This is an archived copy of the 2023-24 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


ENGR 121   Engineering Orientation (2 Hours)

This course explores career options in engineering through activities and guest speakers. Topics include engineering disciplines, professional responsibilities, academic and professional planning, the engineering design process, group projects and engineering challenges. The intent of this course is to introduce students to the engineering industry and the engineering problem-solving process, and to help each student make the best career decision.

ENGR 131   Engineering Graphics I:AutoCAD* (4 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: MATH 130 or MATH 171 or MATH 172 or MATH 173 or MATH 241.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to apply graphic principles used in the engineering design process. The student will master graphics concepts using computer-aided drafting (CAD) software. Topics include 2-D and 3-D CAD commands; geometric construction; multi-view, orthographic projection; sectional views; isometrics; dimensioning; and descriptive geometry.

ENGR 251   Statics* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites : MATH 242.

Prerequisites or corequisites: PHYS 220.

This course introduces the student to the conditions of rest and motion of bodies under the action of forces. The principles used include vectors, force systems, equilibrium, free body diagrams, centroids, moments of inertia, trusses, frames, and shear and moment diagrams.

ENGR 254   Dynamics* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites : ENGR 251.

This course covers the application of the principles of dynamics, the branch of engineering mechanics that studies objects in motion. Topics include unbalanced force systems (Newton's second law), displacement, velocity and acceleration, work and energy, and impulse and momentum.

ENGR 121

  • Title: Engineering Orientation
  • Number: ENGR 121
  • Effective Term: 2023-24
  • Credit Hours: 2
  • Contact Hours: 2
  • Lecture Hours: 2


This course explores career options in engineering through activities and guest speakers. Topics include engineering disciplines, professional responsibilities, academic and professional planning, the engineering design process, group projects and engineering challenges. The intent of this course is to introduce students to the engineering industry and the engineering problem-solving process, and to help each student make the best career decision.


Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.


  1. Describe the type of work performed in the major engineering disciplines such as chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, and mechanical.
  2. Describe the engineering education pathway for community college students.
  3. Describe the professional responsibilities expected of engineers.
  4. Apply the engineering method of analysis and problem solving to simple engineering problems.
  5. Apply the engineering design process to simple design problems.

Content Outline and Competencies:

I. Engineering Disciplines

A. Summarize work performed by engineers in common engineering industries.

B. Summarize work performed by consulting engineers by visiting an engineering consulting firm or meeting with a design engineer.

C. Summarize field engineering work by visiting a manufacturing company, power generating facility, or construction site, or by meeting with an engineer working in one of these fields.

D. Summarize the required technical skills needed by an engineer.

II. Academic and Professional Planning

A. Develop an academic plan for a two-year pathway to a four-year engineering program.

B. Discuss connections between engineering and several academic and professional career paths.

C. List entrance requirements for a four-year engineering degree program by visiting an engineering school at a four-year university or meeting with an engineering admissions counselor.

D. Describe the entrance requirements, degrees offered, and engineering student support services available at a four-year engineering school.

E. Describe the purpose of professional societies.

F. Write a personal statement.

III. Professional Responsibilities

A. Describe the impact engineering has had on the modern world.

B. Summarize the Engineering Code of Ethics.

C. Define licensing and list requirements for licensing.

D. List desired personal attributes of professionals in the engineering field.

E. Describe the relationship between the social and technical aspects of engineering.

IV. Engineering Problem-Solving

A. Summarize the engineering analysis process.

B. Describe the use of various sciences in engineering problem-solving.

C. Perform basic calculations with engineering data.

D. Present an engineering solution in an appropriate manner.

V. Engineering Design

A. Design a simple engineering device as part of a team.

B. Present an engineering design in an appropriate manner.

Method of Evaluation and Competencies:

20-40%    Participation
10-30%    Project
30-50%    Written Assignments

Total: 100%

Grade Criteria:

90 - 100% = A
80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F


Student Responsibilities:


JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).

ENGR 131

  • Title: Engineering Graphics I:AutoCAD*
  • Number: ENGR 131
  • Effective Term: 2023-24
  • Credit Hours: 4
  • Contact Hours: 7
  • Lecture Hours: 3
  • Other Hours: 4


Prerequisites or corequisites: MATH 130 or MATH 171 or MATH 172 or MATH 173 or MATH 241.


