Academic Achievement Center (AAC)
This is an archived copy of the 2018-19 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit
AAC 100 Study Skills (1 Hour)
This self-instructional course is designed to improve students' ability to study efficiently. Based on the results of a study skills survey administered during the student's initial visit to the center, an individualized program is established. Using instructional material provided by the AAC, students will master a variety of concepts, including time management, goal setting, textbook reading, note taking from textbook and from lecture, stress management, test taking and using college resources. An Academic Achievement Center instructor is available to work with the student to establish specific instructional goals, administer tests, and provide individualized instruction as it is needed to complete the student's program. 20 hrs./semester.
AAC 101 Study Skills Mini-Course (1 Hour)
This class is a regularly scheduled class designed to improve students' ability to study efficiently. The focus is an array of skills the college student needs, i.e., test-taking skills and note-taking skills, using a textbook, critical reading and memory recall, and effective listening and classroom strategies. Also covered are services the college offers to facilitate the learning experience for the college student, i.e., the Writing Center, the Math Resource Center, the Academic Achievement Center, the Student Success Center and the Billington Library. The format includes reading, discussion and application activities.
AAC 102 Basic Spelling (3 Hours)
This self-instructional course is for students who wish to improve their spelling ability but who have not been successful in the traditional spelling program. This course provides a highly structured approach to spelling improvement through mastery of morphographs (units of meaning) and guidelines for combining morphographs. A limited number of spelling rules are taught in the course. This course is ideal for students for whom English is a second language. An Academic Achievement Center instructor is available to work with students to establish specific goals, administer tests, and provide individualized instruction as needed to complete the students' program. 16 hrs./semester.
AAC 106 Vocabulary Development (1 Hour)
This self-instructional course is designed for college students who wish to expand both their receptive and expressive vocabulary levels. College students are expected to be able to recognize and use vocabularies specific to specialized and changing contents, i.e., data processing, sociology and business. A vocabulary placement test will be administered to determine a starting level. Instructional material provided by the AAC includes Latin and Greek derivatives, specialized vocabulary, stated and implied meanings as well as the process of acquisition (context clues, etymology and derivatives). An Academic Achievement Center instructor is available to work with the student to establish specific instructional goals, administer tests and provide individualized instruction as needed to complete the student's program. 20 hrs./semester.
AAC 112 Basic Math Review (1 Hour)
This self-instructional course is designed for students who need to learn or review basic mathematical concepts. Based on the results of a pretest administered during the student's initial visit to the Center, an individualized program is established. While one student may begin the program with multiplication facts, another may begin with solving proportions or equations. Instructional material is provided by the AAC. An Academic Achievement Center instructor is available to work with the student to establish specific instructional goals, administer tests and to provide individualized instruction as needed to complete the student's program. 20 hrs./semester.
AAC 113 Algebra Preparation (1 Hour)
This self-instructional course is designed for students who possess basic math skills and want to learn basic concepts in algebra. Based on the results of a pretest administered during the student's initial visit to the center, an individualized program is established. Using instructional material provided by the AAC, students will master a variety of concepts, including the terminology of mathematics and algebra, simplifying open expressions, solving algebraic equations and other concepts. An Academic Achievement Center instructor will be available to work with the student to establish specific instructional goals, administer tests and provide individualized instruction as needed to complete the student's program. 20 hrs./semester.
AAC 120 Individualized Study (1 Hour)
This self-instructional course is designed for students who want to improve in any of the following AAC areas: study skills, reading comprehension, reading rate, vocabulary improvement, advanced spelling, basic math, algebra preparation or chemistry preparation. Once the area of study has been determined, a pretest will be administered by the instructor and a program of study will be developed using materials provided by the AAC. An Academic Achievement Center instructor is available to work with students to establish specific goals, administer tests, and to provide individualized instruction needed to complete the student's program. 20 hrs./semester.
