The 31-credit-hour certificate granted by Johnson County Community College is a program designed to prepare students for entry into the rapidly advancing, diverse horticultural industry. The coursework provides a solid science foundation for the propagation, production, and managing of plants, both food and essential, in controlled environments and the field.  The curriculum is designed to provide students with an invaluable hands-on learning experience. Upon completion of this certificate, students will possess the knowledge and skills to be successful at entry-level or higher positions in most specializations within Horticulture, including crop production, nursery management, landscape maintenance, golf course management, private and public gardens management, garden center operations, wholesale greenhouse growing, greenhouse operations and other related occupations.

Horticultural Sciences Certificate can be completed through a combination of face-to-face, hybrid, and online classes in one year. Horticultural Sciences Certificate is stackable with the AAS Horticultural Sciences degree.

(Major Code 6180; CIP Code 01.0601)

Horticultural Sciences Program web page

Program Outcomes

Johnson County Community College (JCCC) is committed to offering high-quality affordable programs that focus on developing knowledge and skills conducive to life-long learning. Both the General Education Student Learning Outcomes and Institutional Learning Outcomes convey JCCC's approach to programmatic outcomes. Additionally, students who successfully complete the Horticultural Sciences Certificate from JCCC will be able to: