Biotechnology (BIOT)

This is an archived copy of the 2018-19 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


BIOT 160   Introduction to Biotechnology* (2 Hours)

Prerequisites: CHEM 122 or (CHEM 124 and CHEM 125).

Prerequisites or corequisites: BIOL 135 (All prerequisites require a grade of "C" or higher.)

This course is an introduction to biotechnology, including career exploration, history and applications of DNA/RNA technology, molecular biology, and bioethics. Topics include cloning, DNA, antibodies, gene therapy, plant biotechnology, the human genome project, DNA fingerprinting, genetic testing, diverse products made through biotechnology, and the ethical implications of this technology. The course is intended for those interested in pursuing a career in an industrial, academic, or biomedical research laboratory. 2 hrs. lecture/wk.

BIOT 165   Laboratory Safety* (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: CHEM 122 or (CHEM 124 and CHEM 125).

Prerequisites or corequisites: BIOL 135 (All prerequisites require a grade of "C" or higher.)

This course will emphasize laboratory safety and procedures. Additionally, regulations that govern the biotechnology laboratory will be discussed. Biological, chemical and radiation safety will all be handled through lectures, videotapes, demonstrations and field trips. There will also be exposure to good manufacturing practices (GMP), quality assurance and control procedures (QA/QC), and OSHA and FDA regulations. 1 hr. lecture/wk.

BIOT 230   Microbiology for Biotechnology* (5 Hours)

Prerequisites: BIOL 135 and BIOT 160 and BIOT 165 (All prerequisites require a grade of "C" or higher.)

This is an introductory course in microbiology for biotechnology students. It provides a background in many areas of microbiology with an emphasis on molecular aspects and applications for biotechnology. Industrial and food microbiology will also be examined. The structure, physiology, antimicrobial agents, immunology and host-parasite relationship of microorganisms will also be studied, with an emphasis on bacteria. Students will learn aseptic techniques and apply them in the isolation, growth and maintenance of pure cultures of bacteria. Students will also perform various molecular and genetic techniques as well as chemical tests to identify these bacteria. The growth phases of bacteria and response of bacteria to changes in environmental conditions will be examined. 3 hrs lecture, 4 hrs lab /wk.

BIOT 260   Biotechnology Methods* (5 Hours)

Prerequisites: BIOT 160 and BIOT 165.

Prerequisites or corequisites: BIOT 230 (All prerequisites require a grade of "C" or higher.)

This course is an introduction to the theory and laboratory techniques in molecular biology, protein biochemistry and immunology with an emphasis on gene expression and regulation, recombinant DNA, RNA transcription, and protein translation. Laboratory emphasis will be on molecular biological techniques utilized in modern research and industrial laboratories. Techniques include growth and maintenance of E. coli, gene cloning, DNA and protein electrophoresis protein purification and enzymatic and immunology assays. Lecture and laboratory exercises on the principles and practices of initiation, cultivation, maintenance, preservation of cell culture lines and applications will also be covered. 3 hrs lecture, 6 hrs. lab/wk.

BIOT 265   Biotechnology Internship* (4 Hours)

Prerequisites: BIOT 260 and BIOT 160 and BIOT 165 and department approval (All prerequisites require a grade of "C" or higher.)

The internship will provide advanced students the opportunity to develop job and career-related skills while in a work setting. Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to apply classroom knowledge to an actual work situation. The work will be developed cooperatively with academic, industrial and private institutional biotechnology laboratories. 20 hrs./wk.