Practical Nursing (PN)

This is an archived copy of the 2018-19 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


PN 125   KSPN Foundations of Nursing* (4 Hours)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program.

Corequisites: PN 126.

This course utilizes the nursing standards of practice based on principles of biology, psychosocial, spiritual and cultural to meet the needs of clients throughout the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on basic nursing skills, client safety and therapeutic communication. Concepts and skills are enhanced in subsequent courses. 60 hrs lecture/semester.

PN 126   KSPN Foundations of Nursing Clinical* (2 Hours)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program.

Corequisites: PN 125.

The art and science of nursing are explored in this clinical course. Emphasis is placed on the nursing process, cultural and spiritual awareness, communication, data collection, performance of basic nursing skills and documentation. Principles of safe medication administration are introduced. 90 clinical hrs./semester.

PN 130   KSPN Medical Surgical Nursing I* (4 Hours)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program.

Corequisites: PN 131.

Prerequisites or corequisites: PN 125 with a grade of "C" or higher and PN 126 with a passing grade.

This course focuses on the effect of disorders of selected systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, hematologic & lymphatic, endocrine, integumentary, sensory and musculoskeletal) throughout the lifespan and applies the nursing process in meeting basic needs. Health promotion and maintenance, rehabilitation and continuity of care are emphasized. The role of the practical nurse is incorporated throughout. 60 hrs lecture/semester.

PN 131   KSPN Medical Surgical Nursing I Clinical* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program.

Prerequisites or corequisites: PN 125 with a grade of "C" Corequisite: PN 130.

Simulated and actual care situations of selected systems throughout the life span, utilizing acute and long-term care settings. An emphasis is placed on critical thinking and clinical decision-making skills. 135 clinical hrs./semester.

PN 135   KSPN Pharmacology* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program.

Prerequisites or corequisites: PN 125 with a grade of "C" or higher and PN 126 with a passing grade.

This course introduces the principles of pharmacology, drug classifications, and the effects of selected medications on the human body. The nursing process is used as the framework for ensuring safe and effective nursing care for clients across the lifespan. 45 hrs. lecture/semester.

PN 140   KSPN Maternal Child Nursing* (2 Hours)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program. PN 130 with a grade of "C" or higher and PN 131 with a passing grade and PN 135 with a grade of "C" or higher.

Corequisites: PN 141.

This course focuses on pre- and post-natal maternal nursing care, as well as, the care of children from infancy to adolescence. Emphasis is given to normal reproduction and frequently occurring biological, cultural, spiritual and psychosocial needs of the child-bearing and child-rearing family. 30 hrs. lecture/semester.

PN 141   KSPN Maternal Child Clinical* (1 Hour)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program. PN 130 with a grade of "C" or higher and PN 131 with a passing grade and PN 135 with a grade of "C" or higher.

Corequisites: PN 140.

This clinical course applies concepts from Maternal Child I. Emphasis is placed on the nursing process and meeting the basic needs of the maternal child client. 45 clinical hrs./semester.

PN 145   KSPN Mental Health Nursing* (2 Hours)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program. PN 130 with a grade of "C" or higher and PN 131 with a passing grade and PN 135 with a grade of "C" or higher.

This course explores basic concepts and trends in mental health nursing. Therapeutic modalities and client behavior management are discussed. Emphasis is placed on using the nursing process and meeting the basic human needs of the mental health client. 30 hrs. lecture/semester.

PN 150   KSPN Medical Surgical Nursing II* (4 Hours)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program. PN 130 with a grade of "C" or higher and PN 135 with a grade of "C" or higher.

This course focuses on the effect of disorders of selected systems throughout the life span using the nursing process in meeting basic needs. Prevention, rehabilitation and continuity of care are emphasized. The role of the practical nurse is incorporated throughout. 60 lecture hrs./semester.

PN 151   KSPN Medical Surgical Nursing II Clinical* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program and PN 130 with a grade of "C" or higher and PN 131 with a passing grade and PN 135 with a grade of "C" or higher.

Prerequisites or corequisites: PN 150 with a grade of "C" or higher.

This experience uses simulated and actual care situations of selected systems throughout the lifespan, utilizing acute and long-term care settings. An emphasis is placed on critical thinking and clinical decision-making skill development. Principles of leadership for the practical nurse will be implemented, as well as multi-task management skills for transition as a practical nurse. 135 hrs. clinical/semester.

PN 155   KSPN Gerontology Nursing* (2 Hours)

Prerequisites: Admission to Practical Nursing Program.

This course is designed to explore issues related to the aging adult using the nursing process as the organizing framework. Also discussed are the impact of ageism, alterations in physiological and psychosocial functioning, and the role of the practical nurse in caring for older adult clients. 30 hrs. lecture/semester.