This course is approved by the Kansas Board of Regents for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas Regents public postsecondary institutions. Additional courses may also be eligible for transfer. Please visit a JCCC counselor or the JCCC Registrar's office, and the Transfer Kansas portal to learn more.
NURS 101 Foundational Concepts of Nursing I* (9 Hours)
Prerequisites : Admission to the Nursing Program.
Corequisites: NURS 102.
Prerequisites or corequisites: BIOL 227 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Students will engage in a variety of learning activities to build nursing knowledge and skills necessary to care for patients and families who present with diverse characteristics across the healthcare continuum spanning from wellness to illness. The course establishes a foundation of concepts that students will use and expand upon in subsequent courses. These concepts will build the necessary skills to meet program outcomes including clinical judgment, critical thinking, collaboration, professionalism and ethical practices, leadership, accountability, teaching and learning, caring and sensitivity for diverse populations, and safety and health care quality practices. Students will apply theoretical concepts and exemplars across the lifespan providing a plan of care based upon principles of clinical judgment. The theoretical concepts and applicable exemplars will encompass health promotion, health maintenance, and common physiological and behavioral health alterations which are relevant to our community and population needs. Course instruction will occur using a blended approach that focuses on active engagement of the student in all learning environments, which includes the classroom, the Health Resource Center, the Healthcare Simulation Center, and a variety of healthcare agencies, including acute care facilities and community sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
NURS 102 Health Assessment and Skills for Nursing Practice* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : Admission to the Nursing Program.
Corequisites: NURS 101.
Prerequisites or corequisites: BIOL 227 with a grade of "C" or higher.
This hybrid course uses a variety of methods to provide students with a basic understanding and working knowledge of health assessment and associated psychomotor skills in a diverse population of patients across the lifespan. The course is divided into modules that correlate with the bodily systems, including preparation for co-requisite and subsequent content including a diverse array of patients across the lifespan. Hybrid learning environments will include both classroom and simulated lab settings. Students are evaluated utilizing a variety of methods which may include audiovisual recordings.
NURS 105 Foundational Concepts of Nursing II* (9 Hours)
Prerequisites : Admission to the Nursing Program and NURS 101 with a grade of "C" or higher and NURS 102 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Prerequisites or corequisites: PSYC 218 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Building upon concepts introduced in semester one, students will engage in a variety of learning activities to build knowledge and skills necessary to care for a variety of patients and families who present with diverse characteristics across the healthcare continuum spanning from wellness to illness. Course concepts and skills will be leveled to meet course outcomes which are based upon the program principles of clinical judgment, critical thinking, collaboration, professionalism and ethical practices, leadership, accountability, teaching and learning, caring and sensitivity for diverse populations, and safety and health care quality practices. Students will apply theoretical concepts and exemplars across the lifespan providing a plan of care based upon principles of clinical judgment. The theoretical concepts and applicable exemplars will encompass health promotion, health maintenance, and common physiological and behavioral health alterations which are relevant to our community and population needs. Course instruction will occur using a blended approach that focuses on active engagement of the student in all learning environments, which includes the classroom, the Health Resource Center, the Healthcare Simulation Center, and a variety of healthcare agencies, including acute care facilities and community sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
NURS 155 Transitional Concepts for the LPN to RN Role* (6 Hours)
Prerequisites : Admission to the Nursing Program.
Corequisites: NURS 102.
This course is an introduction to the second year of the associate degree nurse (ADN) program for graduates of licensed practical nurse (LPN) programs. Students will engage in a variety of learning activities to build knowledge and skills necessary to care for a variety of patients and families who present with diverse characteristics from wellness to illness across the lifespan. Course concepts and skills will be leveled to meet course outcomes which are based upon the program principles of clinical judgment, critical thinking, collaboration, professionalism and ethical practices, leadership, accountability, teaching and learning, caring and sensitivity for diverse populations, and safety and health care quality practices. Through the concurrent enrollment in the Health Assessment course, students will engage in an in-depth examination of physical assessment and psychomotor/communication skills which will prepare them for transition to the associate degree nursing program. Course instruction will occur using a blended approach that focuses on active engagement of the student in all learning environments, which includes the classroom, the Health Resource Center, the Zamierowski Family Center for Healthcare Simulation and a variety of healthcare agencies, including acute care facilities and community sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
NURS 201 Complex Concepts of Nursing I* (9 Hours)
Prerequisites : Admission to the Nursing Program and NURS 105 with a grade of "C" or higher and PSYC 218 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Increasing in complexity, students will engage in a variety of learning activities to build nursing knowledge and skills necessary to care for a variety of patients and families who present with diverse characteristics across the healthcare continuum spanning from wellness to illness. Course concepts and skills will be leveled to meet course outcomes which are based upon the program principles of clinical judgment, critical thinking, collaboration, professionalism and ethical practices, leadership, accountability, teaching and learning, caring and sensitivity for diverse populations, and safety and health care quality practices. This course will focus on more complex physiological and behavioral health alterations. In the clinical settings, students will be expected to prioritize care for those increasingly more complex patients applying theoretical concepts and exemplars across the lifespan providing a plan of care based upon principles of clinical judgment. Course instruction will occur using a blended approach that focuses on active engagement of the student in all learning environments, which includes the classroom, the Health Resource Center, the Healthcare Simulation Center, and a variety of healthcare agencies, including acute care facilities and community sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
NURS 205 Complex Concepts of Nursing II* (9 Hours)
Prerequisites : Admission to the Nursing Program and NURS 201 with a grade of "C" or higher .
This final course in the nursing program will enable students to manage care for a team of patients experiencing complex multisystem physiological and behavioral health alterations across the lifespan. Students will apply critical thinking, clinical judgment, and organizational skills with increasing independence. This course integrates the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous four nursing courses that facilitate student transition to professional nursing practice. Students will become increasingly confident and proficient in achieving the following program outcomes: collaboration, professionalism and ethical practices, leadership, accountability, teaching and learning, caring and sensitivity for diverse populations, and safety and health care quality practices. Course instruction will occur using a blended approach that focuses on active engagement of the student in all learning environments, which includes the classroom, the Health Resource Center, the Healthcare Simulation Center, and a variety of healthcare agencies, including acute care facilities and community sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
NURS 291 Independent Study* (1-7 Hour)
Prerequisites : 2.0 GPA minimum and department approval.
Independent study is a directed, structured learning experience offered as an extension of the regular curriculum. It is intended to allow individual students to broaden their comprehension of the principles of and competencies associated with the discipline or program. Its purpose is to supplement existing courses with individualized, in-depth learning experiences. Such learning experiences may be undertaken independent of the traditional classroom setting, but will be appropriately directed and supervised by regular instructional staff. Total contact hours vary based on the learning experience.
NURS 292 Special Topics:* (1-7 Hour)
Prerequisites : Admission to the Nursing Program or Department approval .
This course periodically offers specialized or advanced discipline-specific content related to diverse areas of Nursing, not offered in the normal curriculum, to interested and qualified students within the program. This is a repeatable course and may be taken more than once for credit.
NURS 101
- Title: Foundational Concepts of Nursing I*
- Number: NURS 101
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 9
- Contact Hours: 185
- Lecture Hours: 85
- Other Hours: 100
Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program.
Corequisites: NURS 102.
Prerequisites or corequisites: BIOL 227 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Students will engage in a variety of learning activities to build nursing knowledge and skills necessary to care for patients and families who present with diverse characteristics across the healthcare continuum spanning from wellness to illness. The course establishes a foundation of concepts that students will use and expand upon in subsequent courses. These concepts will build the necessary skills to meet program outcomes including clinical judgment, critical thinking, collaboration, professionalism and ethical practices, leadership, accountability, teaching and learning, caring and sensitivity for diverse populations, and safety and health care quality practices. Students will apply theoretical concepts and exemplars across the lifespan providing a plan of care based upon principles of clinical judgment. The theoretical concepts and applicable exemplars will encompass health promotion, health maintenance, and common physiological and behavioral health alterations which are relevant to our community and population needs. Course instruction will occur using a blended approach that focuses on active engagement of the student in all learning environments, which includes the classroom, the Health Resource Center, the Healthcare Simulation Center, and a variety of healthcare agencies, including acute care facilities and community sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Recognize caring behaviors that create a safe, therapeutic environment for the client and family within a diverse population.
Recognize legal, ethical, and professional behaviors expected of the registered nurse.
Identify advocacy and collaboration as an expected role of a healthcare team member.
With guidance, implement nursing plans of care utilizing clinical reasoning, evidence-based practices, safety, quality, and conceptual thinking in caring for clients and families across the lifespan.
Perform psychomotor skills incorporating evidence-based practice with guidance.
Recognize the role of the nurse in managing care and providing leadership to meet client needs across the lifespan.
Identify available resources/technology to meet client needs.
Discuss the effects of client health alterations on the individual and the role of the nurse in the teaching and learning process, including principles of health promotion, health maintenance, and risk mitigation.
Recall effective, therapeutic communication skills when caring for the client and family across the lifespan.
Identify effective communication methods when interacting with healthcare team members in spoken, written (documentation) and electronic formats (informatics).
Display integrity in performing all responsibilities of the Associate Degree nursing student.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Nursing Care Components
A. Discuss caring and sensitivity for diverse populations.
1. Recognize how nursing care of a client/family may be adapted across the lifespan.
2. Demonstrate self-awareness while providing care for a client/family.
3. Recognize how nursing care of a client/family with diverse needs may be adapted.
4. Illustrate examples of culturally competent care for a client/family.
B. Identify principles of safety and healthcare quality.
1. Maintain a safe and therapeutic environment.
2. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes consistent with the Quality, Safety, Education in Nursing (QSEN) competencies.
II. Legal, Ethical and Professional Behaviors
A. Recognize legal behaviors expected of the registered nurse (RN).
1. Identify the rights of clients/families in the healthcare system.
2. Identify legal issues which affect client/family care.
3. Discuss the impact of Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) on nursing practice.
B. Recognize professional and ethical practices expected of the RN.
1. Explain the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics and the Kansas Nurse Practice Act (KNPA).
2. Discuss basic principles of ethical decision-making.
3. Identify values and ethics in the nursing profession.
4. Explore behaviors which demonstrate nursing professionalism.
5. Acknowledge the need for lifelong professional learning.
III. Advocacy and Collaboration
A. Explain the need for client/family advocacy.
1. Provide examples of the RN performing in the advocate role.
2. Discuss identified management options with the client/family.
3. Identify situations where the client/family cannot represent self.
B. Identify collaboration as an expected role of the RN.
1. Identify the members and roles of the inter-disciplinary healthcare team.
2. Discuss strategies which promote teamwork.
3. Discuss the collaborative role of the RN within the healthcare team.
IV. Nursing Care Plans
A. Understand basic data pertinent to provide safe and quality care for the client and family.
1. Facilitate appropriate and safe use of equipment needed for the care of the client/family.
2. Identify factors which affect the client’s physical, cognitive, cultural, emotional, spiritual, and maturational needs.
B. Discuss principles of evidence-based practice (EBP).
1. Discuss the importance of EBP in healthcare.
2. Describe the goals and purpose of EBP.
C. Utilize critical thinking based on the clinical judgment measurement model (CJMM) as it applies to the care of the client/family.
D. Incorporate conceptual thinking while caring for a client/family.
1. Cognition, mood, and affect
2. Comfort
3. Gas exchange
4. Homeostasis
5. Metabolism
6. Mobility
7. Reproduction
8. Tissue integrity
9. Infection
10. Perfusion
V. Psychomotor Skills
A. Perform psychomotor skills in various clinical environments utilizing learned skills, while considering EBP.
B. Utilize available resources/technology to complete psychomotor skills to care for a client across the lifespan.
VI. Managing Client Need
A. Recognize the role of the nurse in managing a client’s needs.
B. Discuss the leadership role of the RN as a member of the healthcare team.
VII. Resources and Technology
A. Healthcare resources
B. Healthcare technology
VIII. Health Promotion
A. Incorporate conceptual thinking with health promotion.
1. Use assessment as a foundation for the health promotion plan.
2. Consider health promotion measures for the population impacted.
3. Recognize the RN’s role in promoting client and family health.
B. Identify risk factors and strategies to reduce risk.
1. Preventive healthcare
2. Environmental factors
3. Vulnerable populations
4. Unhealthy lifestyle choices
5. Inadequate or inaccessible healthcare
C. Define strategies that reduce risk.
1. Primary prevention
2. Secondary prevention
3. Tertiary prevention
D. Identify teaching and learning strategies to care for a client/family.
1. Impact of self-awareness on teaching and learning
2. Impact of client’s needs on teaching and learning
IX. Therapeutic Communication
A. Recall techniques for establishing trust in the therapeutic RN-client relationship.
1. Therapeutic communication across the lifespan
2. Phases of the RN-client relationship
3. Impact of self-awareness on therapeutic communication
B. Implement communication strategies which promote the achievement of client/family goals.
1. Use of techniques (i.e., silence, active listening, clarification)
2. Adapt communication to meet the needs of the client/family across the lifespan.
3. Communication competence
a. Impact of sensory, language, or literacy deficits
b. Utilization of interpreter services
X. Interprofessional Communication and Documentation
A. Incorporate strategies to promote successful communication when collaborating with inter-professional teams.
1. Civility principles
2. Professional communication
a. Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR)
b. RN to RN handoff communication (shift change)
B. Demonstrate effective use of information systems in professional communication.
1. Electronic health record (EHR)
2. Client confidentiality (HIPAA)
XI. Student Responsibility
A. Be courteous and respectful and represent the program well in all interactions.
B. Be punctual, well-prepared and meet established deadlines for all learning activities.
C. Take responsibility for learning and performance.
D. Maintain confidentiality of patient information according to HIPAA.
E. Follow behaviors and guidelines as outlined in the Nursing Program Student Handbook.
F. Demonstrate confidence and competence in performing the basic responsibilities of an Associate Degree Nursing Student.
G. Maintain required health forms and personal data.
H. Notify faculty of absence/tardy for all learning activities.
I. Practice regularly in the Health Resource Center (HRC) to develop skills.
J. Accept all learning opportunities in all learning environments.
K. Demonstrate integrity and accountability in all learning environments.
L. Reflect in a professional manner when completing self-evaluation.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
- 60-80% Exams & Quizzes (unit & final exams)
- 15-30% Assignments
- 5-10% Standardized testing
Total: 100%
Pass/Fail: Clinical evaluation of application of theoretical concepts in all clinical learning environments (Healthcare Resource Center [HRC], Healthcare Simulation Center [HSC], Hospital and Community Settings)
Clinical performance is evaluated on a met/unmet basis. A passing grade for the clinical component of the courses is required to promote to the next course in the sequence of the program. Periodic assessment of progress throughout the semester provides the student with a basis for identifying and meeting course SLOs. The measurement tools enhance student motivation by defining areas of achievement and areas needing improvement to satisfactorily meet course SLOs. Clinical nursing progress is measured by attainment of specific behaviors as defined by the Student Performance Tool (SPT) Handbook for each course in the hospital clinical, simulation clinical and laboratory clinical settings.
Formative evaluation is an ongoing process in which students have the opportunity to practice new skills and behaviors. Feedback from the clinical instructor and other sources allow for correction and/or refinements of these behaviors. Formative evaluation of clinical performance is documented on the Student Performance Tool (SPT). Clinical is evaluated based upon the student learning outcomes (SLOs) on the SPT. All clinical outcomes are assigned as a numeric value of 1 for “met” (i.e., meeting the student learning outcome) and a numeric value of 0 for “unmet” (i.e., not meeting the student learning outcome). No numeric value is given if the student learning outcome is not applicable or unable to be evaluated for that particular clinical activity. The following is an example of clinical evaluation scoring:
- 1 = Met (The student completed the student learning outcome satisfactorily)
- 0 = Unmet (The student did not complete the student learning outcome satisfactorily.
- / = Not Applicable / Unable to Assess
Any Unmet on the Student Performance Tool will be explained in the SPT narrative comment section by the faculty member. An unsatisfactory score on the Student Performance Tool represents student behavior that is undesirable and requires the student to counsel with the clinical instructor to remediate the deficiency.
Summative evaluation occurs at the end of the clinical rotation. Students must meet a minimum passing threshold in EACH student learning outcome of the Student Performance Tool. A student who is below the minimum passing threshold (defined as less than 77.45%) in any student learning outcome on the clinical Student Performance Tool (SPT) Summative Evaluation will fail the course. Clinical failures will result in a grade of D regardless of the letter grade achieved.
Students must meet the minimum passing threshold of 77.45% or higher in each of the student learning outcomes to successfully progress to the next course.
Proficiency skill checkoffs are required. These checkoffs are a part of the preparation for clinical, are evaluated according to established criteria and require successful completion by established deadlines. Students who fail to demonstrate competency of these skills by deadlines will be in clinical jeopardy as documented on the Student Performance Tool (SPT).
Grade Criteria:
91.45-100% = A81.45-91.44% = B
77.45-81.44% = C
69.45-77.44% = D
Below 69.44% = F
Strict confidentiality of patient information is an unconditional expectation for all nursing students. Contact with assigned patients may only occur while under the direct supervision of clinical faculty. Nursing students may not have any patient contact outside this structured educational setting.
Students entering the nursing program should be aware that they will be in close contact with other individuals having a variety of health problems in which the etiology (cause) may or may not be known. This exposure places nursing students in the “high risk” category for health problems. Students in the program assume responsibility for their own health and care under all circumstances (pregnancy, orthopedic problems, infection, etc.). Course objectives and clinical assignments must be met in a satisfactory manner. Please refer to the Health Risk for Nursing Program in the Student Handbook.
Clinical/field agencies and state certification application may require drug screening and a criminal background check. Additional requirements and/or disclosures may become necessary throughout the course of the program. Any noncompliance with these mandates may result in termination from the program. Any fees associated with these mandates will be the responsibility of the student.
Students are expected to provide their own transportation to and from clinical settings.
Students must maintain current CPR (BLS through American Heart Association) affirmation throughout the program.
Students will need basic word processing and Internet searching skills for the completion of class assignments.
