EVRN 250   Bioethics in Science and Research* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites : BIOL 121 or BIOL 125 or BIOL 127 or BIOL 132 or BIOL 135 or BIOL 140 or BIOL 144 or EVRN 115 or EVRN 124 or EVRN 130 or EVRN 134 or EVRN 255 .

This course introduces students to the scientific, ethical, and legal issues relevant to the sciences and research including those raised by the rapid development of new technologies. This course will examine the bioethical and legal dimensions of current controversies across a range of scientific fields. Topics will include, genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms, stem cell and cloning research, human and animal subject research, human impacts on the environment, patenting life, the use of AI and other technologies in science and medicine, research misconduct, conflicts of interest, informed consent, and data management. Students will employ scientific, legal, and philosophical tools to critically evaluate complex bioethical issues, and will be challenged to think critically about the role of scientists in society as well as the impacts of science on both humanity and the natural world.