Art History (ARTH)

This is an archived copy of the 2018-19 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


ARTH 180   Art History: Ancient to Renaissance (3 Hours)  

This course will acquaint students with the arts and ideas of world civilizations from the prehistoric period to the beginning of the Italian Renaissance. The course will examine the aesthetic elements that mark the styles of major periods in two-dimensional, three-dimensional and architectural works. Particular attention will be paid to the relationship between artistic elements and their various cultural and historical contexts. 3 hrs./wk.

ARTH 180H   HON: Art History: Ancient to Renaissance* (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: Honors department approval.

One-credit hour honors contract is available to qualified students who have an interest in a more thorough investigation of a topic related to this subject. An honors contract may incorporate research, a paper, or project and includes individual meetings with a faculty mentor. Student must be currently enrolled in the regular section of the courses or have completed it the previous semester. Contact the Honors Program Office, COM 201, for more information.

ARTH 182   Art History: Renaissance to Modern (3 Hours)  

This course will acquaint students with the arts and ideas of Western cultures from the beginning of the Italian Renaissance to the present. The course will examine the aesthetic elements that mark the styles of major periods in two-dimensional, three-dimensional and architectural works. Particular attention will be paid to the relationship between artistic elements and their various cultural and historical contexts. 3 hrs./wk.

ARTH 182H   HON: Art History: Renaissance to Modern* (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: Honors department approval.

One-credit hour honors contract is available to qualified students who have an interest in a more thorough investigation of a topic related to this subject. An honors contract may incorporate research, a paper, or project and includes individual meetings with a faculty mentor. Student must be currently enrolled in the regular section of the courses or have completed it the previous semester. Contact the Honors Program Office, COM 201, for more information.

ARTH 184   Art History: Twentieth Century (3 Hours)

This course introduces the student to the arts and ideas of Western Europe and the United States from the late 19th century to the present. The course will examine the aesthetic elements that mark the styles of major movements in two-dimensional, three-dimensional and architectural works. Particular attention will be paid to the relationship between artistic elements and their various cultural and historical contexts. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

ARTH 184H   HON: Art History: Twentieth Century* (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: Honors department approval.

One-credit hour honors contract is available to qualified students who have an interest in a more thorough investigation of a topic related to this subject. An honors contract may incorporate research, a paper, or project and includes individual meetings with a faculty mentor. Student must be currently enrolled in the regular section of the courses or have completed it the previous semester. Contact the Honors Program Office, COM 201, for more information.

ARTH 186   Art History: Introduction to Asian Art (3 Hours)

This course will acquaint students with the arts and ideas that arose in India, China and Japan from the prehistoric to the early modern periods. The course will examine the aesthetic elements that mark the styles of major periods in two-dimensional, three-dimensional and architectural works. Particular attention will be paid to the relationship between artistic elements and their various cultural and historical contexts. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

ARTH 186H   HON: Art History: Introduction to Asian Art* (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: Honors department approval.

One-credit hour honors contract is available to qualified students who have an interest in a more thorough investigation of a topic related to this subject. An honors contract may incorporate research, a paper, or project and includes individual meetings with a faculty mentor. Student must be currently enrolled in the regular section of the courses or have completed it the previous semester. Contact the Honors Program Office, COM 201, for more information.

ARTH 188   History of Photography (3 Hours)

This course provides an introduction to the history of photography. Students will examine the aesthetic and technological evolution of photography as an art form, as a visual tool for and influence upon other artistic disciplines, and as a statement of perceived reality. The course will examine the elements that distinguish various aesthetic movements, the styles of major periods and the influences of individual photographers. Attention will be paid to the relationship between photographic imagery and various cultural and historical contexts. Recommended prior course is PHOT 121. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

ARTH 292   Special Topics: (3 Hours)

This course periodically offers specialized or advanced discipline-specific content related to the study of Art History not normally taught in the curriculum to interested and qualified students within the program.