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to apply graphic principles used in the engineering design process. The student will master graphics concepts using computer-aided drafting (CAD) software. Topics include 2-D and 3-D CAD commands; geometric construction; multi-view, orthographic projection; sectional views; isometrics; dimensioning; and descriptive geometry.


Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.


  1. Produce freehand sketches of objects.
  2. Measure distances using an architect, engineering and metric scale.
  3. Identify parts of a graphics system and input devices and describe their function.
  4. List advantages of using a computer graphics system for drafting.
  5. Explain the syntax of a typical CAD command.
  6. Open a CAD system.
  7. Use appropriate commands to create, save and plot drawings.
  8. Select appropriate CAD commands from the keyboard, pull down menu and icons to create and edit objects.
  9. Use CAD commands to enhance productivity and query the graphics program.
  10. Use layers to organize drawings.
  11. Use blocks in a drawing.
  12. Set default settings for a CAD system.
  13. Define coordinate systems in CAD and use them to create a 3D model.
  14. Use appropriate commands to create and edit a 3D model with multiple views.
  15. Use appropriate commands to create a solid 3D model.
  16. Construct geometric shapes and determine tangency points for arcs and lines.
  17. Determine the proportional division of a line.
  18. Produce multi-view orthographic projections.
  19. Draw sectional views.
  20. Construct auxiliary views.
  21. Produce isometric drawings.
  22. Describe classifications of engineering dimensioning.
  23. Use the latest ANSI standards for dimension placement on a drawing to produce dimensioned drawings.
  24. Define ways that lines and planes can be represented.
  25. Draw the piercing point of a line and a plane.
  26. Draw the true size and shape of a plane and the show the edge view of a plane.
  27. Determine lines of intersection between various geometric shapes.
  28. Explain the purpose of an operating system.
  29. Use a standard file manager program to manage drawing files. 

Content Outline and Competencies:

I. Manual Skill Development
   A. Produce freehand, orthographic and pictorial sketches of various
   B. Measure lines and distances using architectural, engineering and
metric scales.

II. Computer Graphics
   A. Identify the parts of a computer graphics system and describe their
   B. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using a computer
graphics system for drafting applications as compared with manual
   C. Explain the syntax of a typical CAD command.
   D. Identify the functions of keyboard symbols and control characters on
a computer keyboard.
   E. Log on to the CAD system, assign a drawing name, save a drawing file
and exit the system.
   F. Use CAD commands to create lines, circles, arcs, points, fillets,
text and dimensions in an electronic drawing.
   G. Use CAD commands to edit an existing drawing.
   H. Use CAD commands as aids in constructing drawing objects.
   I. Use CAD commands that enhance operator productivity.
   J. Use CAD commands to measure or verify properties of existing drawing
   K. Use screen control commands to position and scale the displayed
image to a convenient size for editing and for plotting.
   L. Use CAD commands to control various layering schemes for organizing
a drawing.
   M. Use CAD layering commands to selectively create, edit, view and
print portions of a drawing.
   N. Use CAD commands to set up a drawing with multiple views.
   O. Define, save and insert blocks into a CAD drawing.
   P. Demonstrate the ability to initiate CAD commands by use of the
keyboard, icons and pulldown menu.
   Q. Set default settings for the CAD system.
   R. Define and model space coordinate systems and apply them in creating
a 3D model.
   S. Set viewpoint coordinates to establish 3D views.
   T. Use CAD commands to create a simple 3D model with multiple views.
   U. Edit a 3D multi-view drawing.
   V. Integrate model space with paper space in a CAD drawing.
   W. Create a simple, solid 3D model.
   X. Produce a hardcopy print or plot of a finished drawing.

III. Geometric Construction
   A. Construct geometric shapes.
   B. Determine the proportional division of a line.
   C. Draw arcs tangent to lines and other arcs and locate points of

IV. Multi-view Orthographic, Auxiliary, Isometric Projection
   A. Produce multi-view drawings using orthographic projection.
   B. Draw orthographic sectional views in full section, half section and
aligned section.
   C. Draw true size and shape of a surface using an auxiliary view.
   D. Produce isometric pictorial drawings with circular features.