Any form of academic dishonesty results in a zero grade for the exam, quiz, assignment, and standardized testing. See college catalog under Student Code of Conduct for examples of cheating. The exam, project or assignment may not be made up, and college expulsion policy applies.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
NURS 102
- Title: Health Assessment and Skills for Nursing Practice*
- Number: NURS 102
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 52
- Lecture Hours: 22
- Lab Hours: 30
Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program.
Corequisites: NURS 101.
Prerequisites or corequisites: BIOL 227 with a grade of "C" or higher.
This hybrid course uses a variety of methods to provide students with a basic understanding and working knowledge of health assessment and associated psychomotor skills in a diverse population of patients across the lifespan. The course is divided into modules that correlate with the bodily systems, including preparation for co-requisite and subsequent content including a diverse array of patients across the lifespan. Hybrid learning environments will include both classroom and simulated lab settings. Students are evaluated utilizing a variety of methods which may include audiovisual recordings.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Demonstrate caring behaviors that create a safe, therapeutic environment for the diverse client and family across the lifespan while performing a comprehensive assessment.
Collaborate with a client and family across the lifespan to obtain a health history while assessing for changes in health status.
Perform a comprehensive and focused system assessments utilizing the principles of safety, evidence-based practices and clinical judgment.
Perform psychomotor skills incorporating evidence-based practice with guidance.
Utilize available resources/technology to complete comprehensive and focused assessments and associated psychomotor skills for a client across the lifespan.
Use effective communication while obtaining a health history, performing comprehensive and focused assessments, and associated psychomotor skills for a client across the lifespan in spoken, written (documentation) and electronic formats (informatics).
Display integrity in performing all responsibilities of the Associate Degree nursing student.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Components of Health Assessment
A. Individualize health assessment techniques for all populations.
B. Identify structures and functions of each body system.
C. Describe the relationship of health assessment to health promotion.
D. Utilize the clinical judgment organizing framework for collecting assessment data.
E. Standard precaution guidelines for physical assessment.
F. Assessment techniques:
1. Inspection
2. Palpation
3. Auscultation
II. Health History
A. Compare focused and comprehensive health histories.
B. Identify appropriate questions for a problem-based history.
C. Identify teaching opportunities for health promotion and risk reduction.
D. Differentiate normal from abnormal findings during a health history.
III. Comprehensive and Focused Assessments
A. Demonstrate competency in conducting a comprehensive assessment.
1. Differentiate normal vs. abnormal assessment findings for populations across the lifespan.
2. Individualize the comprehensive health assessment considering the client’s needs.
B. Demonstrate competency in conducting focused assessments.
1. Differentiate normal vs. abnormal assessment findings in all body systems.
a. Sensory perception
b. Integumentary, Musculoskeletal, Breast and Axilla
c. Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat (HEENT) and Neurological
d. Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, Reproductive, and Obstetrical
e. Cardiovascular
f. Respiratory
IV. Psychomotor Skills
A. Correlate each psychomotor skill with the relevant focused system assessment.
B. Perform learned psychomotor skills while considering evidence-based practice (EBP).
1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
2. Basic hygiene and linen change
3. Ergonomics
4. Hand hygiene
5. Vital Signs
6. Sterile gloving
7. Clean dressing change
8. Sterile dressing change, drains and restraints
9. Medication administration
10. Enteral tubes
11. Urinary catheter insertion
12. Oxygen administration
V. Resources and Technology
A. Utilize available resources and technology to complete comprehensive and focused physical assessments.
B. Utilize available resources and technology to complete relevant psychomotor skills.
VI. Communication
A. Apply principles of therapeutic communication.
1. Health history interview
2. Comprehensive and focused assessments
3. Psychomotor skills
B. Documentation
1. Comprehensive and focused assessments
2. Psychomotor skills
VII. Student Responsibility
A. Be courteous and respectful and represent the program well in all interactions.
B. Be punctual, well-prepared and meet established deadlines for all learning activities.
C. Take responsibility for learning and performance.
D. Maintain confidentiality of patient information according to HIPAA.
E. Follow behaviors and guidelines as outlined in the Nursing Program Student Handbook.
F. Demonstrate confidence and competence in performing the basic responsibilities of an Associate Degree Nursing Student.
G. Maintain required health forms and personal data.
H. Notify faculty of absence/tardy for all learning activities.
I. Practice regularly in the Health Resource Center (HRC) to develop skills.
J. Accept all learning opportunities in all learning environments.
K. Demonstrate integrity and accountability in all learning environments.
L. Reflect in a professional manner when completing self-evaluation.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
30-40% Module Quizzes
10-30% Assignments
40-50% Head-to-Toe Physical Assessment Examination
Total: 100%
Pass/Fail: Clinical evaluation of application of theoretical concepts in all clinical learning environments (Healthcare Resource Center [HRC], Healthcare Simulation Center [HSC], Hospital and Community Settings)
Clinical performance is evaluated on a met/unmet basis. A passing grade for the clinical component of the courses is required to promote to the next course in the sequence of the program. Periodic assessment of progress throughout the semester provides the student with a basis for identifying and meeting course SLOs. The measurement tools enhance student motivation by defining areas of achievement and areas needing improvement to satisfactorily meet course SLOs. Clinical nursing progress is measured by attainment of specific behaviors as defined by the Student Performance Tool (SPT) Handbook for each course in the hospital clinical, simulation clinical and laboratory clinical settings.
Formative evaluation is an ongoing process in which students have the opportunity to practice new skills and behaviors. Feedback from the clinical instructor and other sources allow for correction and/or refinements of these behaviors. Formative evaluation of clinical performance is documented on the Student Performance Tool (SPT). Clinical is evaluated based upon the student learning outcomes (SLOs) on the SPT. All clinical outcomes are assigned as a numeric value of 1 for “met” (i.e., meeting the student learning outcome) and a numeric value of 0 for “unmet” (i.e., not meeting the student learning outcome). No numeric value is given if the student learning outcome is not applicable or unable to be evaluated for that particular clinical activity. The following is an example of clinical evaluation scoring:
1 = Met (The student completed the student learning outcome satisfactorily)
0 = Unmet (The student did not complete the student learning outcome satisfactorily.
/ = Not Applicable / Unable to Assess
Any Unmet on the Student Performance Tool will be explained in the SPT narrative comment section by the faculty member. An unsatisfactory score on the Student Performance Tool represents student behavior that is undesirable and requires the student to counsel with the clinical instructor to remediate the deficiency.
Summative evaluation occurs at the end of the clinical rotation. Students must meet a minimum passing threshold in EACH student learning outcome of the Student Performance Tool. A student who is below the minimum passing threshold (defined as less than 77.45%) in any student learning outcome on the clinical Student Performance Tool (SPT) Summative Evaluation will fail the course. Clinical failures will result in a grade of D regardless of the letter grade achieved.
Students must meet the minimum passing threshold of 77.45% or higher in each of the student learning outcomes to successfully complete the course.
Proficiency skill checkoffs are required. These checkoffs are a part of the preparation for clinical, are evaluated according to established criteria and require successful completion by established deadlines. Students who fail to demonstrate competency of these skills by deadlines will be in clinical jeopardy as documented on the Student Performance Tool (SPT).
Grade Criteria:
91.45-100% = A81.45-91.44% = B
77.45-81.44% = C
69.45-77.44% = D
Below 69.44% = F
- Strict confidentiality of patient information is an unconditional expectation for all nursing students. Contact with assigned patients may only occur while under the direct supervision of clinical faculty. Nursing students may not have any patient contact outside this structured educational setting.
- Students entering the nursing program should be aware that they will be in close contact with other individuals having a variety of health problems in which the etiology (cause) may or may not be known. This exposure places nursing students in the “high risk” category for health problems. Students in the program assume responsibility for their own health and care under all circumstances (pregnancy, orthopedic problems, infection, etc.). Course objectives and clinical assignments must be met in a satisfactory manner. Please refer to the Health Risk for Nursing Program in the Student Handbook.
- Clinical/field agencies and state certification application may require drug screening and a criminal background check. Additional requirements and/or disclosures may become necessary throughout the course of the program. Any noncompliance with these mandates may result in termination from the program. Any fees associated with these mandates will be the responsibility of the student.
- Students are expected to provide their own transportation to and from clinical settings.
- Students must maintain current CPR (BLS through American Heart Association) affirmation throughout the program.
- Students will need basic word processing and Internet searching skills for the completion of class assignments.