AAC 100
- Title: Study Skills
- Number: AAC 100
- Effective Term: 2018-19
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
This self-instructional course is designed to improve students' ability to study efficiently. Based on the results of a study skills survey administered during the student's initial visit to the center, an individualized program is established. Using instructional material provided by the AAC, students will master a variety of concepts, including time management, goal setting, textbook reading, note taking from textbook and from lecture, stress management, test taking and using college resources. An Academic Achievement Center instructor is available to work with the student to establish specific instructional goals, administer tests, and provide individualized instruction as it is needed to complete the student's program. 20 hrs./semester.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Individual student goals will be based on the student's pretest; however, those goals will be selected from the course objectives listed below.
List and apply classroom strategies for college success.
Establish and follow an effective study schedule.
Set realistic goals and manage time to reach those goals.
Apply a reading-studying technique that includes pre-reading, reading with notetaking or textbook marking, and reviewing.
Adjust the reading-studying technique based on instructor's purpose, student's background and textbook.
Take effective notes from lecture, applying listening techniques.
Apply mnemonic techniques.
Apply test preparation and test taking techniques that are tailored to the examination.
Utilize college resources, including the library and support facilities, i. e., the Writing Center, the Academic Achievement Center and the Math Resource Center.
Adjust to the demands and stresses of college life.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Determine Baseline Competency by Taking Pre-Test
II. List and Apply Strategies for College Success
A. Demonstrate appropriate classroom behavior.
B. Attend class on a regular basis.
C. Maintain attentive demeanor.
D. Participate in class discussions.
III. Establish and Follow an Effective Study Schedule
A. Create a weekly study schedule.
B. Create a study schedule for semester as a whole.
C. Describe an effective physical setting for study environment.
IV. Set Realistic Goals and Manage Time to Reach Those Goals
A. Evaluate class expectations within time limitations.
B. List personal goals.
V. Apply a Study-Reading Technique
A. Explain the SQ3R or similar study method.
B. Explain pre-reading strategies (previewing).
C. Demonstrate textbook marking strategies.
D. Apply the Cornell System for note-taking.
E. Explain the need for reviewing text notes.
F. Apply reviewing strategies.
VI. Adjust Reading-Studying Techniques Based on Instructor's Purpose,
Student's Background and Textbook
A. Identify several purposes instructors may use for assignments.
B. Identify specific class purposes set by current instructor(s).
C. Analyze own background (strengths, weaknesses, interest level, in
conjunction with given course).
D. Identify organizational patterns used in textbooks.
VII. Take Effective Notes From Lectures and Apply Listening Techniques
A. Demonstrate the Cornell System of note-taking.
B. Explain strategies for effective listening.
VIII. Apply Mnemonic Devices
A. Explain mnemonic techniques.
B. Give examples of mnemonic techniques.
C. Apply mnemonic techniques in personal study situations.
IX. Apply Test Preparation and Test-Taking Techniques
A. Explain several test-taking strategies.
B. Compare different test types.
C. List strategies for taking essay tests.
D. List strategies for taking objective tests.
E. Predict test questions for given course.
X. Utilize College Resources Including Library and College Support
A. Identify college support services (Writing Center, AAC, Math
Resource Center, Student Access, Tutors).
B. Obtain a college library card.
C. Make use of library services.
XI. Adjust to Demands and Stresses of College Life
A. Identify several stressors for college students.
B. Explain stress management techniques.
C. Evaluate stress management techniques in personal lifestyle.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Chapter tests, graded assignments and notebook completion. During the first five hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center, each student will be asked to select one of the following grading systems. Regardless of the grading system chosen, each student must complete a required number of chapter tests and graded assignments, attaining a score of 70% or greater on each chapter test or graded assignment. (Students must continue completing graded assignments during their Academic Achievement Center required time.) Chapter tests constitute 80% of the course grade, and the notebook makes up 20% of the course grade. Consult with an instructor before selecting the pass/fail or the standard grading system.
In order to receive a grade of "P" (pass), the student must complete the minimum required chapter tests at 70%, must complete at least 20 hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center prior to taking the post-test, must submit a course notebook for evaluation, and must show improvement based on the pretest and the post-test scores. Failure to complete any of the above will result in the "F" grade.
