This course is approved by the Kansas Board of Regents for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas Regents public postsecondary institutions. Additional courses may also be eligible for transfer. Please visit a JCCC counselor or the JCCC Registrar's office, and the Transfer Kansas portal to learn more.
WEB 110 HTML and CSS (3 Hours)
This course will cover the essential skills needed to create responsive websites, using HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Students will be introduced to the concepts, foundations, syntax and structure of HTML and CSS. Additional topics include the use of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to publish websites and validation to web standards established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and other organizations.
WEB 112 Professional Skills for the Digital Developer (3 Hours)
This course covers the development of a professional digital portfolio. Also, students will use technology to achieve effective team management, project management and problem-solving skills. Current and relevant legal, ethical and governmental issues important to a career in digital development are also covered. Professional branding through social media, resume and cover letter will be produced. Self-promotion, networking, job searches and interview skills will also be covered.
WEB 114 Web Scripting: JavaScript I* (2 Hours)
Prerequisites or corequisites: WEB 110.
Students will study the purpose for and principles of client-side scripting using JavaScript. Topics include JavaScript variables, operators, expressions, functions, control structures, arrays and event listeners. Students will use professional techniques to write and debug code. JavaScript security issues will be explored.
WEB 116 Digital Media Concepts (2 Hours)
This course examines the digital media creation process and the impact of emerging technology on that process. Emphasis is placed on the need to understand target audiences, as well as the impact of content on those audiences. Creative culture is examined so students may begin to understand the relationship between ideas and the structure and management of the organizations and intellectual property systems used to express those ideas.
WEB 118 Digital Workflow (3 Hours)
The course introduces the terminology, planning, processes, and tools needed for web development and digital media projects. Students will be introduced to current and best practice strategies, including how to manage client expectations, develop requirements for designing in the browser, create style guides and documentation, develop techniques for handling responsive design requirements, and visualizing the points where responsive designs change.
WEB 120 Web Analytics* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 110.
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to implement and apply Web analytics techniques. Topics to be covered include Web traffic analysis, data collection methodologies, report analysis, best-practices configuration and search engine optimization.
WEB 121 Digital Media Assets* (4 Hours)
Prerequisites or corequisites: WEB 116.
This course focuses on technologies and workflows in managing digital image, digital video and audio assets throughout an asset's life cycle. Through the study of digital and interactive media and its application in information technology, students will analyze and assess current and emerging technologies. Students will design and create multimedia projects that address customer needs and solve real world problems. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly evolving workplace environment. The knowledge and skills acquired and practiced will enable students to successfully perform and interact in a technology-driven society.
WEB 122 CSS Techniques & Projects* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 110.
Students will apply Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) techniques through the use of professional, advanced website development projects. Industry-standard Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) semantic markup practices and presentation separation through CSS is emphasized. CSS topics include professional syntax practices, formatting and layout skills. Advanced CSS skills for float, positioning, alignment and image formatting are covered.
WEB 124 Web Scripting: JavaScript II* (2 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 114.
Students will apply JavaScript to interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) and the Browser Object Model (BOM). Students will also use JavaScript to enhance and validate form data, to manipulate data in strings and arrays, and will build upon their object-oriented programming skills by working with built-in JavaScript objects as well as custom objects. Students will study and apply coding techniques to address JavaScript linting, debugging, and security issues.
WEB 125 Digital Video Tools (1 Hour)
This introductory video production technology course will cover basic desktop computer operating systems and the technologies used to bring photographic (film, video, still) images and audio into the digital domain. Students will learn to prepare audio and video media from pre-production to post-production techniques for digital delivery systems and the Internet.
WEB 126 Technical Interface Skills* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 110.
This course will cover the skills needed to successfully develop Information Architecture (IA) blueprints from concept to completion. Students will use fundamental visual principles, perception, color, composition and typography to analyze and modify existing IA plans while keeping consistent structure. They will create complementary visuals that maintain a client's brand while working through the modification process. Students will review the critical universal usability rules and basic visual design principles quintessential of a design team and to implement an aesthetic vision through every step of development.
WEB 128 Server Scripting: PHP with MySQL* (2 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 110.
This course covers the commands and techniques available to add functionality to Web pages using Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP). Students will build client-side PHP scripts with variables, functions, expressions, methods and events to validate forms and enhance Web page functionality. The basics of server-side scripting are introduced. Students also define and build a relational database using MySQL, then use PHP scripts as well as SQL in a Web page to connect to the database to edit, delete and enter records.
WEB 172 WordPress I* (1 Hour)
Prerequisites or corequisites: WEB 110 or (CSS 105 or CPCA 105) or (CSS 106 or CPCA 106) or (CSS 128 or CPCA 128) or an appropriate score on a waiver test.
This course will cover the commands and techniques required to create and revise blogs and websites using WordPress. Topics to be covered will include basic blogging techniques, working with digital images, hosting, spam and security issues, plugins and themes. Real-world applications of WordPress will be the primary focus of this course. Hands-on, practical projects will be performed to reinforce the concepts.
WEB 225 Advanced Digital Video Tools* (1 Hour)
Prerequisites or corequisites: WEB 125.
In this advanced video course, students will work with video capture and post-production technologies. Students will expand on prior experience with basic audio and video pre-production and post-production techniques and learn advanced skills, including: audio, keyframing, adjustment layers, masks/mattes, greenscreen and motion tracking.
WEB 231 User Experience* (4 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 126.
This course will serve as a broad survey of the user experience design process for interactive products and services. Students will learn the building blocks of the user experience including interaction design, design research, information architecture and design principles. It will also provide knowledge of how to evaluate user experience concepts using methods such as heuristic evaluation, prototyping and usability studies. Through readings, critiques, exercises and discussions, students will explore what makes the experience of an interactive media application successful.
WEB 233 Visual Storytelling (3 Hours)
Storytelling is how people share ideas and meaning. It's how we communicate, reach each other and connect. This course provides an introduction to the methods and tools of visual storytelling. Students will explore the impact of visual storytelling and how to communicate visually. Students will use storytelling techniques enabling them to create, design and produce stories using digital media. This course will explore the key elements to tell realistic and compelling visual stories. Students will write scripts, design storyboards, create still and moving images using music and narration to tell their stories.
WEB 234 Web Apps I* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 124.
Mobile devices outnumber desktop and laptop computers three to one worldwide. This course will cover practical guidelines, standards, techniques and best practices for building Web applications using Client-Side programming including Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and JavaScript, including basic design and development principles for all mobile devices and platforms. Students will have strong knowledge about the methods and tools used in developing Web applications.