- Any form of academic dishonesty results in a zero grade for the exam, quiz, assignment, and standardized testing. See college catalog under Student Code of Conduct for examples of cheating. The exam, project or assignment may not be made up, and college expulsion policy applies.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
NURS 105
- Title: Foundational Concepts of Nursing II*
- Number: NURS 105
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 9
- Contact Hours: 225
- Lecture Hours: 75
- Lab Hours: 10
- Other Hours: 140
Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program and NURS 101 with a grade of "C" or higher and NURS 102 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Prerequisites or corequisites: PSYC 218 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Building upon concepts introduced in semester one, students will engage in a variety of learning activities to build knowledge and skills necessary to care for a variety of patients and families who present with diverse characteristics across the healthcare continuum spanning from wellness to illness. Course concepts and skills will be leveled to meet course outcomes which are based upon the program principles of clinical judgment, critical thinking, collaboration, professionalism and ethical practices, leadership, accountability, teaching and learning, caring and sensitivity for diverse populations, and safety and health care quality practices. Students will apply theoretical concepts and exemplars across the lifespan providing a plan of care based upon principles of clinical judgment. The theoretical concepts and applicable exemplars will encompass health promotion, health maintenance, and common physiological and behavioral health alterations which are relevant to our community and population needs. Course instruction will occur using a blended approach that focuses on active engagement of the student in all learning environments, which includes the classroom, the Health Resource Center, the Healthcare Simulation Center, and a variety of healthcare agencies, including acute care facilities and community sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Promote caring behaviors that create a safe, therapeutic environment for the client and family within a diverse population.
- Identify legal, ethical, and professional behaviors expected of the registered nurse.
- Practice advocacy and collaboration as an expected role of a healthcare team member.
- With decreasing guidance, implement nursing plans of care utilizing clinical reasoning, evidence-based practices, safety, quality, and conceptual thinking in caring for clients across the lifespan.
- Perform psychomotor skills incorporating evidence-based practice with guidance.
- Discuss the role of the nurse in managing care and providing leadership to meet client needs across the lifespan.
- Describe resources/ technology available to the professional nurse when providing care to the client across the lifespan.
- Implement a teaching plan individualized to the client and family across the lifespan including health promotion, health maintenance, risk reduction and the effects of alterations in health.
- Summarize effective and therapeutic communication skills with the client and family across the lifespan.
- Use effective communication when interacting with healthcare team members in spoken, written (documentation) and electronic formats (informatics).
- Display integrity in performing all responsibilities of the Associate Degree nursing student.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Nursing Care Components
A. Demonstrate caring and sensitivity for diverse populations.
1. Adapt nursing care of a client/family across the lifespan.
2. Demonstrate self-awareness while providing care for a client/family.
3. Adapt nursing care of a client/family with diverse needs.
4. Apply culturally competent care for a client/family.
B. Identify principles of safety and healthcare quality.
1. Maintain a safe and therapeutic environment.
2. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes consistent with the Quality, Safety, Education in Nursing (QSEN) competencies.
II. Legal, Ethical and Professional Behaviors
A. Summarize legal behaviors expected of the registered nurse (RN).
1. Understand the rights of clients/families in the healthcare system.
2. Discuss legal issues which affect client/family care.
3. Incorporate principles of Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) on nursing practice.
B. Summarize professional and ethical practices expected of the RN.
1. Apply principles of ethical decision-making.
2. Incorporate values and ethics in the nursing profession.
3. Reflect on behaviors which demonstrate nursing professionalism.
4. Discuss the need for lifelong professional learning.
III. Advocacy and Collaboration
A. Advocate for the client/family.
1. Discuss identified management options with the client/family.
2. Identify situations where the client/family cannot represent self.
B. Collaborate on behalf of the client/family.
1. Participate as a member of the inter-disciplinary healthcare team.
2. Promote teamwork.
3. Explain the collaborative role of the RN within the healthcare team.
IV. Nursing Care Plans
A. Interpret data pertinent to provide safe and quality care for the client and family.
1. Safely use equipment needed for the care of the client/family.
2. Summarize factors which affect the client’s physical, cognitive, cultural, emotional, spiritual, and maturational needs.
B. Incorporate principles of evidence-based practice (EBP).
C. Utilize critical thinking based on the clinical judgment measurement model (CJMM) as it applies to the care of the client/family.
1. Utilize clinical inquiry in the care of the client/family.
2. Apply the CJMM as it applies to the care of the client/family.
D. Incorporate conceptual thinking while caring for a client/family.
1. Cellular regulation
2. Elimination
3. Homeostasis
4. Immune response
5. Infection
6. Inflammation
7. Intracranial regulation
8. Maladaptive behaviors
9. Metabolism
10. Perfusion
V. Psychomotor Skills
A. Perform psychomotor skills in various clinical environments utilizing learned skills, while considering EBP.
1. Enteral intubation & Medication Administration
2. Venipuncture
3. Intravenous (IV) medication and fluid administration
4. Intravenous (IV) pump operation
B. Utilize available resources/technology to complete psychomotor skills to care for a client across the lifespan.
VI. Managing Client Need
A. Recall the role of the nurse in managing a client’s needs.
B. Summarize the leadership role of the RN as a member of the healthcare team.
VII. Resources and Technology
A. Healthcare resources
B. Healthcare technology
VIII. Health Promotion
A. Incorporate conceptual thinking with health promotion.
1. Use assessment as a foundation for the health promotion plan.
2. Incorporate health promotion measures for the population impacted.
3. Collaborate with the interprofessional healthcare team in promoting client and family health.
B. Discuss risk factors that impact health.
1. Preventive healthcare
2. Environmental factors
3. Vulnerable populations
4. Unhealthy lifestyle choices
5. Inadequate or inaccessible healthcare
C. Discuss strategies that reduce risk.
1. Primary prevention
2. Secondary prevention
3. Tertiary prevention
D. Implement teaching and learning strategies to care for a client/family.
1. Impact of self-awareness on teaching and learning
2. Impact of client’s needs on teaching and learning
IX. Therapeutic Communication
A. Implement techniques for establishing trust in the therapeutic RN-client relationship.
1. Therapeutic communication across the lifespan
2. Phases of the RN-client relationship
3. Impact of self-awareness on therapeutic communication
B. Implement communication strategies which promote the achievement of client/family goals.
1. Use of techniques (i.e., silence, active listening, clarification)
2. Adapt communication to meet the needs of the client/family across the lifespan.
3. Communication competence
a. Impact of sensory, language, or literacy deficits
b. Utilization of interpreter services
X. Interprofessional Communication and Documentation
A. Apply strategies to promote successful communication when collaborating with interprofessional teams.
1. Civility principles
2. Professional communication
a. Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR)
b. RN to RN handoff communication (shift change)
B. Utilize information systems in professional communication.
1. Electronic health record (EHR)
2. Client confidentiality (HIPAA)
XI. Student Responsibility
A. Be courteous and respectful and represent the program well in all interactions.
B. Be punctual, well-prepared and meet established deadlines for all learning activities.
C. Take responsibility for learning and performance.
D. Maintain confidentiality of patient information according to HIPAA.
E. Follow behaviors and guidelines as outlined in the Nursing Program Student Handbook.
F. Demonstrate confidence and competence in performing the basic responsibilities of an Associate Degree Nursing Student.
G. Maintain required health forms and personal data.
H. Notify faculty of absence/tardy for all learning activities.
I. Practice regularly in the Health Resource Center (HRC) to develop skills.
J. Accept all learning opportunities in all learning environments.
K. Demonstrate integrity and accountability in all learning environments.
L. Reflect in a professional manner when completing self-evaluation.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
60-80% Exams & Quizzes (unit & final exams)
15-30% Assignments
5-10% Standardized testing
Total: 100%
Pass/Fail: Clinical evaluation of application of theoretical concepts in all clinical learning environments (Healthcare Resource Center [HRC], Healthcare Simulation Center [HSC], Hospital and Community Settings)
Clinical performance is evaluated on a met/unmet basis. A passing grade for the clinical component of the courses is required to promote to the next course in the sequence of the program. Periodic assessment of progress throughout the semester provides the student with a basis for identifying and meeting course SLOs. The measurement tools enhance student motivation by defining areas of achievement and areas needing improvement to satisfactorily meet course SLOs. Clinical nursing progress is measured by attainment of specific behaviors as defined by the Student Performance Tool (SPT) Handbook for each course in the hospital clinical, simulation clinical and laboratory clinical settings.
Formative evaluation is an ongoing process in which students have the opportunity to practice new skills and behaviors. Feedback from the clinical instructor and other sources allow for correction and/or refinements of these behaviors. Formative evaluation of clinical performance is documented on the Student Performance Tool (SPT). Clinical is evaluated based upon the student learning outcomes (SLOs) on the SPT. All clinical outcomes are assigned as a numeric value of 1 for “met” (i.e., meeting the student learning outcome) and a numeric value of 0 for “unmet” (i.e., not meeting the student learning outcome). No numeric value is given if the student learning outcome is not applicable or unable to be evaluated for that particular clinical activity. The following is an example of clinical evaluation scoring:
1 = Met (The student completed the student learning outcome satisfactorily)
0 = Unmet (The student did not complete the student learning outcome satisfactorily.
/ = Not Applicable / Unable to Assess
Any Unmet on the Student Performance Tool will be explained in the SPT narrative comment section by the faculty member. An unsatisfactory score on the Student Performance Tool represents student behavior that is undesirable and requires the student to counsel with the clinical instructor to remediate the deficiency.
Summative evaluation occurs at the end of the clinical rotation. Students must meet a minimum passing threshold in EACH student learning outcome of the Student Performance Tool. A student who is below the minimum passing threshold (defined as less than 77.45%) in any student learning outcome on the clinical Student Performance Tool (SPT) Summative Evaluation will fail the course. Clinical failures will result in a grade of D regardless of the letter grade achieved.
Students must meet the minimum passing threshold of 77.45% or higher in each of the student learning outcomes to successfully progress to the next course.
Proficiency skill checkoffs are required. These checkoffs are a part of the preparation for clinical, are evaluated according to established criteria and require successful completion by established deadlines. Students who fail to demonstrate competency of these skills by deadlines will be in clinical jeopardy as documented on the Student Performance Tool (SPT).
Grade Criteria:
91.45-100% = A81.45-91.44% = B
77.45-81.44% = C
69.45-77.44% = D
Below 69.44% = F
- Strict confidentiality of patient information is an unconditional expectation for all nursing students. Contact with assigned patients may only occur while under the direct supervision of clinical faculty. Nursing students may not have any patient contact outside this structured educational setting.
- Students entering the nursing program should be aware that they will be in close contact with other individuals having a variety of health problems in which the etiology (cause) may or may not be known. This exposure places nursing students in the “high risk” category for health problems. Students in the program assume responsibility for their own health and care under all circumstances (pregnancy, orthopedic problems, infection, etc.). Course objectives and clinical assignments must be met in a satisfactory manner. Please refer to the Health Risk for Nursing Program in the Student Handbook.
- Clinical/field agencies and state certification application may require drug screening and a criminal background check. Additional requirements and/or disclosures may become necessary throughout the course of the program. Any noncompliance with these mandates may result in termination from the program. Any fees associated with these mandates will be the responsibility of the student.
- Students are expected to provide their own transportation to and from clinical settings.
- Students must maintain current CPR (BLS through American Heart Association) affirmation throughout the program.
- Students will need basic word processing and Internet searching skills for the completion of class assignments.
- Any form of academic dishonesty results in a zero grade for the exam, quiz, assignment, and standardized testing. See college catalog under Student Code of Conduct for examples of cheating. The exam, project or assignment may not be made up, and college expulsion policy applies.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
NURS 155
- Title: Transitional Concepts for the LPN to RN Role*
- Number: NURS 155
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 6
- Contact Hours: 142
- Lecture Hours: 48
- Lab Hours: 10
- Other Hours: 84
Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program.
Corequisites: NURS 102.
This course is an introduction to the second year of the associate degree nurse (ADN) program for graduates of licensed practical nurse (LPN) programs. Students will engage in a variety of learning activities to build knowledge and skills necessary to care for a variety of patients and families who present with diverse characteristics from wellness to illness across the lifespan. Course concepts and skills will be leveled to meet course outcomes which are based upon the program principles of clinical judgment, critical thinking, collaboration, professionalism and ethical practices, leadership, accountability, teaching and learning, caring and sensitivity for diverse populations, and safety and health care quality practices. Through the concurrent enrollment in the Health Assessment course, students will engage in an in-depth examination of physical assessment and psychomotor/communication skills which will prepare them for transition to the associate degree nursing program. Course instruction will occur using a blended approach that focuses on active engagement of the student in all learning environments, which includes the classroom, the Health Resource Center, the Zamierowski Family Center for Healthcare Simulation and a variety of healthcare agencies, including acute care facilities and community sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Promote caring behaviors that create a safe, therapeutic environment for the client and family within a diverse population across the lifespan.
Identify legal, ethical, and professional behaviors expected of the nurse transitioning from LPN to RN.
Practice advocacy and collaboration as an expected role of a healthcare team member.
With decreasing guidance, implement nursing plans of care utilizing clinical reasoning, evidence-based practices, safety, quality, and conceptual thinking in caring for clients across the lifespan.
Perform psychomotor skills incorporating evidence-based practice with guidance.
Discuss the role of the nurse transitioning from the LPN to RN role in managing care and providing leadership to meet client needs across the lifespan.
Describe resources/ technology available to the professional nurse when providing care to the client across the lifespan.
Implement a teaching plan individualized to the client and family across the lifespan including health promotion, health maintenance, risk reduction and the effects of alterations in health.
Summarize effective and therapeutic communication skills with the client and family across the lifespan.
Use effective communication when interacting with healthcare team members in spoken, written (documentation) and electronic formats (informatics).
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Nursing Care Components
A. Demonstrate caring and sensitivity for diverse populations.
1. Adapt nursing care of a client/family across the lifespan.
2. Demonstrate self-awareness while providing care for a client/family.
3. Adapt nursing care of a client/family with diverse needs.
4. Apply culturally competent care for a client/family.
B. Identify principles of safety and healthcare quality.
1. Maintain a safe and therapeutic environment.
2. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes consistent with the Quality, Safety, Education in Nursing (QSEN) competencies.
II. Legal, Ethical and Professional Behaviors
A. Summarize legal behaviors expected of the licensed practical nurse (LPN) transitioning to a registered nurse (RN).
1. Understand the rights of clients/families in the healthcare system.
2. Discuss legal issues which affect client/family care.
3. Incorporate principles of Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) on nursing practice.
B. Summarize professional and ethical practices expected of the LPN transitioning to the RN role.
1. Apply principles of ethical decision-making.
2. Incorporate values and ethics in the nursing profession.
3. Reflect on behaviors which demonstrate nursing professionalism.
4. Discuss the need for lifelong professional learning.
III. Advocacy and Collaboration
A. Advocate for the client/family.
1. Discuss identified management options with the client/family.
2. Identify situations where the client/family cannot represent self.
B. Collaborate on behalf of the client/family.
1. Participate as a member of the inter-disciplinary healthcare team.
2. Promote teamwork.
3. Explain the collaborative role of the RN within the healthcare team.
IV. Nursing Care Plans
A. Interpret data pertinent to provide safe and quality care for the client and family.
1. Safely use equipment needed for the care of the client/family.
2. Summarize factors which affect the client’s physical, cognitive, cultural, emotional, spiritual, and maturational needs.
B. Incorporate principles of evidence-based practice (EBP).
C. Utilize critical thinking based on the clinical judgment measurement model (CJMM) as it applies to the care of the client/family.
1. Utilize clinical inquiry in the care of the client/family.
2. Apply the CJMM as it applies to the care of the client/family.
D. Incorporate conceptual thinking while caring for a client/family.
1. Assessment & psychomotor skills
2. Cellular regulation
3. Cognition, mood & affect
4. Comfort
5. Elimination
6. Gas exchange
7. Health promotion
8. Homeostasis
9. Immune response
10. Infection
11. Inflammation
12. Intracranial regulation
13. Maladaptive behaviors
14. Metabolism
15. Mobility
16. Perfusion
17. Reproduction
18. Tissue Integrity
V. Psychomotor Skills
A. Perform psychomotor skills in various clinical environments utilizing learned skills, while considering EBP.
1. Enteral intubation & medication administration
2. Urinary catheterization
3. Venipuncture
4. Intravenous (IV) medication and fluid administration, pump operation
B. Utilize available resources/technology to complete psychomotor skills to care for a client across the lifespan.
VI. Managing Client Need
A. Recall the role of the registered nurse (RN) in managing a client’s needs.
B. Summarize the leadership role of the LPN transitioning to the RN role as a member of the healthcare team.
VII. Resources and Technology
A. Healthcare resources
B. Healthcare technology
VIII. Health Promotion
A. Incorporate conceptual thinking with health promotion.
1. Use assessment as a foundation for the health promotion plan.
2. Incorporate health promotion measures for the population impacted.
3. Collaborate with the interprofessional healthcare team in promoting client and family health.
B. Discuss risk factors that impact health.
1. Preventative healthcare
2. Environmental factors
3. Vulnerable populations
4. Unhealthy lifestyle choices
5. Inadequate or inaccessible healthcare
C. Discuss strategies that reduce risk.
1. Primary prevention
2. Secondary prevention
3. Tertiary prevention
D. Implement teaching and learning strategies to care for a client/family.
1. Impact of self-awareness on teaching and learning
2. Impact of client’s needs on teaching and learning
IX. Therapeutic Communication
A. Implement techniques for establishing trust in the therapeutic RN-client relationship.
1. Therapeutic communication across the lifespan
2. Phases of the RN-client relationship
3. Impact of self-awareness on therapeutic communication
B. Implement communication strategies which promote the achievement of client/family goals.
1. Use of techniques (i.e., silence, active listening, clarification)
2. Adapt communication to meet the needs of the client/family across the lifespan.
3. Communication competence
a. Impact of sensory, language, or literacy deficits
b. Utilization of interpreter services
X. Interprofessional Communication and Documentation
A. Apply strategies to promote successful communication when collaborating with interprofessional teams.
1. Civility principles
2. Professional communication
a. Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR)
b. RN to RN handoff communication (shift change)
B. Utilize information systems in professional communication.
1. Electronic health record (EHR)
2. Client confidentiality (HIPAA)
XI. Student Responsibility
A. Be courteous and respectful and represent the program well in all interactions.
B. Be punctual, well-prepared and meet established deadlines for all learning activities.
C. Take responsibility for learning and performance.
D. Maintain confidentiality of patient information according to HIPAA.
E. Follow behaviors and guidelines as outlined in the Nursing Program Student Handbook.
F. Demonstrate confidence and competence in performing the basic responsibilities of an Associate Degree Nursing Student.
