This is an archived copy of the Spring 2014 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Administrative Assistant with Medical Emphasis, A.A.S.

This degree program prepares students to pursue an administrative career in the medical profession. The program combines training in the business office and computer skills with specialized course work unique to the medical profession. Both beginning students and employed medical personnel will find this program invaluable for careers in a medical office environment.

(Major Code 2790; State CIP Code 51.0710)

Associate of Applied Science Degree

Prerequisite for Required Courses

Note: Prior to beginning the program, the student must take the following prerequisite, or have taken the equivalent transfer course, or have passed the waiver test, or have have obtained a waiver from the program administrator.

BOT 105Business Document Production I3

First Semester

BOT 103Business English3
BOT 106Intro to Business Computer Applications*3
HC 130Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professions3
BOT 130Business Office Procedures 3
ENGL 121Composition I*3
Health and/or Physical Education Elective ^1
Total Hours16

Health and/or Physical Education Elective

Second Semester

BOT 155Word Processing Application I*2
BOT 141Electronic Health Records Applications*3
BOT 150Records Management*3
BOT 115Electronic Calculators1
MATH 120Business Mathematics*3
BUS 225Human Relations3
BOT 180Business Spreadsheet Applications*1
or BOT 185 Business Database Applications*
Total Hours16

Third Semester

BOT 122Medical Keyboarding*1
BOT 142Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare3
BOT 125Document Formatting*1
ACCT 111Small Business Accounting3
or ACCT 121 Accounting I
BOT 255Word Processing Applications II*2
BUS 150Business Communications*3
Humanities Electives ^3
Total Hours16

Humanities Electives

Fourth Semester

BOT Electives (see below)2
ECON 132Survey of Economics3
or ECON 230 Economics I
BOT 170Introduction to Medical Coding and Billing*3
BOT 205Business Professional Development1
BOT 265Business Office Simulation*3
BOT 275Office Internship*1
BUS 140Principles of Supervision3
or BUS 141 Principles of Management
Total Hours16

BOT Electives

BOT 110Skillbuilding*1
BOT 118Skillbuilding II*1
BOT 180Business Spreadsheet Applications*1
BOT 185Business Database Applications*1
BOT 280Office Internship II*1

 Total Program Hours: 64


BOT 101   Computerized Keyboarding (1 Hour)

Prerequisites or corequisites: RDG 126 or College Reading Readiness

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to operate a computer keyboard by touch to enter data with speed and accuracy. 1 hr./wk.

BOT 103   Business English (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: RDG 126 or College Reading Readiness

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate the basic rules of English, develop correct sentence structure and use accurate English grammar and mechanics when writing documents. Students also will be able to proofread written work using standard proofreading symbols. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 105   Keyboarding and Formatting I (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: RDG 126 or College Reading Readiness

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to develop speed and accuracy by learning to use the alphabetic, numeric and symbol keys by touch; identify and operate the basic machine parts and special purpose keys; and format and type personal correspondence and business documents - letters, reports, tables and memos. Microsoft Word will be used in this class to complete and format documents. 3 hrs./wk.

BOT 106   Intro to Business Computer Applications (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: BOT 105

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to use the beginning features of an operating system and word processing, spreadsheet, database management, presentation graphics, and e-mail programs to prepare and manage documents simulating legal, medical and general business office applications. Proficiency will also be attained in selecting appropriate applications to use and to integrate all of the business computer application programs to complete projects. Document formatting and proofreading will also be introduced. Hands-on, practical projects will be performed to reinforce the concepts taught. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 110   Skillbuilding I (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: BOT 105

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to use a diagnostic approach to develop typing speed and accuracy. Specific problems will be identified, and the student should be able to complete specialized drills and activities tailored to the student's own typing needs to improve or eliminate deficiencies. 1 hr./wk. Students attempting to take the short-term classes BOT 110 Skillbuilding I and BOT 118 Skillbuilding II in the same semester, should contact Kathy at 913-469-8500 ext 3145, and provide their student ID number and the CRN for the specific BOT 118 section.

BOT 115   Electronic Calculators (1 Hour)

Prerequisites or corequisites: RDG 126 or College Reading Readiness

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to review basic arithmetic, operate the electronic calculator by touch to build speed and accuracy, use basic calculator functions and operating controls, and solve business application problems. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 118   Skillbuilding II (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: BOT 110

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should further develop speed and accuracy. The student should be able to improve keyboard skills through diagnostic evaluation and by completing individualized drills and activities. 1 hr. lecture/wk. Students attempting to take the short-term classes BOT 110 Skillbuilding I and BOT 118 Skillbuilding II in the same semester, should contact Kathy at 913-469-8500 ext 3145, and provide their student ID number and the CRN for the specific BOT 118 section.

BOT 122   Medical Keyboarding (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: BOT 105

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to develop keyboarding speed and accuracy in medical formats. The student should also be able to improve keyboard skills by completing drills and activities pertaining to the transcription of medical reports. 1 hr. lecture/wk.

BOT 125   Document Formatting (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: BOT 155

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to type business letters with special features, memorandums, reports, tables and a variety of administrative documents. The student should also be able to use Microsoft Word to complete these activities. 1 hr./wk.

