This course is approved by the Kansas Board of Regents for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas Regents public postsecondary institutions. Additional courses may also be eligible for transfer. Please visit a JCCC counselor or the JCCC Registrar's office, and the Transfer Kansas portal to learn more.
ACCT 240 Fraud Examination* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : ACCT 122.
This course analyzes the principles involved in the detection and prevention of fraud as it pertains to financial matters. The course will explore the vast body of knowledge gained by accounting practitioners and will utilize critical thinking to apply these factors to the prevention of financial-statement and employee fraud. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to describe how and why fraud is committed, use creative ways to detect and prevent fraudulent conduct, and understand how allegations of fraud should be investigated and resolved.
Computer Information Systems, AAS
...Hours ACCT 121 Accounting I 3 CIS 201 Introduction to Information Systems* 3 CIS 240...