G. Maintain required health forms and personal data.
H. Notify faculty of absence/tardy for all learning activities.
I. Practice regularly in the Health Resource Center (HRC) to develop skills.
J. Accept all learning opportunities in all learning environments.
K. Demonstrate integrity and accountability in all learning environments.
L. Reflect in a professional manner when completing self-evaluation.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
60-80% Exams & Quizzes (unit & final exams)
15-30% Assignments
5-10% Standardized testing
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
91.45 – 100% = A81.45-91.44% = B
77.45-81.44% = C
69.45-77.44% = D
Below 69.44% = F
- Strict confidentiality of patient information is an unconditional expectation for all nursing students. Contact with assigned patients may only occur while under the direct supervision of clinical faculty. Nursing students may not have any patient contact outside this structured educational setting.
- Students entering the nursing program should be aware that they will be in close contact with other individuals having a variety of health problems in which the etiology (cause) may or may not be known. This exposure places nursing students in the “high risk” category for health problems. Students in the program assume responsibility for their own health and care under all circumstances (pregnancy, orthopedic problems, infection, etc.). Course objectives and clinical assignments must be met in a satisfactory manner. Please refer to the Health Risk for Nursing Program in the Student Handbook.
- Clinical/field agencies and state certification application may require drug screening and a criminal background check. Additional requirements and/or disclosures may become necessary throughout the course of the program. Any noncompliance with these mandates may result in termination from the program. Any fees associated with these mandates will be the responsibility of the student.
- Students are expected to provide their own transportation to and from clinical settings.
- Students must maintain current CPR (BLS through American Heart Association) affirmation throughout the program.
- Students will need basic word processing and Internet searching skills for the completion of class assignments.
- Any form of academic dishonesty results in a zero grade for the exam, quiz, assignment, and standardized testing. See college catalog under Student Code of Conduct for examples of cheating. The exam, project or assignment may not be made up, and college expulsion policy applies.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
NURS 201
- Title: Complex Concepts of Nursing I*
- Number: NURS 201
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 9
- Contact Hours: 225
- Lecture Hours: 75
- Lab Hours: 10
- Other Hours: 140
Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program and NURS 105 with a grade of "C" or higher and PSYC 218 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Increasing in complexity, students will engage in a variety of learning activities to build nursing knowledge and skills necessary to care for a variety of patients and families who present with diverse characteristics across the healthcare continuum spanning from wellness to illness. Course concepts and skills will be leveled to meet course outcomes which are based upon the program principles of clinical judgment, critical thinking, collaboration, professionalism and ethical practices, leadership, accountability, teaching and learning, caring and sensitivity for diverse populations, and safety and health care quality practices. This course will focus on more complex physiological and behavioral health alterations. In the clinical settings, students will be expected to prioritize care for those increasingly more complex patients applying theoretical concepts and exemplars across the lifespan providing a plan of care based upon principles of clinical judgment. Course instruction will occur using a blended approach that focuses on active engagement of the student in all learning environments, which includes the classroom, the Health Resource Center, the Healthcare Simulation Center, and a variety of healthcare agencies, including acute care facilities and community sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Apply caring behaviors that promote a safe, therapeutic environment with the diverse population across the lifespan.
- Apply legal, ethical, and professional issues with the healthcare team assuming the role of the registered nurse.
- Demonstrate client advocacy and collaboration as an essential member of the healthcare team.
- Systematically prioritize data pertinent to provide safe and quality care for the client’s physical, cognitive, cultural, emotional, spiritual, and maturational needs.
- Implement nursing plans of care utilizing clinical reasoning, evidence-based practices, safety, quality, and conceptual thinking to achieve optimum outcomes for the client and family across the lifespan.
- Carry out increasingly complex psychomotor skills incorporating evidence-based practice, with decreasing guidance.
- With increasing autonomy, manage care and demonstrate leadership to meet client needs across the lifespan.
- Utilize available resources/technology to address identified client needs.
- Adapt a teaching plan individualized to the client across the lifespan including health promotion, health maintenance, and risk mitigation.
- Demonstrate nonjudgmental, effective and therapeutic communication skills with the client and family.
- Relay documented information clearly, concisely, and accurately using appropriate terminology in spoken, written and/or electronic formats (informatics) when interacting with healthcare team members.
- Display integrity in performing all responsibilities of the Associate Degree nursing student.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Nursing Care Components
A. Apply caring and sensitivity for diverse populations.
1. Adapt nursing care of a client/family across the lifespan.
2. Exemplify self-awareness while providing care for a client/family.
3. Adapt nursing care of a client/family with diverse needs.
4. Incorporate culturally competent care for a client/family.
B. Implement principles of safety and healthcare quality.
1. Facilitate a safe and therapeutic environment.
2. Apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes consistent with the Quality, Safety, Education in Nursing (QSEN) competencies.
II. Legal, Ethical and Professional Behaviors
A. Examine legal behaviors expected of the registered nurse (RN).
1. Consider rights and legal issues that affect nursing management for the client.
2. Integrate principles of Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) on nursing practice.
B. Employ professional and ethical practices expected of the RN.
1. Apply principles of ethical decision-making.
2. Reflect on behaviors which demonstrate nursing professionalism.
3. Validate the need for lifelong professional learning.
III. Advocacy and Collaboration
A. Advocate for the client/family.
1. Deliver nursing care to the client and family, respecting client decisions.
2. Support the client/family when they cannot represent self.
B. Collaborate on behalf of the client/family.
1. Participate as a member of the interdisciplinary healthcare team.
2. Promote teamwork.
IV. Safety and Quality
A. Analyze data pertinent to safe and quality care for the client and family.
B. Categorize factors which affect the client’s needs.
V. Nursing Care Plans
A. Principles of evidence-based practice (EBP)
B. Practice clinical inquiry in the care of the client/family.
C. Implement the clinical judgment measurement model (CJMM) as it applies to the care of the client/family.
D. Illustrate conceptual thinking while caring for a client/family.
1. Cellular regulation
2. Cognition, Mood and Affect
3. Comfort
4. Elimination
5. Homeostasis
6. Inflammation
7. Intracranial regulation
8. Metabolism
9. Mobility
10. Perfusion
11. Reproduction
12. Tissue integrity
VI. Psychomotor Skills
A. Perform increasingly complex psychomotor skills in various clinical environments utilizing learned skills, while considering EBP.
1. Central venous access devices (CVAD)
2. Blood products and transfusion
B. Utilize available resources/technology to complete psychomotor skills to care for a client across the lifespan.
VII. Nursing Leadership
A. Collaborate with the nursing team to manage client’s needs.
B. Identify examples of nurses’ functioning as a leader among the healthcare team.
VIII. Resources and Technology
A. Healthcare resources
B. Healthcare technology
IX. Health Promotion
A. Illustrate conceptual thinking with health promotion.
1. Use assessment as a foundation for the health promotion plan.
2. Incorporate health promotion measures for the population impacted.
3. Collaborate with the interprofessional healthcare team in promoting client and family health.
B. Interpret the impact of risk factors on health outcomes.
1. Preventative healthcare
2. Environmental factors
3. Vulnerable populations
4. Unhealthy lifestyle choices
5. Inadequate or inaccessible healthcare
C. Plan strategies that reduce risk.
1. Primary prevention
2. Secondary prevention
3. Tertiary prevention
D. Implement teaching and learning strategies to care for a client/family.
1. Impact of self-awareness on teaching and learning
2. Impact of client’s needs on teaching and learning
X. Therapeutic Communication
A. Adapt techniques for establishing trust in the therapeutic RN-client relationship
1. Therapeutic communication across the lifespan
2. Phases of the RN-client relationship
3. Impact of self-awareness on therapeutic communication
B. Implement communication strategies which promote the achievement of client/family goals.
1. Use of techniques (i.e., silence, active listening, clarification)
2. Adapt communication to meet the needs of the client/family across the lifespan.
3. Communication competence
a. Impact of sensory, language, or literacy deficits
b. Utilization of interpreter services
XI. Interprofessional Communication and Documentation
A. Adapt strategies to promote successful communication when collaborating with interprofessional teams.
1. Civility principles
2. Professional communication
a. Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR)
b. RN to RN handoff communication (shift change)
B. Utilize information systems in professional communication.
1. Electronic health record (EHR)
2. Client confidentiality (HIPAA)
XII. Student Responsibility
A. Be courteous and respectful and represent the program well in all interactions.
B. Be punctual, well-prepared and meet established deadlines for all learning activities.
C. Take responsibility for learning and performance.
D. Maintain confidentiality of patient information according to HIPAA.
E. Follow behaviors and guidelines as outlined in the Nursing Program Student Handbook.
F. Demonstrate confidence and competence in performing the basic responsibilities of an Associate Degree Nursing Student.
