SAG 285   Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Internship* (2 Hours)

Prerequisites : (SAG 100 with a grade of "C" or higher or SAG 245 with a grade of "C" or higher) and Department approval.

Students deepen their practical skills and knowledge in a chosen area with an internship in an appropriate setting under instructional supervision. Internship projects are cooperative efforts between mentors in field settings and college staff and students. Internships give students the opportunity to participate in the real-world application of their academic studies. In addition, this synthesis of classroom study with practical experience provides students with skills and insights useful in furthering their education through transfer to a four-year institution or beyond, or selecting a career in a sector of sustainable agriculture and food systems. The student spends the equivalent of 10 hours per week for 14 weeks performing internship duties over the course of the semester or a total of 140 hours.