunity to pursue advanced individual research under the direction of the instructor. Emphasis is on creative expression and development of technical skills as well as the further pursuit of technical studies that have relevance for emerging personal specializations. Students will conduct a personal program of study on one aesthetic issue that emerges as personally significant and present the outcomes in an appropriate and acceptable manner at the close of the semester. Students should initiate and pursue studies in directions that inform and further their individual professional and creative growth, which leads to invention, innovation and refinement of their personal semester work, as agreed upon with the instructor. This course enables further pursuit of technical studies that have relevance for these emerging personal specializations. Skill refinement, three-dimensional imagination, with increased creative expression and creative product generation are anticipated. 6 hrs. integrated lecture/studio/wk.

ART 291   Independent Study* (1-7 Hour)

Prerequisites: 2.0 GPA minimum and department approval.

Independent study is a directed, structured learning experience offered as an extension of the regular curriculum. It is intended to allow individual students to broaden their comprehension of the principles of and competencies associated with the discipline or program. Its purpose is to supplement existing courses with individualized, in-depth learning experiences. Such learning experiences may be undertaken independent of the traditional classroom setting, but will be appropriately directed and supervised by regular instructional staff. Total contact hours vary based on the learning experience.