Standard Letter Grade System:
20-30+ hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center, minimum required chapter tests at 70%, course notebook, improvement based on the pretest and post-test scores.
Grade Criteria:
90-100% and 30+ hours = A80- 89% and 25+ hours = B
70- 79% and 20+ hours = C
60- 69% and 20+ hours = D
Below 60% or <20 hours = F
- It is the student's responsibility to read the course syllabus, A.A.C. information sheet, program sheet and any other material provided to the student by the A.A.C. staff in which procedures, policies, grading guidelines, etc., are explained.
- No more than four (4) hours per day will count towards the required hours.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
AAC 101
- Title: Study Skills Mini-Course
- Number: AAC 101
- Effective Term: 2018-19
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
This class is a regularly scheduled class designed to improve students' ability to study efficiently. The focus is an array of skills the college student needs, i.e., test-taking skills and note-taking skills, using a textbook, critical reading and memory recall, and effective listening and classroom strategies. Also covered are services the college offers to facilitate the learning experience for the college student, i.e., the Writing Center, the Math Resource Center, the Academic Achievement Center, the Student Success Center and the Billington Library. The format includes reading, discussion and application activities.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
List and apply classroom strategies for college success.
Establish and follow an effective study schedule.
Set realistic goals and manage time to reach those goals.
Apply a reading-studying technique that includes pre-reading, reading with note-taking or textbook marking, and reviewing.
Adjust the reading-studying technique based on instructor's purpose, student's background and text characteristics.
Take effective notes from lecture, applying listening techniques.
Apply mnemonic techniques.
Apply test preparation and test-taking techniques that are tailored to the examination.
Utilize college resources including the library and support facilities, such as the Writing Center, the Academic Achievement Center, the Math Center.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. List and Apply Strategies for College Success
A. Demonstrate appropriate classroom behavior.
B. Attend class on a regular basis.
C. Maintain attentive demeanor.
D. Participate in class discussions.
II. Establish and Follow an Effective Study Schedule
A. Create a weekly study schedule.
B. Create a study schedule for semester as a whole.
C. Describe an effective physical setting for study environment.
III. Set Realistic Goals and Manage Time to Reach Those Goals
A. Evaluate class expectations within time limitations.
B. List personal goals.
IV. Apply a Study-Reading Technique
A. Explain the SQ3R or similar study method.
B. Explain pre-reading strategies (previewing).
C. Demonstrate textbook marking strategies.
D. Apply the Cornell System for note-taking.
E. Explain the need for reviewing text notes.
F. Apply reviewing strategies.
V. Adjust the Reading-Studying Techniques Based on Instructor’s Purpose,
Student’s Background and Textbook
A. Identify several purposes instructors may use for assignments.
B. Identify specific class purposes set by current instructor(s).
C. Analyze own background (strengths, weaknesses, interest level) in
conjunction with given course.
D. Identify organizational patterns used in textbooks.
VI. Take Effective Notes From Lectures and Apply Listening Techniques
A. Demonstrate the Cornell System of note-taking.
B. Explain strategies for effective listening.
VII. Apply Mnemonic Devices
A. Explain mnemonic techniques.
B. Give examples of mnemonic techniques.
C. Apply mnemonic techniques in personal study situations.
VIII. Apply Test Preparation and Test-Taking Strategies
A. Explain several test-taking strategies.
B. Compare different test types.
C. List strategies for taking essay tests.
D. List strategies for taking objective tests.
E. Predict test questions for given course.
IX. Utilize College Resources Including the Library and College Support
A. Identify college support services (Writing Center, AAC, Math
Resource Center, Student Access, tutors).