BOT 130   Office Systems Concepts (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: RDG 126 or College Reading Readiness

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to understand and apply technological factors of contemporary office systems. Implementation of office automation concepts will be examined as they relate to people, technology and organizations. These concepts will be applied to organizational and strategic planning to enhance productivity in the office. 3 hrs./wk.

BOT 141   Electronic Health Records (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: BOT 105 or proficiency exam or BOT 105 waiver exam

This course prepares students to effectively use electronic health record and practice management software used in medical practices. Emphasis will be placed on handling patient records and transactions including insurance and claim processing. Students will manage related administrative tasks; such as, scheduling appointments, posting payments, and creating statements and reports. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 142   Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: RDG 126 or College Reading Readiness

Designed on the basic constructs of the US legal system this course is an introduction to the process of legal/ethical interactions with healthcare professionals including but are not limited to law enforcement, malpractice, negligence and privacy acts (HIPAA). 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 150   Records Management (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: BOT 106 or experience using Microsoft Access

Methods for developing and controlling an office records management program will be discussed. Selection of equipment for active and inactive records will be covered, along with procedures for document, card and special records; microrecords; mechanized and automated records; and records storage, retention and transfer. Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to file documents using alphabetic, subject, consecutive numeric, terminal digit numeric and geographic filing systems using requisition charge out and transfer procedures. The student should be able to create a computer database for records management; enter, modify and delete records; print reports; and determine disposition of records filed alphabetically, numerically, by subject and geographically. The course will cover the identification of evaluation methods and standards for both staff and programs in a records management department. 3 hrs./wk. Note: An honors contract is available. Contact the Honors Program Office, COM 201, for more information.

BOT 155   Word Processing Application I (2 Hours)

Prerequisites: BOT 105 and BOT 106

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate skill in creating, saving, opening, closing, printing and editing documents. The student should be able to use beginning and intermediate features of Microsoft Word. The student should be able to demonstrate file maintenance procedures. 2 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 160   Legal Transcription (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: BOT 155

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate skill in spelling, defining, pronouncing and using legal terms in proper context. The student should also be able to use legal reference resources and transcribe legal documents from dictation using proper formatting rules. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 170   Medical Coding and Billing (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: AAC 130 or HC 130

This course is designed to give the student an overview of the medical insurance billing process. This includes becoming acquainted with ICD-9, HCPCS and CPT procedural coding systems as well as Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medicaid, Medicare and Champus/Champva programs. Students will be given hands-on coding advice for optimal insurance reimbursement. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 180   Business Spreadsheet Applications (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: BOT 106

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate competencies in using advanced formatting techniques, advanced features and advanced functions of Microsoft Excel. The following topics will be covered: working with templates, workbooks and lists; using Excel's analysis tools; managing and auditing worksheets; collaborating with workgroups; creating and editing macros; and importing and exporting data. 1 hr. lecture/wk.

BOT 185   Business Database Applications (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: BOT 106

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate database development skills by effectively identifying the types of projects that should be developed using Microsoft Access rather than a spreadsheet; build tables that can be related to each other in order to eliminate data entry duplication; customize forms and reports; create basic and advance queries; and define relational integrity between tables. The student should also be able to create basic and advanced queries with single and multiple tables using Boolean logic. The student should be able to identify and implement methods of troubleshooting and explain ways of getting additional help. 1 hr. lecture/wk.

BOT 205   Professional Image Development (1 Hour)

Prerequisites or corequisites: RDG 126 or College Reading Readiness

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to develop work habits and self-management skills that will affect performance on the job by reducing stress, conflict and miscommunication. 1 hr. lecture/wk.

BOT 255   Word Processing Applications II (2 Hours)

Prerequisites: BOT 155

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate word processing skills using such features as macros, styles, tables of contents and indexes, graphics, master and subdocuments, and other advanced features of Microsoft Word. 2 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 260   Desktop Publishing for the Office (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: BOT 155

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to use desktop publishing skills using Microsoft Publisher to produce publications such as fliers, newsletters, brochures, operating manuals, price lists and catalogs. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 265   Computerized Office Applications (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: BOT 106 and BOT 130 and BOT 255 (This capstone course should be taken near the end of the degree or certificate program)

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to use the basic features of word processing, database, spreadsheet and presentation applications. The student will also use advanced features to complete simulated office applications and to perform multitasking projects. This course is taught in the spring semester only. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

BOT 275   Office Internship I (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: Admission to the business office technology program. This course should be taken near the end of the BOT degree or certificate program

The student should be able to gain work experience in an approved training station under instructional supervision in Administrative Assistant, Medical, Legal, or Certificate Programs. The course will provide practical experience in the use of skills acquired in Business Office Technology specialty courses. The internship will require a minimum of 185 hours of job training.

BOT 280   Office Internship II (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: BOT 275

The student should be able to gain work experience in an approved training station under instructional supervision in Administrative Assistant, Medical, Legal, or Certificate Programs. The course will provide practical experience using skills acquired in Business Office Technology courses. The internship will require a minimum of 185 hours per semester job training.