This course is approved by the Kansas Board of Regents for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas Regents public postsecondary institutions. Additional courses may also be eligible for transfer. Please visit a JCCC counselor or the JCCC Registrar's office, and the Transfer Kansas portal to learn more.
ACCT 285 Accounting Capstone* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : (ACCT 136 or ACCT 137) and (ACCT 141 or ACCT 210) and ACCT 222.
This course is designed as a capstone experience before entering the workplace. Topics will include managerial use of financial data, analysis of financial statements, and ethics in accounting. Students will be required to execute accounting procedures both manually and electronically through an accounting cycle. Students will use financial statements to make informed judgments and solve problems. Students will identify and apply ethical positions and effectively communicate this information to others.