B. Obtain a college library card.
C. Make use of library services.
X. Adjust to the Demands and Stresses of College Life
A. Identify several stressors for college students.
B. Explain stress management techniques.
C. Evaluate stress management techniques in personal lifestyle.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Homework and in-class work 30 - 40% of grade
Quizzes and projects 25 - 35% of grade
Class notebook 10 - 20% of grade
Final examination 15 - 25% of grade
Total 100%
NOTEBOOK: At the end of the course, the students’ notebooks will be
collected. A three-ring notebook is required. Using the course outline,
the student should organize his notebook sequentially as the class is
organized, keeping all handouts, assignments, quizzes, etc., organized
Grade Criteria:
90 – 100% = A80 – 89% = B
70 – 79% = C
60 – 69% = D
0 – 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
AAC 102
- Title: Basic Spelling
- Number: AAC 102
- Effective Term: 2018-19
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
This self-instructional course is for students who wish to improve their spelling ability but who have not been successful in the traditional spelling program. This course provides a highly structured approach to spelling improvement through mastery of morphographs (units of meaning) and guidelines for combining morphographs. A limited number of spelling rules are taught in the course. This course is ideal for students for whom English is a second language. An Academic Achievement Center instructor is available to work with students to establish specific goals, administer tests, and provide individualized instruction as needed to complete the students' program. 16 hrs./semester.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Use morphographs as a spelling aid
Distinguish vowels from consonants
Combine morphographs
Apply spelling generalizations
Spell plural forms
Spell contractions
Identify spelling variations
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Determine Baseline Competency by Taking a Pre-Test
II. Use Morphographs as a Spelling Aid
A. Identify morphographs as a unit of meaning.
B. Apply knowledge of morphographs as a key to spelling.
C. Identify word/non-word morphographs.
D. Compare and contrast morphographs and syllables.
III. Distinguish Vowels From Consonants
IV. Combine Morphographs to Form Multi-Morphographic Words
V. Apply Spelling Generalizations
A. State and apply the final-e rule.
B. State and apply the doubling rule.
C. State and apply the rule concerning "y" and "w" as vowels.
D. State and apply the y-to-i rule.
E. State and apply the "en" variation rule.
F. State and apply the "al" variation rule.
G. State and apply the "or" ending rule.
VI. Use Spelling Guidelines to Correctly Spell Plurals (example: thieves,
VII. Use Spelling Guidelines to Correctly Spell Contractions
VIII. Identify Spelling Variations
IX. Determine Completion Competency by Taking Post-Test
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Tests (chapter, midterm, final) 70% of course grade
Workbook 30% of course grade
Grade Criteria:
90 – 100% = A80 – 89% = B
70 – 79% = C
60 – 69% = D
0 – 59% = F
It is the student's responsibility to read the course syllabus, A.A.C. information sheet, program sheet and any other material provided to the student by the A.A.C. staff in which procedures, policies, grading guidelines, etc. are explained.
Corrected workbook pages will be collected and will not be returned to the student.
Instructional material is presented through video taped lessons produced by JCCC. These tapes are available for use in the Academic Achievement Center.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
AAC 106
- Title: Vocabulary Development
- Number: AAC 106
- Effective Term: 2018-19
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
This self-instructional course is designed for college students who wish to expand both their receptive and expressive vocabulary levels. College students are expected to be able to recognize and use vocabularies specific to specialized and changing contents, i.e., data processing, sociology and business. A vocabulary placement test will be administered to determine a starting level. Instructional material provided by the AAC includes Latin and Greek derivatives, specialized vocabulary, stated and implied meanings as well as the process of acquisition (context clues, etymology and derivatives). An Academic Achievement Center instructor is available to work with the student to establish specific instructional goals, administer tests and provide individualized instruction as needed to complete the student's program. 20 hrs./semester.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Individual student goals will be based on the student's pretest;
however, those goals will be selected from the course objectives listed
Demonstrate an advanced level of vocabulary.
Utilize context clues to derive meaning.
Recognize the meanings of Latin and Greek derivatives and use those derivatives to determine meaning.
Demonstrate proficiency using all parts of a standard collegiate dictionary.
Demonstrate the ability to differentiate between stated and implied meanings of words.
Recognize and correctly use idioms and foreign phrases.
Integrate newly acquired vocabulary words into student's own writings.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Determine Baseline Vocabulary Level by Taking a Pretest
II. Apply Context Clues to Derive Meaning
A. Identify clues stated with punctuation.
B. Identify clues without punctuation.
C. Identify clues implied or stated through contrast.
D. Identify clues that are implied only.
E. Apply context clues in study materials as well as materials of self-selection.
III. Demonstrate Knowledge of Latin and Greek Derivatives
A. Define Latin and Greek derivatives.
B. Apply knowledge of Latin and Greek derivatives to determine meaning of new words.
IV. Demonstrate Proficiency in the Use of a Standard Collegiate Dictionary
A. Locate and explain definition sequences.
B. Locate and explain etymologies.
C. Locate and explain notations for parts of speech.
D. Locate and explain homographs.
E. Locate and explain synonyms.
F. Locate and define foreign expressions.
G. Locate and define idioms.
H. Locate and explain abbreviations.
I. Locate information in appendices.
V. Differentiate Between Stated and Implied Meanings
A. Explain connotation and give examples.
B. Explain denotation and give examples.
VI. Recognize and Correctly Use Idioms
VII. Recognize and Correctly Use Foreign Expressions
VIII. Integrate Newly Acquired Vocabulary Into Student's Own Writing Vocabulary
A. Compose original sentences using new vocabulary correctly.
B. Complete notebooks of all assignments, handouts, and work.
IX. Determine Completion Vocabulary Level By Taking Post-Test
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Chapter tests, graded assignments, comparison of baseline and completion vocabulary scores, and completion of course notebook. During the first five hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center, each student will be asked to select one of the following grading systems.
Regardless of the grading system chosen, each student must complete a required number of chapter tests, attaining a score of 70% or greater on each chapter. (Students are expected to complete graded tests and assignments throughout the mandatory time requirements of the specified grading system.) Chapter tests constitute 80% of the course grade, and the notebook makes up 20% of the course grade. Students should consult with an instructor before selecting the pass/fail or the standard grading system.
In order to receive a grade of "P" (pass), the student must complete the minimum required chapter tests at 70%, must complete at least 20 hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center prior to taking post-test, must submit a course notebook for evaluation, and must show improvement based on the pretest and the post-test scores. Failure to complete any of the above will result in the "F" grade.
Standard Letter Grade System:
20-30+ hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center, required number of chapter tests at 70%, course notebook, improvement based on the pretest and post-test scores.
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% and 30+ hours = A80 - 89% and 25+ hours = B
70 - 79% and 20+ hours = C
60 - 69% and 20+ hours = D
Below 60% or < 20 hours = F
It is the student's responsibility to read the course syllabus, A.A.C. information sheet, program sheet and any other material provided to the student by the A.A.C. staff in which procedures, policies, grading guidelines, etc., are explained.
No more than four (4) hours per day will count toward the required hours.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
AAC 112
- Title: Basic Math Review
- Number: AAC 112
- Effective Term: 2018-19
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
This self-instructional course is designed for students who need to learn or review basic mathematical concepts. Based on the results of a pretest administered during the student's initial visit to the Center, an individualized program is established. While one student may begin the program with multiplication facts, another may begin with solving proportions or equations. Instructional material is provided by the AAC. An Academic Achievement Center instructor is available to work with the student to establish specific instructional goals, administer tests and to provide individualized instruction as needed to complete the student's program. 20 hrs./semester.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Individual student goals will be based on the student's pretest;
however, those goals will be selected from the course objectives listed
The student will demonstrate the ability to perform the computation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers at 70% accuracy without use of the calculator.
The student will demonstrate the ability to perform the computation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions and mixed numbers at 70% accuracy without use of the calculator.
The student will demonstrate the ability to perform the computation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimal fractions at 70% accuracy without use of the calculator.
The student will demonstrate the ability to perform the computation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of percentages at 70% accuracy without use of the calculator.
The student will demonstrate the ability to solve problems using ratios and proportions at 70% accuracy without use of the calculator.
