English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

This is an archived copy of the 2018-19 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.jccc.edu/.


EAP 101   Writing and Grammar I* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course provides non-native English-speaking students an integrated communicative experience at the beginning college level. Students will learn effective writing techniques and grammatical structures for using American English at the sentence and basic paragraph level. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. This is the first writing and grammar course in the sequence of courses leading to ENGL 121. 3 hrs lecture/wk.

EAP 103   Writing and Grammar II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: EAP 101 or appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course provides non-native English-speaking students an integrated communicative experience. Students will focus on using American English in writing at the paragraph level along with grammatical structures to help ensure student success. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. This is the second writing and grammar course in the sequence of courses leading to ENGL 121. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

EAP 105   Speaking and Listening I* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course provides non-native English speaking students the opportunity to develop their speaking, listening and pronunciation skills. Students will learn effective techniques for using American English in academic, career and personal settings. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. This is the first speaking course in a sequence of courses leading to ENGL 121. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

EAP 107   Speaking and Listening II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: EAP 105 or appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course provides non-native English-speaking students the opportunity to expand fluency in speaking, listening and pronunciation. Students will learn effective techniques for listening with accuracy and speaking with the stress, rhythm and intonation of American English. Personal communications and group interactions in academic, career and community settings are included. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. This is the second speaking course in a sequence of courses leading to ENGL 121. 3 hrs lecture/wk.

EAP 111   Writing and Grammar III* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: EAP 103 or appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course provides non-native English-speaking students an integrated communicative experience at the high-intermediate level. Students will focus on developing fluency in writing using American English at the paragraph and multiparagraph level along with grammatical structures to support writing. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. This course is the third writing and grammar course in the sequence of courses leading to ENGL 121. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

EAP 113   Writing and Grammar IV* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: EAP 111 or appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course provides non-native English-speaking students the opportunity to improve fluency in American English in writing at the high intermediate to advanced level. Students will engage in writing tasks that relate to the academic disciplines. The course also focuses on grammar activities including editing strategies for effective writing. This is the fourth writing and grammar course in the sequence of courses leading to ENGL 121. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

EAP 115   Speaking and Listening III* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: EAP 107 or appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course provides non-native English-speaking students the opportunity to enhance fluency in speaking, pronunciation and listening at the upper intermediate level. Students will apply standard American English communication patterns to understand lectures, speak in academic settings and communicate in group interactions. Students will learn effective techniques for presenting formal and informal speeches in specific fields of study and academic debates. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. This is the third speaking course in a sequence of courses leading to ENGL 121. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

EAP 117   Speaking and Listening IV* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: EAP 115 or appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course offers non-native English-speaking students the opportunity to master speaking, pronunciation and listening at an advanced level. Students will apply advanced communication patterns to understand lectures, speak fluently in academic settings and communicate broadly in group interactions. Students will learn effective techniques for applying advanced strategies to process knowledge from specific fields of study and communicate precise meanings of standard American English. This course will allow students the opportunity to give presentations with idiomatic vocabulary from literature, media and research sources. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

EAP 120   Reading and Vocabulary I* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course provides non-native English-speaking students an integrated communication experience at the high beginning college level. Students will learn effective techniques for reading, studying and using American English in an academic setting. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. This is the first reading course in the sequence of courses leading to ENGL 121. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

EAP 121   Reading and Vocabulary II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: EAP 120 or appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course provides non-native English-speaking students the opportunity to develop reading fluency, comprehension and vocabulary at the intermediate college level. Reading, writing, speaking and listening will be integrated, and students will learn effective techniques for studying and using American English in an academic setting. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. This is the second reading course in the sequence of courses leading to ENGL 121. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

EAP 122   Reading and Vocabulary III* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: EAP 121 or appropriate ESL assessment test score.

This English for Academic Purposes course provides non-native English-speaking students an integrated communicative experience at the high-intermediate college level. Students will develop reading fluency, comprehension and vocabulary. Reading, writing, speaking and listening will be integrated, and students will learn effective techniques for using American English to read and study in an academic setting. This course does not fulfill degree requirements. This is the third reading course in the sequence of courses leading to ENGL 121. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.