V. Dimensioning
   A. Describe the classifications of engineering drawing dimensioning.
   B. List general rules for dimension placement on a drawing.
   C. Dimension views for size and location including width, height and
depth using the latest ANSI standards.

VI. Descriptive Geometry
   A. Define the four ways a line can be represented.
   B. Define the four ways a plane can be represented.
   C. Determine the dimensional and spatial properties of lines and
planes; angles and intersections.
   D. Draw the piercing point of a line and a plane.
   E. Draw the true size and shape of a plane.
   F. Draw the edge view of a plane.
   G. Determine lines of intersection between various geometric shapes.

VII. Introduction to Computer Operating System
   A. Explain the purpose of a microcomputer operating system.
   B. Use a file management program to manage disk files.

Method of Evaluation and Competencies:

Lab projects and/or class projects 50-70%
Exams                              10-30%
Final exam                            20%
Total                                100%

Grade Criteria:



Student Responsibilities:


JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).

ENGR 251

  • Title: Statics*
  • Number: ENGR 251
  • Effective Term: 2023-24
  • Credit Hours: 3
  • Contact Hours: 3
  • Lecture Hours: 3


Prerequisites: MATH 242.
Prerequisites or corequisites: PHYS 220.


This course introduces the student to the conditions of rest and motion of bodies under the action of forces. The principles used include vectors, force systems, equilibrium, free body diagrams, centroids, moments of inertia, trusses, frames, and shear and moment diagrams.


Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.


  1. Analyze statics of particles.
  2. Determine moments, couples, and equivalent systems of force for a rigid body.
  3. Analyze equilibrium in two and three dimensions for a rigid body.
  4. Determine centroids.
  5. Analyze structures.
  6. Analyze internal forces in beams and produce shear and moment diagrams.
  7. Define friction and relate it to static problems.
  8. Calculate moments of inertia.

Content Outline and Competencies:

I. Statics of Particles

A. Add and resolve forces.

B. Calculate rectangular components.

C. Describe the equilibrium of a particle.

D. Calculate forces in space.

E. Describe equilibrium in space.

F. Draw a free body diagram.

II. Rigid Bodies, Equivalent Systems of Force

A. Determine the moment of a force about a point using a vector product.

B. Determine the moment of a force about an axis using a scaler product.

C. Analyze couples.

D. Determine equivalent systems of forces.

III. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies

A. Analyze equilibrium in two dimensions.

B. Analyze indeterminate reactions and partial constraints.

C. Analyze equilibrium in three dimensions.

IV. Centroids and Centers of Gravity

A. Calculate centroids of areas and lines.

B. Calculate centroids by integration.

C. Calculate centroids of beams and submerged surfaces.

D. Calculate centroids of volumes.

V. Analysis of Structures

A. Analyze trusses by method of joints.

B. Analyze joints under special loading conditions.

C. Analyze space trusses.

D. Analyze trusses by method of sections.

E. Analyze combined trusses.

F. Analyze frames.

G. Analyze machines.

VI. Internal Forces

A. Analyze internal forces in beams.

B. Produce shear and moment diagrams by free body diagram.

C. Produce shear and moment diagrams by integration.

VII. Friction

A. Define the laws of friction.

B. Apply the laws of friction to static problems.

VIII. Moments of Inertia

A. Calculate moments of inertia of areas.

B. Calculate moments of inertia for composite areas.

Method of Evaluation and Competencies:

65-80%    Exams and Homework 
20-35%    Final Exam 

Total: 100%

Grade Criteria:

90 – 100% = A
80 – 89% = B
70 – 79% = C
60 – 69% = D
0 – 59% = F



Student Responsibilities:


JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).

ENGR 254

  • Title: Dynamics*
  • Number: ENGR 254
  • Effective Term: 2023-24
  • Credit Hours: 3
  • Contact Hours: 3
  • Lecture Hours: 3


Prerequisites: ENGR 251.


This course covers the application of the principles of dynamics, the branch of engineering mechanics that studies objects in motion. Topics include unbalanced force systems (Newton's second law), displacement, velocity and acceleration, work and energy, and impulse and momentum.


Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.


  1. Describe the rectilinear and curvilinear kinematic motion of particles.
  2. Use Newton’s second law of motion and the methods of energy and momentum to explain the kinetic motion of particles.
  3. Use Newton’s laws to explain the motion of a system of particles.
  4. Analyze the kinematic motion of rigid bodies.
  5. Determine forces and accelerations and use energy and momentum methods to analyze plane motion of rigid bodies.
  6. Apply energy and momentum methods to describe the motion of rigid bodies and systems of rigid bodies.

Content Outline and Competencies:

I. Kinematics of Particles

A. Rectilinear motion of particles

1. Determine position, velocity and acceleration.

2. Determine motion of a particle.

3. Use equations to explain uniform rectilinear motion.

4. Use equations to explain uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion.

5. Analyze motion of several particles.

B. Curvilinear motion of particles

1. Determine position vector, velocity and acceleration.

2. Calculate the derivative of vector functions.

3. Calculate rectangular components of velocity and acceleration.

4. Analyze motion relative to a frame in translation.

5. Calculate tangential and normal components.

6. Calculate radial and transverse components.

II. Kinetics of Particles

A. Newton's second law

1. Explain Newton's second law of motion.

2. Use equations to explain the linear momentum of a particle.

3. Specify systems of units.

4. List equations of motion.

5. Use equations to explain dynamic equilibrium.

6. Determine the angular momentum of a particle.

7. Determine radial and transverse components.

8. Use equations to explain the conservation of angular momentum.

9. Explain Newton's law of gravitation.

B. Energy and momentum methods

1. Determine the work of a force.

2. Explain the principle of work and energy.

3. Apply the principle of work and energy to particles.

4. Define and determine power and efficiency.

5. Define and determine potential energy.

6. Explain the principle of conservation of energy.

7. Analyze motion under a conservative central force.

8. Explain the principle of impulse and momentum.

9. Use equations to explain impulsive motion.

10. Analyze impact.

11. Analyze direct central impact.

12. Analyze oblique central impact.

III. Systems of Particles

A. Discrete systems of particles

1. Explain Newton's laws and describe effective forces.

2. Determine linear and angular momentum.

3. Determine the motion of a mass center.

4. Determine the angular momentum of a system of particles about its mass center.

5. Explain conservation of momentum for a system of particles.

6. Determine the kinetic energy of a system of particles.

7. Explain the work-energy principle and the conservation of energy for a system of particles.

8. Explain the principle of impulse and momentum for a system of particles.

B. Stream systems of particles

1. Analyze variable systems of particles.

2. Analyze a steady stream of particles.

IV. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

A. Pure motion in a plane

1. Describe translation.

2. Describe rotation about a fixed axis.

3. List equations defining the rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis.

B. General plane motion

1. Determine absolute and relative velocity in plane motion.

2. Determine the instantaneous center of rotation in plane motion.

3. Determine the absolute and relative acceleration in plane motion.

V. Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies

A. Forces and accelerations

1. List equations of motion for a rigid body.

2. Determine the angular momentum of a rigid body in plane motion.

3. Determine the plane motion of a rigid body using D'Alembert's principle

4. Analyze the motion of a rigid body.

5. Analyze the motion of systems of rigid bodies.

6. Evaluate constrained plane motion.

B. Energy and momentum methods

1. Explain the principle of work and energy for a rigid body.

2. Determine the work of forces acting on a rigid body.

3. Determine the kinetic energy of a rigid body in plane motion.

4. Determine the work and kinetic energy of systems of rigid bodies.

5. Explain the principle of conservation of energy.

6. Calculate power.

7. Explain the principle of impulse and momentum for the plane motion of a rigid body

8. Determine the impulse and momentum for systems of rigid bodies.

9. Explain the principle of conservation of angular momentum.

10. Analyze impulsive motion.

11. Analyze eccentric impact.

Method of Evaluation and Competencies:

 60-90%    Exams
10-40%     Assignments and Homework

Total: 100%

Grade Criteria:

90 – 100% = A
80 – 89% = B
70 – 79% = C
60 – 69% = D
0 – 59% = F


Student Responsibilities:


JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).