WEB 237 Emerging Technologies* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 126.
This course provides a practical approach to encourage greater understanding and analysis of emerging technologies such as the web, social media, mobile apps, video games and wearables. The course focuses on how companies, organizations and individuals are using digital media to communicate and connect with all of their various stakeholder groups, including consumers. As the media environment changes with new technological capabilities to distribute and retrieve messages, companies’ promotional communication strategies must adapt as well. This course exposes students to the decision-making involved in a promotional communication context in terms of both message content development and placement.
WEB 238 Interactive Scripting: JQuery* (4 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 122 and WEB 124.
Designers and developers can use jQuery to have complete access to all Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) styles of any element on a Web page, effortless Web page content manipulation via filters and patterns, detection or creation of events (mouse movement or click), moving, hiding and fading elements and other features. Students will be exposed to how to write efficient jQuery selectors to round up sets of Document Object Model (DOM) elements, how to use the framework's many methods to manipulate DOM elements, how to use the jQuery event application programming interface (API) to set up event listeners and event delegation, how to manage Ajax requests with jQuery and how to extend jQuery with custom filters and methods.
WEB 239 Introduction to Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)* (2 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 114.
This course will introduce and explain how application programming interfaces (APIs) work covering the essentials of this core piece of modern web development, explaining what APIs are and how to use them to quickly incorporate data into your websites. Students will use APIs to consume and obtain data from APIs. Topics include the basics of associated technologies and skills, such as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and object-oriented programming, and shows how to handle errors you might encounter when trying to obtain data from an API.
WEB 240 HTML and CSS II* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : WEB 124.
This course focuses on the latest generation of browser-based technologies for front-end design and development. Topics in the course include Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), HyperText Markup Language (HTML) elements, HTML Application Programming Interface (API), forms, audio and video, offline applications, Canvas drawing and animation, communication APIs, Web Sockets and Web Workers, Geolocation, local and session storage, Web Structured Query language (SQL) Database, and advanced topics such as mobile Web applications, performance analysis, browser issues and developer tools.
WEB 243 Search Engine Optimization* (1 Hour)
Prerequisites : WEB 110.
This course will cover how to optimize a website to maximize search engine ranking. Upon completion of the course students will be able to identify and implement effective website designs and strategies for search engine optimization.
WEB 245 Motion Graphics Tools* (1 Hour)
Prerequisites or corequisites: WEB 125.
This course is designed to introduce students to motion graphics and special effects. All basic applications of the program will be touched upon including credits, transitions, filters, masks and mattes. Students will experience the complete motion graphics workflow, beginning by capturing their own still images and videos and concluding by rendering and exporting an original composition.
WEB 290 Web Development and Digital Media Capstone* (3 Hours)
Prerequisites : Department approval.
This course is the culmination of the course work that makes up the Web Development and Digital Media AAS degree. It incorporates elements from each of the core program courses to allow students to walk through the entire Web design process, including design/project documentation, wire framing, creating mock-ups, revisions, pages and final deliverables. Upon completion of course, students will have a professional website that can serve as part of their professional portfolio.
WEB 292 Special Topics:* (1-3 Hour)
Prerequisites : Department approval.
This course periodically presents specialized topics in Web Development and Digital Media that are not available in the regularly offered curriculum. Special Topics may be repeated for credit, but only on different topics. This is a repeatable course and may be taken more than once for credit.
WEB 294 Web Development and Digital Media Internship* (1 Hour)
Prerequisites : Department approval.
Web Development and Digital Media Internship provides students with the opportunity to gain experience in the workplace and translate classroom learning into practice. An internship experience provides the student with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a work setting. The experience also helps students gain a clearer sense of what they still need to learn and provides an opportunity to build professional networks. 180 hours minimum requirement of on-the-job training.
WEB 110
- Title: HTML and CSS
- Number: WEB 110
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
This course will cover the essential skills needed to create responsive websites, using HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Students will be introduced to the concepts, foundations, syntax and structure of HTML and CSS. Additional topics include the use of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to publish websites and validation to web standards established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and other organizations.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Explain how to create sites that are compliant with current W3C standards in web development.
- Create valid and semantically correct HTML pages.
- Organize website files and FTP them to a web server.
- Create valid HTML tables.
- Create absolute, relative and anchor links.
- Apply cascading styles to an HTML document through inline, internal or external style sheets.
- Test and troubleshoot HTML and CSS.
- Create web forms using HTML and style them with CSS.
- Apply responsive web design principles.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Web Page Building Blocks
A. Develop web page files.
B. Describe W3C standards.
C. Discuss how Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act affects web page design.
D. Write the source code of a web page.
E. Describe web page elements, attributes and values.
II. Structure and Content
A. Declare the encoding and create valid HTML structural and wireframe elements.
B. Create appropriate textual content.
C. Insert appropriate graphical content.
D. Mark up content with semantically correct HTML such as paragraphs, phrases, headings, lists, and images.
E. Code appropriate attribute values to further describe and control HTML elements.
III. Web Page Files
A. Define and apply appropriate web file naming conventions and file management techniques.
B. Use FTP to deploy pages to a web server.
C. Test published web pages using HTTP protocol in a browser.
IV. Tables
A. Discuss the appropriate use for tables.
B. Create and modify table rows and columns.
C. Apply styles to tables.
V. Absolute, Relative and Anchor Links
A. Create links.
1. Relative links to other pages
2. Absolute links to other websites
B. Create anchor links.
C. Create targeting links.
D. Use images as links.
E. Discuss image maps.
VI. Cascading Style Sheets
A. Define CSS selectors, attributes, and declarations.
B. Select elements by element name, type, or id, or class including combinators and pseudo-classes.
C. Create and appropriately apply external, internal, and inline styles.
D. Apply text styles such as font family, text color, background color, and alignment to both inline and block elements.
E. Apply styles using the box model such as borders, padding, and margins.
F. Create multi-column flexible layouts using both float and grid techniques.
G. Apply flexbox techniques.
VII. Testing and Validation
A. Test and validate HTML of the published website.
B. Test and validate CSS of the published website.
C. Employ popular browsers to test web pages.
D. Use browser developer tools to troubleshoot problems.
VIII. Web Forms
A. Create a web form.
B. Create form styles using CSS.
C. Create form input elements and other controls used for a variety of data types.
D. Apply appropriate form element attributes to improve the accuracy and speed of data entry.
E. Explain the process of sending data from a web form to a server.
IX. Responsive Web Design
A. Define the goals and techniques of responsive web design.
B. Describe and apply flexible units of measurement for fonts and layout.
C. Create flexible images using CSS.
D. Create media queries in CSS.
E. Insert appropriate HTML meta tags for responsive design.
F. Apply both a traditional and mobile-first responsive style sheet.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
30-40% Homework and projects
30-40% Quizzes and tests
30-40% Final website
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 112
- Title: Professional Skills for the Digital Developer
- Number: WEB 112
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
This course covers the development of a professional digital portfolio. Also, students will use technology to achieve effective team management, project management and problem-solving skills. Current and relevant legal, ethical and governmental issues important to a career in digital development are also covered. Professional branding through social media, resume and cover letter will be produced. Self-promotion, networking, job searches and interview skills will also be covered.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Demonstrate knowledge of a systematic approach to a decision-making process as related to web and digital media projects and their career goals.
