This course is approved by the Kansas Board of Regents for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas Regents public postsecondary institutions. Additional courses may also be eligible for transfer. Please visit a JCCC counselor or the JCCC Registrar's office, and the Transfer Kansas portal to learn more.
EDUC 260 Observing and Interacting with Young Children* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : EDUC 130 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Prerequisites or corequisites: PSYC 215.
This course is a study of the role of observation to assess and monitor the development and learning of, and the appropriate techniques for interacting with, young children. Included will be the purposes and types of observation procedures, interpretation and use of findings, reporting techniques, and legal and ethical responsibilities. Expected age-related child behavior, fundamental principles of and theoretical approaches to child guidance, guidance techniques, working with families and issues of diversity are also presented. The laboratory will include demonstration of the subject matter.
Computer Information Systems, AAS
...learning. Both the General Education Student Learning Outcomes...Statistical Programming 3 DS 260 Data Mining* 3...