
PH 142   Health Communication in a Diverse World (3 Hours)

This course provides the students with opportunities to explore the principles and application of communication at the individual, group and community level. Communication and advocacy will be studied in a variety of settings such as healthcare, schools, workplace and special populations including children, elderly, homeless, limited English-proficient patients and individuals with special needs. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

PH 152   Health Education (3 Hours)

Students in this course will explore the importance of health, health education and health promotion at the individual, group ad community level. The course emphasizes a skill-oriented focus and preparation for a health educator, including opportunities to identify and address a community need while applying basic skills of advocacy and leadership through the delivery of a course. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.

PH 162   Health Administration (3 Hours)

This course will provide an overview of the healthcare delivery system, including various levels of care providers and facilities. Students will explore administration of long-term care and public health services, including financial management, government policies and management of care. 3 hrs. lecture/wk.