Examine appropriate workplace behaviors for web and digital media professionals.
Discuss the importance of professional networking and how to network for web and digital media professionals.
Design and produce professional branding as it relates to web and digital media professionals.
Use technology to successfully identify problems, define arguments, assess credibility and estimate business opportunities.
Use technology to build skills to improve group decision-making, project management, meeting effectiveness and committee-driven decisions.
Analyze common information systems or web applications or other digital media decisions from a cost-benefit perspective.
Apply technology to common decision support models.
Identify career opportunities, job descriptions, and employment opportunities.
Develop a professional profile of leadership roles, strengths, and talents.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Decision-Making Process
A. Identify opportunity costs and trade-offs.
B. Explore factors regarding academic planning and career development, financial literacy and technology.
II. Workplace Behaviors
A. Examine appropriate workplace behaviors, including attitude, work ethic, responsibility, dependability, punctuality, integrity, time management, effort, adherence to dress code, teamwork and workplace etiquette.
B. Identify inappropriate workplace behaviors, including violence and sexual harassment, and procedures for addressing such behaviors.
C. Recognize the importance of diverse viewpoints.
III. Professional Networking
A. Research possible companies and organizations for employment.
B. Demonstrate successful interviewing techniques.
C. Describe effective employment search methods.
IV. Professional Branding
A. Develop a professional digital portfolio.
B. Assess values, talents, abilities and skills.
C. Produce professional resume and cover letter.
V. Problem-Solving Skills
A. Use digital tools to build strategies to successfully identify problems, define arguments and assess credibility.
B. Use digital tools to build strategies to effectively estimate and use the “reasonableness test.”
VI. Team Skills
A. Use digital tools to improve group decision-making for common projects related to digital technologies.
B. Use digital tools to improve meeting and committee effectiveness.
C. Use digital tools to develop listening, speaking and negotiating skills.
D. Hold various roles to work within a team to address common digital technology challenges.
E. Plan, lead and manage a digital technology project using professional project management skills.
VII. Cost-Benefit Decisions
A. Analyze and define a technology-related business problem.
B. Gather and analyze cost-benefit data.
C. Identify and define multiple solutions to the problem.
D. Prepare a cost-benefit analysis for each solution.
VIII. Decision Support Models
A. Use digital tools to develop a what-if analysis to support decision-making for a future projection.
B. Use digital tools to develop a weighted criteria analysis to support decision-making on a subjective evaluation.
C. Analyze other common decision support models commonly used for technology-related projects.
IX. Career Opportunities
A. Participate in assessments that identify personal areas of interest and aptitude.
B. Explore individual career options.
C. Examine specific job descriptions, requirements, salaries, and employment outlooks.
D. Analyze personal skills, interests, and abilities and relate them to current career opportunities.
E. Identify current legal issues that impact digital technology careers.
F. Identify current ethical issues that impact digital technology careers.
X. Leadership Roles
A. Explore leadership theory models.
B. Explore three major areas of leadership.
1. Personal leadership
2. Organizational leadership
3. Global leadership
C. Examine leadership in the context of working with others.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
25-45% Exams
45-75% Assignments, activities and quizzes
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 114
- Title: Web Scripting: JavaScript I*
- Number: WEB 114
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 2
- Contact Hours: 2
- Lecture Hours: 2
Prerequisites or corequisites: WEB 110.
Students will study the purpose for and principles of client-side scripting using JavaScript. Topics include JavaScript variables, operators, expressions, functions, control structures, arrays and event listeners. Students will use professional techniques to write and debug code. JavaScript security issues will be explored.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Describe the purpose of and relationship between Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), client-side and server-side scripting languages.
- Integrate JavaScript using HTML event attributes, the HTML script element and external JavaScript files.
- Create JavaScript variables, expressions and operators.
- Create JavaScript functions and event listeners.
- Write JavaScript to store and use data in arrays.
- Write JavaScript to control program flow.
- Debug JavaScript.
- Identify JavaScript security issues.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Introduction to JavaScript Programming
A. Define purpose for and relationship between HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
B. Explain purpose for and relationship between client-side and server-side scripting languages.
II. JavaScript and HTML
A. Insert script tags on a web page.
B. Explain JavaScript syntax.
C. Create external JavaScript files.
D. Write scripts using JavaScript objects, properties and methods.
E. Add comments.
F. Run code based on events.
III. Expressions and Operators
A. Declare and initialize local and global variables.
B. Build expressions with assignment and comparison operators.
C. Build expressions with arithmetic operators.
D. Build expressions with logical operators.
E. Describe operator precedence.
IV. Functions and Event Listeners
A. Use built-in JavaScript functions.
B. Create custom functions
C. Work with numeric, Boolean and string variables.
D. Run code from event listeners.
V. Arrays
A. Declare and initialize arrays.
B. Use and modify arrays in scripts.
C. Use HTML element node lists.
VI. Program Flow
A. Use the while statement.
B. Use the do while statement.
C. Write scripts using for statements.
D. Write scripts using if and else if statements.
E. Build scripts using the switch statement.
VII. Debugging
A. Explain the difference between syntax, run-time and logic errors.
B. List professional practices that help reduce errors.
C. Use debugging techniques to trace errors.
D. Use browser debugging tools to find errors.
E. Apply linting to find JavaScript errors.
VIII. Security
A. Identify current JavaScript security concerns.
B. Describe current strategies to address security concerns.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
40-60% Quizzes
40-60% Projects/Assignments
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 116
- Title: Digital Media Concepts
- Number: WEB 116
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 2
- Contact Hours: 2
- Lecture Hours: 2
This course examines the digital media creation process and the impact of emerging technology on that process. Emphasis is placed on the need to understand target audiences, as well as the impact of content on those audiences. Creative culture is examined so students may begin to understand the relationship between ideas and the structure and management of the organizations and intellectual property systems used to express those ideas.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Examine concepts of communication through digital media.
Analyze the usability of digital media.
Discuss copyright and fair use guidelines.
Explain the importance of information privacy and security.
Utilize a design model or process to plan and implement an interactive project.
Explore careers in interactive media and web design and development.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Concepts of Communication
A. Explore core concepts of digital media.
B. Identify the values and problems with social networking.
C. Explore the impact of current and future digital media technology.
D. Discuss the relationship between digital media and society.
II. Digital Media Usability
A. Explain how digital technology expands the features of media devices.
B. Discuss uses of web-enabled devices.
C. Identify, describe and use various output devices.
III. Copyright and Fair Use
A. Explain the difference between legal and ethical issues surrounding the access and use of media.
B. Examine copyright and fair use guidelines.
C. Discuss intellectual property.
D. Identify the various acts of copyright violation and measures to prevent those acts.
E. Identify the legal concerns that are associated with information exchange.
IV. Information Privacy and Security
A. Explore the impact of cloud computing.
B. Explain the importance of securing a computer.
C. Explain how some online behaviors can be harmful personally and to a business.
V. Design Processes
A. Discuss rapid development processes.
B. Describe a project and the problems addressed.
C. Explore the needs of the audience or customer.
D. Organize a project.
E. Write a project proposal.
VI. Digital Media, Web Design and Development Careers
A. Identify the skills needed for employment in digital media and web design.
B. Identify different specialties in digital media and web design and development.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
5-20% Class participation
10-15% Research papers/projects
10-15% Client Meeting
10-25% Prototypes
30-50% Exams
Total 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 118
- Title: Digital Workflow
- Number: WEB 118
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
The course introduces the terminology, planning, processes, and tools needed for web development and digital media projects. Students will be introduced to current and best practice strategies, including how to manage client expectations, develop requirements for designing in the browser, create style guides and documentation, develop techniques for handling responsive design requirements, and visualizing the points where responsive designs change.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Demonstrate an understanding of web and digital media production.
Create an effective plan for web and digital media content creation.
Explore web methodologies.
Define project and task management and implement appropriate software..
Create design documentation and style guides.
Identify the roles and functions of the web and digital media design team.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Web and Digital Media Production
A. Discuss the history of web development and digital media.
B. Identify fundamental terminology needed to work in the field of web and digital media.
C. Describe common misunderstandings about web and digital media production.
II. Content Creation
A. Develop strategies to manage client expectations and development requirements.
B. Identify the key areas of technology required for a digital solution.
C. Explain the key technical areas of a digital solution.
D. Examine content creation strategies for successful digital solutions.
III. Web Methodologies
A. Identify and describe the steps of an industry-standard planning process.
B. Diagram a digital solution project using an industry-standard planning process.
C. Implement an industry-standard planning process.
IV. Project and Task Management
A. Define project and task management.
B. Compare and contrast appropriate software for project and task management.
C. Apply appropriate software to a task.
1. Wireframing
2. Timeline
3. Prototyping
4. Other
V. Style Guides and Design Documentation
A. Develop and create style guides and design documentation.
B. Identify the target audience.
C. Design for emotion.
1. Voice
2. Typography
3. Brand colors
4. Personality
VI. Web and Digital Media Design Teams
A. Identify the roles of designers, managers, subject matter experts, and stakeholders.
B. Factor the principle of minimal internal risk.
C. Integrate the principle of professional growth.
D. Manage the principle of ownership.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
10-20% Examinations
15-20% Projects
35-65% Assignments and Collaboration
35-65% Final Project
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 120
- Title: Web Analytics*
- Number: WEB 120
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
Prerequisites: WEB 110.
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to implement and apply Web analytics techniques. Topics to be covered include Web traffic analysis, data collection methodologies, report analysis, best-practices configuration and search engine optimization.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Discuss the purpose of Web analytics and associated terminology.
Discuss available Web analytics methodologies and their accuracy.
Use Web analytics tools to collect and analyze data.
Use Web analytics tools to configure and build reports.
Identify key performance indicators.
Describe and implement search engine optimization strategies.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Web Analytics
A. Describe the purpose of Web analytics.
B. Discuss the technical terminology used in Web analytics.
C. Describe the benefits of website measurement.
D. Explain the types of information obtained from Web analytics tools.
E. Identify the kinds of decisions that can be made from Web analytics tools.
F. Discuss the ROI (Return on Investment) of Web analytics.
G. Discuss how Web analytics fits into a business or organization.
II. Available Methodologies
A. Discuss available Web analytics methodologies and their accuracy.
B. Describe visitor data and how it is collected.
C. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of price tags and logfiles.
D. Discuss the role of cookies in Web analytics.
E. Identify the accuracy limitations of Web traffic information.
F. Describe end-user privacy concerns in relation to Web analytics.
III. Popular Web Analytics Tools
A. Identify the most popular Web analytics tools.
B. Discuss key features, benefits and limitations of various Web analytics tools.
C. Use Web analytics tools to collect and analyze data.
IV. Reports
A. Discuss the top reports used by Web analytics tools.
B. Configure and build reports.
C. Describe page value and data sampling.
D. Explain best-practices configuration.
V. Website Performance
A. Discuss objectives and key results for a website.
B. Identify key performance indicators.
C. Use visitor data to drive website improvement.
D. Discuss increasing website visibility.
VI. Search Engine Optimization
A. Discuss search engine optimization.
B. Identify and optimize poorly performing pages.
C. Discuss ways to track e-commerce transactions.
D. Describe the importance of optimizing landing-pages.
E. Identify methods for tracking offline marketing.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
35-65% Quizzes
35-65% Projects/Assignments
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 121
- Title: Digital Media Assets*
- Number: WEB 121
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 4
- Contact Hours: 5
- Lecture Hours: 3
- Lab Hours: 2
Prerequisites or corequisites: WEB 116.
This course focuses on technologies and workflows in managing digital image, digital video and audio assets throughout an asset's life cycle. Through the study of digital and interactive media and its application in information technology, students will analyze and assess current and emerging technologies. Students will design and create multimedia projects that address customer needs and solve real world problems. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly evolving workplace environment. The knowledge and skills acquired and practiced will enable students to successfully perform and interact in a technology-driven society.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Create and edit digital media assets.
Discuss digital media asset management.
Explore intellectual property laws and practices.
Create a system for tracking and managing digital assets.
Explore open source and proprietary software packages for digital image editing.
Demonstrate project-specific awareness of how to compose with multiple media.
Implement and evaluate projects using digital media techniques.