The student will demonstrate the ability to use signed numbers, scientific notation and metric conversions to solve problems at 70% accuracy.
The student will demonstrate the ability to use basic geometric formulas at 70% accuracy.
The student will demonstrate the ability to use descriptive statistics at 70% accuracy.
The student will demonstrate the ability to select and apply the appropriate procedures to solve mathematical problems.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Determine Baseline Competency Level by Taking Pretest
II. Demonstrate the Ability to Perform Computations Involving Whole Numbers
A. Add whole numbers.
B. Subtract whole numbers.
C. Multiply whole numbers.
D. Divide whole numbers.
E. Compute word problems involving whole numbers.
III. Demonstrate the Ability to Perform Computations Involving Fractions and Mixed Numbers
A. Identify factors for Least Common Multiples and Lowest Common Denominators.
B. Simplify fractions.
C. Change improper fractions to whole or mixed numbers.
D. Solve problems involving addition of fractions and mixed numbers.
E. Solve problems involving subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers.
F. Solve problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers.
G. Solve problems involving division of fractions and mixed numbers.
H. Solve word problems by correctly using the computations necessary.
IV. Demonstrate the Ability to Perform Computations Involving Decimals
A. Change decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals.
B. Evaluate decimals according to place value.
C. Round decimals to the nearest tenth, hundredth and thousandth.
D. Solve problems involving addition of decimals.
E. Solve problems involving subtraction of decimals.
F. Solve problems involving multiplication of decimals.
G. Solve problems involving division of decimals.
H. Approximate answers by rounding and solving.
I. Compute word problems involving decimals.
V. Demonstrate the Ability to Perform Computations Involving Percentages
A. Explain the meaning of percent.
B. Change percents to decimal fractions.
C. Change decimal fractions to percents.
D. Change fractions to percents.
E. Solve word problems involving percentages.
VI. Demonstrate the Ability to Solve Problems Using Ratio and Proportion
A. Explain the meaning of ratio.
B. Explain the meaning of proportion.
C. Solve problems involving equations and proportions.
D. Compute word problems involving ratio and proportion.
VII. Demonstrate the Ability to Use Signed Numbers, Scientific Notation and Metric Conversions
A. Add, subtract, multiply and divide using signed numbers.
B. Explain powers of ten.
C. Explain and apply the rules of order when computing.
D. Solve problems using multiplication and division of numbers written in scientific notation.
VIII. Demonstrate the Ability to Use Basic Geometric Formulas
A. Find area of geometric shapes.
B. Find perimeters of geometric shapes.
C. Compare American and metric units of measure.
D. Define and compute square roots.
E. Find the volume and capacity of given units.
F. Compute problems of weight, mass and time.
G. Compute problems of temperature.
IX. Use Descriptive Statistics
A. Define average, median and mode.
B. Compute averages, medians and modes.
C. Use graphic representations (tables, charts, pictographs, bar graphs, and/or circle graphs) to solve problems.
X. Demonstrate the Ability to Select and Apply the Appropriate Procedures
to Solve Mathematical Problems
XI. Determine Completion Competency by Completing Post-Test
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Graded chapter tests and notebook completion. During the first five hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center, each student will be asked to select one of the following grading systems. Regardless of the grading system chosen, each student is required to complete a specific number of tests determined by the instructional material. Chapter tests constitute 80% of the course grade, and the notebook makes up 20% of the course grade. Students should consult with an instructor before selecting the pass/fail or the standard grading system.
In order to receive a grade of "P" (pass), the student must complete the minimum required chapter tests at 70%, must complete at least 20 hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center prior to taking to post-test, must submit a course notebook for evaluation, and must show
improvement based on the pretest and the post-test scores. Failure to complete any of the above will result in the "F" grade.
Standard Letter Grade System:
20-30+ hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center, required number of chapter tests at 70%, course notebook, improvement based on the pretest and post-test scores.
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% and 30+ hours = A80 - 89% and 25+ hours = B
70 - 79% and 20+ hours = C
60 - 69% and 20+ hours = D
Below 60% or <20 hours = F
It is the student's responsibility to read the course syllabus, A.A.C. information sheet, program sheet and any other material provided to the student by the A.A.C. staff in which procedures, policies, grading guidelines, etc., are explained.
No more than four (4) hours per day will count toward the required hours.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
AAC 113
- Title: Algebra Preparation
- Number: AAC 113
- Effective Term: 2018-19
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
This self-instructional course is designed for students who possess basic math skills and want to learn basic concepts in algebra. Based on the results of a pretest administered during the student's initial visit to the center, an individualized program is established. Using instructional material provided by the AAC, students will master a variety of concepts, including the terminology of mathematics and algebra, simplifying open expressions, solving algebraic equations and other concepts. An Academic Achievement Center instructor will be available to work with the student to establish specific instructional goals, administer tests and provide individualized instruction as needed to complete the student's program. 20 hrs./semester.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Individual student goals will be based on the student’s pretest;
however, those goals will be selected from the course objectives listed
The student will demonstrate mastery of the language of algebra.
The student will demonstrate the ability to simplify open algebraic expressions.
The student will demonstrate the ability to differentiate counting numbers, integers and rational numbers.
The student will demonstrate the ability to write algebraic expressions.
The student will demonstrate the ability to solve algebraic equations.
The student will demonstrate the ability to solve linear equations.
The student will demonstrate the ability to find common solutions by graphing, adding and substitution.
The student will demonstrate the ability to use the quadratic formula to solve problems.
The student will demonstrate the ability to factor polynomials.
The student will demonstrate the ability to solve equations using polynomial fractions.
The student will demonstrate the ability to simplify radical expressions.
The student will demonstrate the ability to write numbers in scientific notation and to use logarithms.
The student will demonstrate the ability to solve word problems by correctly identifying the computations necessary.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Determine Baseline Competency by Taking Pre-Test.
II. Demonstrate Mastery of the Language of Algebra
A. Define set and give examples.
B. Apply mathematical/algebraic signs { }, <, >, <, >, ( ), [ ].
C. Define variable and give examples.
III. Simplify Open Equations
A. Solve simple equations.
B. Find truth sets.
IV. Demonstrate Mastery of Counting Numbers, Integers, and Rational Numbers
A. Compare and contrast counting numbers, integers, and rational numbers.
B. Solve problems using arithmetic of integers.
C. Solve problems using arithmetic of rational numbers.
D. Solve problems using algebra of rational numbers.
V. Write Algebraic Equations
A. Simplify algebraic equations.
B. Develop equations for word problems.
VI. Solve Algebraic Equations
A. Solve equations using the set of integers.
B. Solve pairs of equations.
C. Solve equations and inequalities.
D. Solve systems of equations.
VII. Solve Linear Equations
VIII. Find Common Solutions by Graphing, Addition, and Substitution
A. Graph equations with 2 variables.
B. Substitute variables to find solutions.
IX. Demonstrate Mastery of the Quadratic Formula and Ability to Solve Quadratic Equations
A. Solve quadratic equations by factoring.
B. Solve quadratic equations by completing the square.
C. Solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula.
X. Factor Polynomials
XI. Solve Equations Using Polynomial Fractions
XII. Simplify Radical Expressions
A. Identify perfect squares.
B Simplify radical expressions.
C. Locate position of irrational number on the real number line.
D. Simplify nth-root expressions.
E. Multiply binomials involving radical expressions.
F. Simplify radical fractions.
XIII. Apply Scientific Notation and Use Logarithms
A. Define exponent.
B. Multiply like bases with rational number exponents.
C. Divide like bases with rational number exponents.
D. Write numbers in scientific notation.
E. Locate logarithms on the table.
F. Multiply and divide using logarithms.
XIV. Solve Word Problems by Determining the Correct Algebraic Process
A. Solve problems involving coins of mixed value.
B. Solve problems involving mixtures.
C. Solve problems of time, distance, and rate.
XV. Determine Completion Competency by Taking the Post-Test
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Chapter tests and a completed course notebook. During the first five hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center, each student will be asked to select one of the following grading systems. Regardless of the grading system chosen, each student is required to complete a minimum of 4 chapter tests, attaining a score of 70% or greater on each chapter. Chapter tests constitute 80% of the course grade, and the notebook makes up 20% of the course grade. Students should consult with an instructor before selecting the pass/fail or the standard grading system.