G. Maintain required health forms and personal data.
H. Notify faculty of absence/tardy for all learning activities.
I. Practice regularly in the Health Resource Center (HRC) to develop skills.
J. Accept all learning opportunities in all learning environments.
K. Demonstrate integrity and accountability in all learning environments.
L. Reflect in a professional manner when completing self-evaluation.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
60-80% Exams & Quizzes (unit & final exams)
15-30% Assignments
5-10% Standardized testing
Total: 100%
Pass/Fail: Clinical evaluation of application of theoretical concepts in all clinical learning environments (Healthcare Resource Center [HRC], Healthcare Simulation Center [HSC], Hospital and Community Settings)
Clinical performance is evaluated on a met/unmet basis. A passing grade for the clinical component of the courses is required to promote to the next course in the sequence of the program. Periodic assessment of progress throughout the semester provides the student with a basis for identifying and meeting course SLOs. The measurement tools enhance student motivation by defining areas of achievement and areas needing improvement to satisfactorily meet course SLOs. Clinical nursing progress is measured by attainment of specific behaviors as defined by the Student Performance Tool (SPT) Handbook for each course in the hospital clinical, simulation clinical and laboratory clinical settings.
Formative evaluation is an ongoing process in which students have the opportunity to practice new skills and behaviors. Feedback from the clinical instructor and other sources allow for correction and/or refinements of these behaviors. Formative evaluation of clinical performance is documented on the Student Performance Tool (SPT). Clinical is evaluated based upon the student learning outcomes (SLOs) on the SPT. All clinical outcomes are assigned as a numeric value of 1 for “met” (i.e., meeting the student learning outcome) and a numeric value of 0 for “unmet” (i.e., not meeting the student learning outcome). No numeric value is given if the student learning outcome is not applicable or unable to be evaluated for that particular clinical activity. The following is an example of clinical evaluation scoring:
1 = Met (The student completed the student learning outcome satisfactorily)
0 = Unmet (The student did not complete the student learning outcome satisfactorily.
/ = Not Applicable / Unable to Assess
Any Unmet on the Student Performance Tool will be explained in the SPT narrative comment section by the faculty member. An unsatisfactory score on the Student Performance Tool represents student behavior that is undesirable and requires the student to counsel with the clinical instructor to remediate the deficiency.
Summative evaluation occurs at the end of the clinical rotation. Students must meet a minimum passing threshold in EACH student learning outcome of the Student Performance Tool. A student who is below the minimum passing threshold (defined as less than 77.45%) in any student learning outcome on the clinical Student Performance Tool (SPT) Summative Evaluation will fail the course. Clinical failures will result in a grade of D regardless of the letter grade achieved.
Students must meet the minimum passing threshold of 77.45% or higher in each of the student learning outcomes to successfully progress to the next course.
Proficiency skill checkoffs are required. These checkoffs are a part of the preparation for clinical, are evaluated according to established criteria and require successful completion by established deadlines. Students who fail to demonstrate competency of these skills by deadlines will be in clinical jeopardy as documented on the Student Performance Tool (SPT).
Grade Criteria:
91.45-100% = A81.45-91.44% = B
77.45-81.44% = C
69.45-77.44% = D
Below 69.44% = F
- Strict confidentiality of patient information is an unconditional expectation for all nursing students. Contact with assigned patients may only occur while under the direct supervision of clinical faculty. Nursing students may not have any patient contact outside this structured educational setting.
- Students entering the nursing program should be aware that they will be in close contact with other individuals having a variety of health problems in which the etiology (cause) may or may not be known. This exposure places nursing students in the “high risk” category for health problems. Students in the program assume responsibility for their own health and care under all circumstances (pregnancy, orthopedic problems, infection, etc.). Course objectives and clinical assignments must be met in a satisfactory manner. Please refer to the Health Risk for Nursing Program in the Student Handbook.
- Clinical/field agencies and state certification application may require drug screening and a criminal background check. Additional requirements and/or disclosures may become necessary throughout the course of the program. Any noncompliance with these mandates may result in termination from the program. Any fees associated with these mandates will be the responsibility of the student.
- Students are expected to provide their own transportation to and from clinical settings.
- Students must maintain current CPR (BLS through American Heart Association) affirmation throughout the program.
- Students will need basic word processing and Internet searching skills for the completion of class assignments.
- Any form of academic dishonesty results in a zero grade for the exam, quiz, assignment, and standardized testing. See college catalog under Student Code of Conduct for examples of cheating. The exam, project or assignment may not be made up, and college expulsion policy applies.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
NURS 205
- Title: Complex Concepts of Nursing II*
- Number: NURS 205
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 9
- Contact Hours: 250
- Lecture Hours: 60
- Lab Hours: 10
- Other Hours: 180
Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program and NURS 201 with a grade of "C" or higher .
This final course in the nursing program will enable students to manage care for a team of patients experiencing complex multisystem physiological and behavioral health alterations across the lifespan. Students will apply critical thinking, clinical judgment, and organizational skills with increasing independence. This course integrates the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous four nursing courses that facilitate student transition to professional nursing practice. Students will become increasingly confident and proficient in achieving the following program outcomes: collaboration, professionalism and ethical practices, leadership, accountability, teaching and learning, caring and sensitivity for diverse populations, and safety and health care quality practices. Course instruction will occur using a blended approach that focuses on active engagement of the student in all learning environments, which includes the classroom, the Health Resource Center, the Healthcare Simulation Center, and a variety of healthcare agencies, including acute care facilities and community sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Adapt caring behaviors that promote a safe, therapeutic environment with the diverse population across the lifespan.
- Examine available resources, as well as legal, ethical, and professional issues with the healthcare team assuming the role of the registered nurse.
- Integrate client advocacy practices in a collaborative manner as an essential member of the healthcare team.
- Prioritize safe and quality care based on data pertinent to the client’s physical, cognitive, cultural, emotional, spiritual, and maturational needs.
- Implement the nursing plans of care utilizing clinical reasoning, evidence-based practices, safety, quality, and conceptual thinking to achieve optimum outcomes for the client and family across the lifespan.
- Execute complex psychomotor skills incorporating evidence-based practice, with minimal guidance.
- Assuming the role of the professional nurse, manage care and demonstrate leadership for a group of clients across the lifespan.
- Select available resources/technology to address identified client needs.
- Adapt plan of care incorporating interdisciplinary team members when teaching any client or family across the lifespan.
- Integrate nonjudgmental, effective, and therapeutic communication into all aspects of practice with clients and families across the lifespan.
- Relay documented information clearly, concisely, and accurately using appropriate terminology in spoken, written and/or electronic formats (informatics) when interacting with healthcare team members.
- Display integrity in performing all responsibilities of the Associate Degree nursing student.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Nursing Care Components
A. Adapt caring and sensitivity for diverse populations.
1. Adapt nursing care of a client/family across the lifespan.
2. Exemplify self-awareness while providing care for a client/family.
3. Adapt nursing care of a client/family with diverse needs.
4. Incorporate culturally competent care for a client/family.
B. Implement principles of safety and healthcare quality.
1. Facilitate a safe and therapeutic environment.
2. Apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes consistent with the Quality, Safety, Education in Nursing (QSEN) competencies.
II. Legal, Ethical and Professional Behaviors
A. Examine legal behaviors expected of the registered nurse (RN).
1. Consider rights and legal issues that affect nursing management for the client.
2. Integrate principles of Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) on nursing practice.
B. Employ professional and ethical practices expected of the RN.
1. Apply principles of ethical decision-making.
2. Reflect on behaviors which demonstrate nursing professionalism.
3. Validate the need for lifelong professional learning.
III. Advocacy and Collaboration
A. Advocate for the client/family.
1. Prepare nursing management care while respecting clients’ decisions.
2. Support the client/family when they cannot represent self.
B. Collaborate on behalf of the client/family.
1. Participate as a member of the interdisciplinary healthcare team.
2. Promote teamwork.
IV. Safety and Quality
A. Prioritize data pertinent to safe and quality care for the client and family.
B. Categorize factors which affect the client’s needs.
V. Nursing Care Plans
A. Principles of evidence-based practice (EBP)
B. Practice clinical inquiry in the care of the client/family.
C. Implement the clinical judgment measurement model (CJMM) as it applies to the care of the client/family.
D. Implement conceptual thinking while caring for a client/family.
1. Cellular regulation
2. Gas exchange
3. Immune response
4. Infection
5. Metabolism
VI. Psychomotor Skills
A. Execute increasingly complex psychomotor skills in various clinical environments utilizing learned skills, while considering EBP.
1. Tracheostomy care
2. Cardiac emergencies (i.e., EKG interpretation, code blue)
B. Utilize available resources/technology to complete psychomotor skills to care for a client across the lifespan.
VII. Nursing Leadership
A. Collaborate with the nursing team to manage client’s needs.
B. Evaluate examples of nurses’ functioning as a leader among the healthcare team.
VIII. Resources and Technology
A. Healthcare resources
B. Healthcare technology
IX. Health Promotion
A. Implement conceptual thinking with health promotion.
1. Apply assessment strategies as a foundation for the health promotion plan.
2. Incorporate health promotion measures for the population impacted.
3. Collaborate with the interprofessional healthcare team in promoting client and family health.
B. Analyze the impact of risk factors on health outcomes.
1. Preventative healthcare
2. Environmental factors
3. Vulnerable populations
4. Unhealthy lifestyle choices
5. Inadequate or inaccessible healthcare
C. Implement strategies that reduce risk.
1. Primary prevention
2. Secondary prevention
3. Tertiary prevention
D. Implement teaching and learning strategies to care for a client/family.
1. Impact of self-awareness on teaching and learning
2. Impact of client’s needs on teaching and learning
X. Therapeutic Communication
A. Integrate techniques for establishing trust in the therapeutic RN-client relationship
1. Therapeutic communication across the lifespan
2. Phases of the RN-client relationship
3. Impact of self-awareness on therapeutic communication
B. Integrate communication strategies which promote the achievement of client/family goals.
1. Use of techniques (i.e., silence, active listening, clarification)
2. Adapt communication to meet the needs of the client/family across the lifespan.
3. Communication competence
a. Impact of sensory, language, or literacy deficits
b. Utilization of interpreter services
XI. Interprofessional Communication and Documentation
A. Adapt strategies to promote successful communication when collaborating with interprofessional teams.
1. Civility principles
2. Professional communication
a. Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR)
b. RN to RN handoff communication (shift change)
B. Utilize information systems in professional communication.
1. Electronic health record (EHR)
2. Client confidentiality (HIPAA)
XII. Student Responsibility
A. Be courteous and respectful and represent the program well in all interactions.
B. Be punctual, well-prepared and meet established deadlines for all learning activities.
C. Take responsibility for learning and performance.
D. Maintain confidentiality of patient information according to HIPAA.
E. Follow behaviors and guidelines as outlined in the Nursing Program Student Handbook.
F. Demonstrate confidence and competence in performing the basic responsibilities of an Associate Degree Nursing Student.
G. Maintain required health forms and personal data.
H. Notify faculty of absence/tardy for all learning activities.
I. Practice regularly in the Health Resource Center (HRC) to develop skills.
J. Accept all learning opportunities in all learning environments.
K. Demonstrate integrity and accountability in all learning environments.
L. Reflect in a professional manner when completing self-evaluation.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
60-80% Exams & Quizzes (unit & final exams)
15-30% Assignments
5-10% Standardized testing
Total: 100%
Pass/Fail: Clinical evaluation of application of theoretical concepts in all clinical learning environments (Healthcare Resource Center [HRC], Healthcare Simulation Center [HSC], Hospital and Community Settings)
Clinical performance is evaluated on a met/unmet basis. A passing grade for the clinical component of the courses is required to promote to the next course in the sequence of the program. Periodic assessment of progress throughout the semester provides the student with a basis for identifying and meeting course SLOs. The measurement tools enhance student motivation by defining areas of achievement and areas needing improvement to satisfactorily meet course SLOs. Clinical nursing progress is measured by attainment of specific behaviors as defined by the Student Performance Tool (SPT) Handbook for each course in the hospital clinical, simulation clinical and laboratory clinical settings.
Formative evaluation is an ongoing process in which students have the opportunity to practice new skills and behaviors. Feedback from the clinical instructor and other sources allow for correction and/or refinements of these behaviors. Formative evaluation of clinical performance is documented on the Student Performance Tool (SPT). Clinical is evaluated based upon the student learning outcomes (SLOs) on the SPT. All clinical outcomes are assigned as a numeric value of 1 for “met” (i.e., meeting the student learning outcome) and a numeric value of 0 for “unmet” (i.e., not meeting the student learning outcome). No numeric value is given if the student learning outcome is not applicable or unable to be evaluated for that particular clinical activity. The following is an example of clinical evaluation scoring:
1 = Met (The student completed the student learning outcome satisfactorily)
0 = Unmet (The student did not complete the student learning outcome satisfactorily.
/ = Not Applicable / Unable to Assess
Any Unmet on the Student Performance Tool will be explained in the SPT narrative comment section by the faculty member. An unsatisfactory score on the Student Performance Tool represents student behavior that is undesirable and requires the student to counsel with the clinical instructor to remediate the deficiency.
Summative evaluation occurs at the end of the clinical rotation. Students must meet a minimum passing threshold in EACH student learning outcome of the Student Performance Tool. A student who is below the minimum passing threshold (defined as less than 77.45%) in any student learning outcome on the clinical Student Performance Tool (SPT) Summative Evaluation will fail the course. Clinical failures will result in a grade of D regardless of the letter grade achieved.
Students must meet the minimum passing threshold of 77.45% or higher in each of the student learning outcomes to successfully complete the course.
Proficiency skill checkoffs are required. These checkoffs are a part of the preparation for clinical, are evaluated according to established criteria and require successful completion by established deadlines. Students who fail to demonstrate competency of these skills by deadlines will be in clinical jeopardy as documented on the Student Performance Tool (SPT).
Grade Criteria:
91.45-100% = A81.45-91.44% = B
77.45-81.44% = C
69.45-77.44% = D
Below 69.44% = F
- Strict confidentiality of patient information is an unconditional expectation for all nursing students. Contact with assigned patients may only occur while under the direct supervision of clinical faculty. Nursing students may not have any patient contact outside this structured educational setting.
- Students entering the nursing program should be aware that they will be in close contact with other individuals having a variety of health problems in which the etiology (cause) may or may not be known. This exposure places nursing students in the “high risk” category for health problems. Students in the program assume responsibility for their own health and care under all circumstances (pregnancy, orthopedic problems, infection, etc.). Course objectives and clinical assignments must be met in a satisfactory manner. Please refer to the Health Risk for Nursing Program in the Student Handbook.
- Clinical/field agencies and state certification application may require drug screening and a criminal background check. Additional requirements and/or disclosures may become necessary throughout the course of the program. Any noncompliance with these mandates may result in termination from the program. Any fees associated with these mandates will be the responsibility of the student.
- Students are expected to provide their own transportation to and from clinical settings.
- Students must maintain current CPR (BLS through American Heart Association) affirmation throughout the program.
- Students will need basic word processing and Internet searching skills for the completion of class assignments.
- Any form of academic dishonesty results in a zero grade for the exam, quiz, assignment, and standardized testing. See college catalog under Student Code of Conduct for examples of cheating. The exam, project or assignment may not be made up, and college expulsion policy applies.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
NURS 291
No information found.NURS 292
- Title: Special Topics:*
- Number: NURS 292
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 1 - 7
- Contact Hours: 0 - 175
- Lecture Hours: 0 - 75
- Lab Hours: 0 - 50
- Other Hours: 0 - 50
Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program or Department approval .
This course periodically offers specialized or advanced discipline-specific content related to diverse areas of Nursing, not offered in the normal curriculum, to interested and qualified students within the program. This is a repeatable course and may be taken more than once for credit.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
1. Prepare complex readings and research in the designated topic.
2. Define key terms, and both explain and apply concepts within the scope of the topic.
3. Utilize research and/or analysis skills relevant to the area and issues of study.
4. Formulate a reasoned and scholarly discussion about the special topic.
5. Develop a personal point of view about the special topic that can be supported with textual evidence, research and other means.
Content Outline and Competencies:
Because of the nature of a Special Topics course, the course content outline and competencies will vary, depending on the special topic being offered. The Special Topics course outlines must be designed in the standard format for all JCCC-approved courses and must include the standard course objectives for a Special Topics class. The course content outline and competencies must be written in outcome-based language. In order to maintain course consistency, rigor and uniqueness, each section of this course first must be reviewed and approved by the Department faculty prior to its being offered. The Nursing Faculty, the Department Director and the Division Dean will review each Special Topics course to be offered, and approve the course content. The Department will also determine when and if the course may be taught. Any specific Special Topics topic may not be repeated within a two-year sequence.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation will be based on typical Nursing assignments such as clinical performance, quizzes/exams, standardized testing, readings, discussion, written assignments (such as critical reviews or research papers), web-based research, individual or group projects, etc., dependent upon the needs of the topic and the instructor.
Grade Criteria:
91.45-100% = A81.45-91.44% = B
77.45-81.44% = C
69.45-77.44% = D
Below 69.44% = F
- Strict confidentiality of patient information is an unconditional expectation for all nursing students. Contact with assigned patients may only occur while under the direct supervision of clinical faculty. Nursing students may not have any patient contact outside this structured educational setting.
- Students entering the nursing program should be aware that they will be in close contact with other individuals having a variety of health problems in which the etiology (cause) may or may not be known. This exposure places nursing students in the “high risk” category for health problems. Students in the program assume responsibility for their own health and care under all circumstances (pregnancy, orthopedic problems, infection, etc.). Course objectives and clinical assignments must be met in a satisfactory manner. Please refer to the Health Risk for Nursing Program in the Student Handbook.
- Clinical/field agencies and state certification application may require drug screening and a criminal background check. Additional requirements and/or disclosures may become necessary throughout the course of the program. Any noncompliance with these mandates may result in termination from the program. Any fees associated with these mandates will be the responsibility of the student.
- Students are expected to provide their own transportation to and from clinical settings.
- Students must maintain current CPR (BLS through American Heart Association) affirmation throughout the program.
- Students will need basic word processing and Internet searching skills for the completion of class assignments.
- Any form of academic dishonesty results in a zero grade for the exam, quiz, assignment, and standardized testing. See college catalog under Student Code of Conduct for examples of cheating. The exam, project or assignment may not be made up, and college expulsion policy applies.
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).