Apply the principles of information design.
Write a proposal, with timelines and creative concepts.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Digital Media Assets
A. Apply knowledge of software, equipment and skills related to digital media production.
B. Apply knowledge of digital media production tools and applications.
C. Convert the formats for digital assets.
D. Discuss components of effective digital business communication.
II. Digital Media Asset Management (DMAM)
A. Identify the key components and functions of a DMAM system.
B. List and explain asset management techniques.
C. Explain storage considerations.
D. Describe cross-platform considerations.
E. Develop competencies in online project management and collaboration.
III. Intellectual Property Laws and Practices
A. List credible sources for copyright, accessibility and usability issues.
B. Discuss why intellectual property law is important.
C. Define fair use for different types of interactive media assets.
D. Discuss the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
E. Explore Creative Commons, open source and other standards for legally sharing digital media.
F. Evaluate ethical and legal considerations in working with digital media.
IV. Digital Assets Management
A. Discuss digital asset and rights management.
B. Explore workflow of digital media creation.
C. Discuss effectively managing digital media creation.
V. Open Source and Proprietary Software
A. Discuss what open source means.
B. Compare open source and proprietary image editing software.
VI. Multiple Media Composition
A. Demonstrate how to engage various audiences.
B. Determine the appropriate distribution channel.
C. Explain why the media should be a digital project.
D. Explore online digital media tips, tutorials, newsletters and user groups.
VII. Digital Media Techniques
A. Use written, oral and visual communication skills to communicate information and ideas about new media.
B. Examine assistive technologies.
C. Identify rich media content.
D. Describe various output options for digital media.
E. Plan and create a digital media project.
F. Conduct usability testing of digital media.
VIII. Information Design
A. Examine current trends and key technologies in the media industry.
B. Create active and interactive content with graphics, animation, sound and video using media authoring software.
C. Describe and implement the phases of media production, from the initial planning to the final delivery of a professional product.
IX. Proposal
A. Plan and manage the life cycle of a multimedia production.
B. Formulate the implementation of a production pipeline.
C. Write and produce concept guidelines.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
25-55% Quizzes
25-55% Project
10-35% Final Exam
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 122
- Title: CSS Techniques & Projects*
- Number: WEB 122
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
Prerequisites: WEB 110.
Students will apply Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) techniques through the use of professional, advanced website development projects. Industry-standard Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) semantic markup practices and presentation separation through CSS is emphasized. CSS topics include professional syntax practices, formatting and layout skills. Advanced CSS skills for float, positioning, alignment and image formatting are covered.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Explain the benefits of separating website content and presentation using semantic HTML markup and CSS.
Demonstrate current HTML and CSS standards including div tags, class and id attributes.
Write CSS styling rules.
Write CSS layout rules.
Write CSS rules for advanced layout techniques such as positioning, float and alignment of block elements.
Write CSS rules for common Web page areas such a navigation bar and image gallery.
Apply inline, embedded and linked style sheets to Web pages.
Research current HTML, CSS and browser support issues.
Demonstrate CSS “best practice” techniques.
Validate and correct HTML and CSS to adhere to industry standards.
Content Outline and Competencies:
A. Explain the problem created by using HTML to format or position Web page content.
B. Explain the purpose of semantic HTML.
C. Explain how CSS provides uniform and productive website formatting and layout.
II. HTML and CSS Markup Standards
A. Semantically markup a Web page applying div elements, id and class selectors as appropriate.
B. Explain CSS rule syntax and vocabulary.
C. Write CSS comments.
D. Write CSS rules for common HTML elements and also the div (division) element.
E. Write CSS rules for the id and class selectors.
III. CSS Styling Rules
A. Write CSS rules to apply background properties.
B. Write CSS rules to apply text properties.
C. Write CSS rules to apply font properties.
D. Write CSS rules to format links.
E. Write CSS rules to apply list properties.
F. Write CSS rules to format tables.
IV. CSS Layout Rules
A. Apply CSS terminology and rules.
B. Write CSS rules to apply border properties.
C. Write CSS rules to apply outline properties.
D. Write CSS rules to apply margin properties.
E. Write CSS Rules to apply padding properties.
V. Advanced CSS Layout Rules
A. Write CSS rules to apply dimension properties.
B. Write CSS rules for the display and visibility property.
C. Write CSS rules to apply positioning properties using static, fixed, relative and absolute positioning methods.
D. Write CSS rules to apply and clear float.
E. Write CSS to align block elements.
F. Write CSS rules for pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements.
G. Write CSS to build a two-column liquid layout.
H. Write CSS to build a three-column liquid layout CSS template.
I. Write CSS to build an absolutely-positioned layout CSS template.
VI. CSS Advanced Web Page Content Rules
A. Write CSS rules to style a navigation bar.
B. Write CSS rules to create an image gallery.
C. Write CSS rules to create transparent images.
D. Apply CSS rules to image sprites.
E. Apply CSS rules to control media types.
VII. Linked, Embedded and Inline Style Sheets
A. Create an external CSS file.
B. Insert a link tag to reference an external style sheet.
C. Insert a style tag to reference an embedded (internal) style sheet.
D. Insert inline styles in the style attribute of the relevant tag.
E. Define the cascading order of style sheets.
F. Apply multiple style sheets to experience precedence.
VIII. Current Brower CSS Support Issues
A. Research common CSS browser incompatibilities and bugs.
B. Research common CSS browser usability issues.
IX. CSS “Best Practice” Techniques
A. Write consistent, readable CSS rules.
B. Apply a CSS framework.
C. Apply reset CSS.
D. Apply comments.
E. Insert an appropriate DOCTYPE declaration statement.
X. CSS Validation
A. Validate CSS.
B. Validate markup.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
35-65% Quizzes
35-65% Projects/Assignments
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 124
- Title: Web Scripting: JavaScript II*
- Number: WEB 124
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 2
- Contact Hours: 2
- Lecture Hours: 2
Prerequisites: WEB 114.
Students will apply JavaScript to interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) and the Browser Object Model (BOM). Students will also use JavaScript to enhance and validate form data, to manipulate data in strings and arrays, and will build upon their object-oriented programming skills by working with built-in JavaScript objects as well as custom objects. Students will study and apply coding techniques to address JavaScript linting, debugging, and security issues.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Manipulate the DOM.
- Add and remove Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) document nodes.
- Control the BOM.
- Enhance and validate form data.
- Create scripts using built-in JavaScript objects and custom objects.
- Manipulate data in strings and arrays.
- Validate JavaScript and apply advanced debugging techniques.
- Apply coding techniques to address JavaScript security issues.
Content Outline and Competencies:
A. Describe the DOM.
B. Modify HTML elements.
C. Open and close windows and tabs.
D. Utilize the History, Location, Navigator and Screen objects.
II. HTML Document Nodes
A. Add document nodes.
B. Remove document nodes.
A. Open and close windows.
B. Access with the History object.
C. Use the Location object.
D. Use the Navigator object.
E. Manipulate the Screen object.
IV. Forms
A. Improve form usability.
B. Program custom form validation.
C. Identify data passed through a query string.
V. JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming
A. Explain the principles of object-oriented programming.
B. Create and use the Date object.
C. Create and use the Number object.
D. Create and use the Math object.
E. Create and use custom objects.
VI. Strings and Arrays
A. Find, extract, combine and compare strings.
B. Code regular expressions.
C. Find, extract, sort and combine arrays.
VII. Lint and Debug
A. Use a linter to improve and fix code.
B. Write error handling code.
C. Use debugger tools.
VIII. Security
A. Write code to store state information.
1. Query strings
2. Hidden form fields
B. Investigate and apply current security holes and techniques.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
40-60% Quizzes
40-60% Projects/Assignments
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 125
- Title: Digital Video Tools
- Number: WEB 125
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
This introductory video production technology course will cover basic desktop computer operating systems and the technologies used to bring photographic (film, video, still) images and audio into the digital domain. Students will learn to prepare audio and video media from pre-production to post-production techniques for digital delivery systems and the Internet.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Demonstrate digital workflow in desktop video.
Demonstrate how to import, log and capture media.
Use editing tools for video composition.
Enhance a sequence with transitions, effects, titles and composites.
Demonstrate the use of graphics and animation in a desktop video composition.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Desktop Video
A. Explore workflows.
B. Utilize file management.
II. Import, Log and Capture Media
A. Set device controls and capture preferences.
B. Utilize capture window.
C. Describe video compression techniques.
III. Editing Tools
A. Use the Razor Blade tool.
B. Explore the Source Panel.
C. Explore the Trim Monitor.
IV. Transitions, Effects, Titles and Composites
A. Apply transition effects between clips.
B. Apply filters and transition effects to clips.
C. Integrate After Effects and Photoshop.
D. Create a credit roll.
E. Create an end slate.
V. Graphics and Animation
A. Use color correction.
B. Apply transitions.
C. Discuss basics of keyframing.
D. Animate a slideshow.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
15-35% In-class quizzes/activities
35-55% Projects
35-55% Exams
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 126
- Title: Technical Interface Skills*
- Number: WEB 126
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
Prerequisites: WEB 110.
This course will cover the skills needed to successfully develop Information Architecture (IA) blueprints from concept to completion. Students will use fundamental visual principles, perception, color, composition and typography to analyze and modify existing IA plans while keeping consistent structure. They will create complementary visuals that maintain a client's brand while working through the modification process. Students will review the critical universal usability rules and basic visual design principles quintessential of a design team and to implement an aesthetic vision through every step of development.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Diagram the technical process and structural guidelines of Web design development.
Research and analyze universal usability and implement strategies.
Establish and modify Information Architecture plans.
Incorporate interface design principles and universal usability during website development.
Review and analyze online page design and typography.
Analyze graphics as content, their characteristics, color systems and uses.
Integrate forms and applications which support interaction.
Evaluate appropriate use of multimedia.
Explore existing and emerging technologies and review considerations for these technologies.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Technical Process and Structural Guidelines of Web Design Development
A. Establish a site development team and allocate responsibilities.
B. Analyze types of websites and documents.
C. Review the development process.
II. Universal Usability and Implementation Strategies
A. Examine and measure accessibility within designs.
B. Outline universal usability guidelines.
C. Discuss flexibility, adaptation, user control and functionality.
D. Collect user research through surveys, interviews, focus groups and Web analytics.
E. Review goals, scenarios and personas.
F. Implement universal design principles.
III. Information Architecture Plans
A. Establish themes to organize information.
B. Develop a viable site structure.
C. Modify an existing site structure.
D. Review functionality of site structure.
E. Present final information architecture plans and rules for future modifications.
IV. Interface Design Principles and Universal Usability During Website Development
A. Analyze and compare navigation and wayfinding solutions.
B. Review principles of wayfinding.
C. Compare browsing and searching capabilities.
D. Diagram interface design solutions.
E. Review consistency, integrity and stability issues.
F. Measure options, bandwidth and interaction.
G. Consider information design evolution and standardization.
H. Review and apply the enterprise interface and potential corporate identity standards.
V. Online Page Design and Typography
A. Define Web, digital media and design terminology.
B. Analyze page designs and anticipate design for use in multiple mediums.
C. Apply visual design basics.
D. Analyze characteristics of typography on the Web.
E. Compare typefaces and families, type size, leading, kerning and tracking options.
F. Review visual principles that dominate the Web.
G. Employ adaptive design techniques.
H. Demonstrate incorporating page frameworks and design grids for Web pages.
VI. Graphics as Content, Their Characteristics, Color Systems and Use
A. Discuss the origins of information graphics.
B. Document the characteristics of Web graphics.
C. Compare imaging strategies, images on screen and evaluate complex illustrations and photographs.
D. Identify traditional color systems.
E. Define and employ digital color systems.
F. Identify cross platform color issues and resolve them.
G. Review color terminology and compare color choice and use in appropriate online settings.
VII. Forms and Applications Which Support Interaction
A. Identify technologies that support interaction.
B. Incorporate user design analysis when designing Web applications.
C. Create wireframes and prototypes to demonstrate application.
VII. Appropriate Use of Multimedia
A. Review multimedia considerations.
B. Discuss multimedia strategies.
C. Manage multimedia preparations.
IX. Technologies Existing and Emerging
A. Create prototypes for traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI).
B. Evaluate additional display options and document any architecture, graphic and usability considerations.
C. Propose solutions for delivering content on multiple platforms.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
35-65% Quizzes
35-65% Projects/Assignments
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 128
- Title: Server Scripting: PHP with MySQL*
- Number: WEB 128
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 2
- Contact Hours: 2
- Lecture Hours: 2
Prerequisites: WEB 110.
This course covers the commands and techniques available to add functionality to Web pages using Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP). Students will build client-side PHP scripts with variables, functions, expressions, methods and events to validate forms and enhance Web page functionality. The basics of server-side scripting are introduced. Students also define and build a relational database using MySQL, then use PHP scripts as well as SQL in a Web page to connect to the database to edit, delete and enter records.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Explain the purpose and interaction between data-driven website components, including the purpose for scripting languages and middleware.
Use HTML elements to create a Web form.
Write PHP scripts using various coding constructs.
Differentiate between client-side and server-side PHP scripts.
Post PHP Web pages and debug PHP scripts.
Design a small relational database.
Use MySQL to create the relational database.
Use SQL to edit, enter, delete and query data in a MySQL database.
Connect to a MySQL database using PHP scripts in a Web page.
Write a PHP script to display, enter, edit and delete data from a MySQL database.
Describe the use and application of cookies and session variables.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Data-Driven Web Site Components
A. Explain the role and functions of the browser and Web page.
B. Compare the role and functions of HTML and scripts.
C. Contrast the role and functions of client-side and server-side scripts.
D. Explain the role and functions of the database.
E. Demonstrate the purpose of SQL.
F. Explain the role and functions of various Web page development tools.
G. Contrast the role and functions of the client with the server.
H. Explain the role and functions of the server and server operating system.
II. Web Forms
A. Use the form element in a web page to create a Web form.
B. Set the action attribute to a script file.
C. Differentiate between post and get methods.
D. Use input elements to collect and submit data on a form.
E. Use select and option elements to collect data on a Web form.
F. Add table elements to align information on a Web form.
III. Introduction to PHP Scripts
A. Describe the purpose for PHP.
B. Demonstrate the rules for PHP syntax.
C. Create basic PHP scripts to build HTML files using variables, arrays, functions, expressions, methods, properties and events.
D. Add PHP control structures such as if statements and loops.
IV. Server-Side PHP Scripts
A. Create PHP scripts for form input.
B. Create PHP scripts for various user interface effects such as rollovers.
C. Create server-side PHP scripts.
D. Create PHP scripts to obtain form data and output HTML.
E. Use PHP scripts to open files to read, write and append data.
F. Post and Debug Scripts
G. Post PHP server-side PHP scripts.
H. Debug PHP server-side PHP scripts.
V. Relational Database Design
A. Explain the benefits of a properly designed relational database.
B. State proper field and object naming conventions.
C. Demonstrate the use of proper field data types.
D. Build a diagram to model the data using tables, fields, primary key fields, foreign key fields and one-to-many relationships.
VI. Introduction to MySQL
A. Use MySQL to create and define the tables, fields, field types and joins necessary to create a small relational database.
B. Use MySQL to enter, edit, delete and query data.
VIII. Introduction to SQL
A. Define SQL terminology and demonstrate proper SQL syntax.
B. Create a table with field names using the CREATE statement.
C. Select data to the database using the SELECT statement.
D. Add data to the database using the INSERT statement.
E. Change data in the database using the UPDATE statement.
F. Delete data in the database using the DELETE statement.
G. Write WHERE conditions to select certain records.
H. Use the simple and left JOIN operations.
IX. PHP, Web Page and MySQL Database Connections
A. Define the name of the Database Management System (DBMS) software, driver, database location and server permissions.
B. Write a connection PHP script to link the Web page to the database.
X. PHP and MySQL Data
A. Write a PHP script to insert data into the MySQL database.
B. Write a PHP script to display the contents of the MySQL database.
C. Write a PHP script to delete the contents of the MySQL database.
D. Write a PHP script to update the contents of the MySQL database.
E. Write a PHP script to select data with queries involving more than one table.
F. Debug PHP scripts and SQL.
XI. Files, Cookies and Session Variables
A. Read and write text files with PHP.
B. Upload a file using PHP.
C. Explain the nature of a stateless protocol and the need for cookies and session variables.
D. Write PHP scripts to set cookies.
E. Write PHP scripts to set session variables.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
35-65% Quizzes
35-65% Projects
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 172
- Title: WordPress I*
- Number: WEB 172
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
Prerequisites or corequisites: WEB 110 or (CSS 105 or CPCA 105) or (CSS 106 or CPCA 106) or (CSS 128 or CPCA 128) or an appropriate score on a waiver test.
This course will cover the commands and techniques required to create and revise blogs and websites using WordPress. Topics to be covered will include basic blogging techniques, working with digital images, hosting, spam and security issues, plugins and themes. Real-world applications of WordPress will be the primary focus of this course. Hands-on, practical projects will be performed to reinforce the concepts.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Set up a WordPress hosting account.
Install WordPress and create a blog.
Manage and install themes.
Work with digital content.
Discuss spam and security issues.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. WordPress Host
A. Differentiate between free and fee-based WordPress options.
B. Discuss host options and criteria.
C. Set up a host account.
D. Install WordPress software.
II. WordPress Blog
A. Start a WordPress blog.
B. Make a blog public or private.
C. Write and publish a post.
III. Customize Blogs
A. Install and apply themes.
B. Manage themes.
C. Identify basic configuration.
IV. Digital Content
A. Upload an image.
B. Adjust images as they are being uploaded.
C. Use a picture from a social media site.
D. Resize pictures.
E. Discuss online image editing tools.
F. Manage photos.
G. Rename pictures.
H. Embed Web-based content.
V. Spam and Security
A. Discuss blog comment spam.
B. Understand blog security.
C. Adjust comment and spam settings.
D. Discuss blog backup options.
E. Update WordPress.
F. Discuss and download plugins.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
40-60% Quizzes
40-60% Projects
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 225
- Title: Advanced Digital Video Tools*
- Number: WEB 225
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
Prerequisites or corequisites: WEB 125.
In this advanced video course, students will work with video capture and post-production technologies. Students will expand on prior experience with basic audio and video pre-production and post-production techniques and learn advanced skills, including: audio, keyframing, adjustment layers, masks/mattes, greenscreen and motion tracking.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Demonstrate the use of audio adjustments, effects and keyframing.
- Use adjustment layers and color correction to fix video footage and still images.
- Utilize keyframing to adjust audio, adjustment layers, effects and masks.
- Demonstrate the use of compositing techniques in a desktop video composition.
- Produce a sequence with motion tracking.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Audio
A. Set audio levels.
B. Use panning.
C. Apply audio effects.
D. Create keyframes to change audio.
E. Integrate Audition.
II. Adjustment Layers and Color Correction
A. Apply adjustment layers.
B. Create keyframes to change effects and masks.
C. Add film correcting effects to footage.
D. Explore exposure correction.
E. Explore color and white balance correction.
III. Keyframing
A. Utilize different keyframe interpolation methods.
B. Apply ease to motion.
C. Apply adjustments to audio, adjustment layers, effects and masks.
IV. Compositing Techniques
A. Explore masks and blend modes.
B. Explore mattes and track mattes.
C. Use the alpha channel.
D. Create a composited green-screen shot using color keying.
V. Motion Tracking
A. Explore simple motion tracking techniques.
B. Use motion tracking with a mask.
C. Create a tracking animation with video footage.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
10-20% Quizzes
40-60% Projects
30-40% Final
Total: 100
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 231
- Title: User Experience*
- Number: WEB 231
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 4
- Contact Hours: 5
- Lecture Hours: 3
- Lab Hours: 2
Prerequisites: WEB 126.