In order to receive a grade of “P” (pass), the student must complete the minimum required chapter tests at 70%, must complete at least 20 hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center prior to taking to post-test, must submit a course notebook for evaluation, and must show improvement based on the pretest and the post-test scores. Failure to complete any of the above will result in the “F” grade.
Standard Letter Grade System:
20-30+ hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center, minimum of 4 chapter tests at 70%, course notebook, improvement based on the pretest and post-test scores.
Grade Criteria:
90 – 100% = A80 – 89% = B
70 – 79% = C
60 – 69% = D
0 – 59% = F
It is the student's responsibility to read the course syllabus, A.A.C. information sheet, program sheet and any other material provided to the student by the A.A.C. staff in which procedures, policies, grading guidelines, etc., are explained.
No more than four (4) hours per day will count toward the required hours.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
AAC 120
- Title: Individualized Study
- Number: AAC 120
- Effective Term: 2018-19
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
This self-instructional course is designed for students who want to improve in any of the following AAC areas: study skills, reading comprehension, reading rate, vocabulary improvement, advanced spelling, basic math, algebra preparation or chemistry preparation. Once the area of study has been determined, a pretest will be administered by the instructor and a program of study will be developed using materials provided by the AAC. An Academic Achievement Center instructor is available to work with students to establish specific goals, administer tests, and to provide individualized instruction needed to complete the student's program. 20 hrs./semester.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Individual student objectives will be determined by the student’s pretest in each subject area selected. However, those goals are limited to the objectives listed on the course syllabus for each area selected.
Improve study skills
Improve spelling
Improve reading comprehension
Increase reading rate
Improve vocabulary
Improve basic math skills
Improve Algebra skills
Improve Chemistry skills
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Study Skills (See content outline and competencies for AAC 100)
II. Advanced Spelling (See content outline and competencies for AAC 103)
III. Reading Comprehension (See content outline and competencies for AAC 104)
IV. Reading Rate (See content outline and competencies for AAC 105)
V. Vocabulary Improvement (See content outline and competencies for AAC 106)
VI. Basic Math Review (See content outline and competencies for AAC 112)
VII. Algebra Preparation (See content outline and competencies for AAC 113)
VIII. Chemistry Preparation (See content outline and competencies for AAC 114)
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Chapter tests, graded assignments and notebook completion. During the first five hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center, each student will be asked to select one of the following grading systems. Regardless of the grading system chosen, each student is required to complete a number of minimum chapter tests depending on the subject area selected (usually between four and nine tests), attaining a score of 70% or greater on each chapter. Chapter tests constitute 80% of the course grade, and the notebook makes up 20% of the course grade. Students should consult with an instructor before selecting the pass/fail or the standard grading system. Pass/Fail: In order to receive a grade of “P” (pass), the student must complete the minimum required chapter tests at 70%, must complete at least 20 hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center prior to taking topost-test, must submit a course notebook for evaluation, and must show improvement based on the pretest and the post-test scores. Failure to complete any of the above will result in the “F” grade. Standard Letter Grade System: 20-30+ hours of study in the Academic Achievement Center, required number of 4 chapter tests at 70%, course notebook, improvement based on the pretest and post-test scores.
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% and 30+ hours = A80 - 89% and 25+ hours = B
70 - 79% and 20+ hours = C
60 - 69% and 20+ hours = D
Below 60% or < 20 hours = F
It is the student’s responsibility to read the course syllabus, AAC information sheet, program sheet and any other material provided to the student by the AAC staff in which procedures, policies, grading guidelines, etc., are explained.
No more than four (4) hours per day will count toward the required hours.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).