COMS 121   Public Speaking (3 Hours)

This course is designed to meet the needs of people who wish to improve their ability to prepare and deliver effective oral presentations before an audience. This fundamental speech course emphasizes creation of ideas, research techniques, outlining, organization, audience analysis, listening skills, delivery techniques, and online public speaking skills. Students will deliver a variety of speech types including informative and persuasive.

Automation Engineer Technology, AAS

...has registration requirements. ^ See all AAS general education electives . + COMS 121 is the recommended course.

Automation Engineer Technology Certificate

...Total Program Hours: 31 * This course has registration requirements. + COMS 121 is the recommended course.

Respiratory Care, AAS

...Care (CoARC Graduates are eligible...CHEM 122 requirement. ENGL 121 Composition I* 3...