
REL 120   Exploring World Religions (3 Hours)

This course is a comparative study of the world's major religious traditions. The basic beliefs of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam will be explored. A comparative framework for religious studies will be provided, and essential differences between Eastern and Western religions will be noted. Literary texts and iconographic images will be studied as appropriate.

REL 125   Asian Religions (3 Hours)

Asian Religions is a detailed examination of the rich and diverse religious traditions of India, Tibet, China and Japan. Students will explore the histories, mutual influences, beliefs, and practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Daoism, the Tibetan religions, and Shinto, emphasizing the characteristics they share, as well as those that differentiate them from each other and from Western religions. Primary and secondary texts, as well as the iconographic and artistic traditions of these religions, will be examined as appropriate.

REL 126   Religions of the West (3 Hours)

Religions of the West is a detailed examination of the rich and diverse religious traditions that originated in the ancient Near East (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), examples of indigenous traditions of Africa and North America, and examples of "alternative religions" of modern/contemporary Western culture. The student will explore the histories, cultural influences, beliefs and practices of these religions, stressing the characteristics that they share and those that differentiate them, both from one another and from the religious traditions of South and East Asian cultures. The primary texts, as well as the iconographic and artistic traditions of these religions, will be examined as appropriate.

REL 150   Islam: Religion and Civilization (3 Hours)

This course surveys major themes and developments in Islamic culture and history from the life of the Prophet Muhammad to the present Muslim diaspora. Topics will include Islam’s major teachings and practices; its main religious branches; expansion and political development since the seventh century; interactions with the West; and Islamic law, philosophy, arts, science, and literature. Emphases will be on the analysis and interpretation of these developments. HIST 150, HUM 150 and REL 150 are the same course; enroll in one only.

REL 292   Special Topics:* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: REL120 with a "C" or higher or REL 125 with a "C" or higher or REL 126 with a "C" or higher.

This course periodically offers specialized or advanced discipline-specific content related to the study of religion, not usually taught in the curriculum, to interested and qualified students within the program. This is a repeatable course and may be taken more than once for credit.