This course will serve as a broad survey of the user experience design process for interactive products and services. Students will learn the building blocks of the user experience including interaction design, design research, information architecture and design principles. It will also provide knowledge of how to evaluate user experience concepts using methods such as heuristic evaluation, prototyping and usability studies. Through readings, critiques, exercises and discussions, students will explore what makes the experience of an interactive media application successful.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Map the user experience design process from concept to completion, including research, testing and production.
Research target audience, document expectations, attitudes and productivity levels of users.
Consider and implement interaction beyond the display, including environment, devices and social media.
Examine, understand and execute the principles and guidelines of user experience design through conceptual sketches and wireframes.
Apply design elements including color, typography and supporting graphics, adhering to usability requirements and attention to the target audience.
Create a functioning prototype.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. User Experience Design Process
A. Identify and understand the project objectives and underlying problem.
B. Implement consistent project standards.
C. Analyze the key steps and components.
D. Develop supporting documentation.
II. Target Audience
A. Analyze measurement targets.
B. Factor usability goals.
C. Create user stories/personas.
D. Create concept stories.
III. Environment, Devices and Social Media
A. Research user environment.
B. Consider portable devices and peripherals.
C. Review social media considerations.
D. Develop strategies to incorporate current and emerging technologies.
IV. Conceptual Sketches and Wireframes
A. Apply structure to content before aesthetics.
B. Determine and apply navigation strategies.
C. Define layout: formats, proportions and grids.
D. Build sketches and wireframes.
V. Design Elements
A. Establish or employ branding standards.
B. Develop the digital story.
C. Establish typography aesthetic.
1. Display and text fonts
2. Line spacing
3. Hierarchy
D. Identify or develop supporting graphics, icons or symbols.
E. Organize the content.
VI. Prototype
A. Research and select appropriate authoring tools.
B. Evaluate and select development tools.
C. Analyze performance and maintenance issues.
D. Validate search engine optimization.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
10-25% Class participation, collaboration, critiques
10-25% Research and writing
20-40% Exams
25-50% Functioning and mock prototypes
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 233
- Title: Visual Storytelling
- Number: WEB 233
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 6
- Lecture Hours:
- Other Hours: 6
Storytelling is how people share ideas and meaning. It's how we communicate, reach each other and connect. This course provides an introduction to the methods and tools of visual storytelling. Students will explore the impact of visual storytelling and how to communicate visually. Students will use storytelling techniques enabling them to create, design and produce stories using digital media. This course will explore the key elements to tell realistic and compelling visual stories. Students will write scripts, design storyboards, create still and moving images using music and narration to tell their stories.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Discuss visual storytelling.
Distinguish among different kinds of stories.
Identify the elements of story structure and describe their function.
Plan and design visual stories.
Identify and compose visual elements to support story ideas.
Utilize visual language in shots and sequences.
Communicate visual story ideas verbally.
Use social media tools to publish stories.
Develop a collaborative Web native film project.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Visual Storytelling
A. Explore visual archetype characters.
B. Discuss how to visually engage people online.
C. Explore visual literacy.
D. Discuss visual grammar.
II. Different Kinds of Stories
A. Evaluate visual stories critically.
B. Explore the explicit and implicit messages in visual stories.
C. Explore the relationship of words, imagery and motion.
D. Translate character behavior principles into narrative ideas.
III. Elements of Visual Story Structure
A. Identify and use the underlying universal themes in stories.
B. Identify the characteristics, themes, structures and components of a good story.
C. Analyze stories and their structures in a variety of media.
IV. Visual Stories Preproduction
A. Plan and design stories.
B. Write the concept statement.
C. Write the outline.
D. Write the script of the story.
E. Create the storyboard(s).
V. Visual Element Composition
A. Capture images and sounds that will tell the story.
B. Edit images and sounds to create a cohesive, compelling story.
C. Explore lighting techniques.
D. Employ nonlinear video editing techniques.
E. Employ fundamentals of camera operation and techniques to capture imagery.
F. Explore production crew roles and production management process.
G. Edit and caption images.
H. Incorporate best practices for lighting, composition and storytelling.
VI. Visual Language
A. Explore the semantics and syntax of video.
B. Discuss forms and uses of images and audio in visual storytelling across media.
C. Communicate original information using audio-visual storytelling.
VII. Visual Storytelling
A. Express story ideas verbally for a presentation of information, ideas and values to a specific audience.
B. Compose, critically analyze, present and deliver information through verbal interactions.
VIII. Publish Stories
A. Use social media tools.
B. Explore Web storytelling.
IX. Collaborative Web Native Film Project
A. Create a collaborative project.
B. Explore digital storytelling communities, resources and challenges.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
20-40% Examinations
30-40% Projects/Assignments
30-40% Final Project
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 234
- Title: Web Apps I*
- Number: WEB 234
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
Prerequisites: WEB 124.
Mobile devices outnumber desktop and laptop computers three to one worldwide. This course will cover practical guidelines, standards, techniques and best practices for building Web applications using Client-Side programming including Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and JavaScript, including basic design and development principles for all mobile devices and platforms. Students will have strong knowledge about the methods and tools used in developing Web applications.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Discuss Web application development.
Describe Web application development environment.
Use responsive design techniques.
Build responsive Web pages for various devices.
Explain mobile Web applications versus native Web applications.
Discuss the future of Web applications and responsive design.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Web Application Development
A. Discuss markup, style and scripting languages.
B. Explore Web application industry groups and standards bodies.
C. Discuss Web applications versus native applications.
II. Web Application Development Environment
A. Explore client-side development tools.
B. Evaluate mobile Web browsers on the desktop.
III. Responsive Design Techniques
A. Write HTML for responsive design.
B. Write CSS for mobile devices.
C. Explain device awareness.
D. Write JavaScript for mobile devices.
E. Test client-side markup.
F. Validate client-side markup.
IV. Responsive Web Pages
A. Use responsive Web techniques.
B. Build Web applications.
C. Deploy a Web application.
V. Web Applications versus Native Web Applications
A. Discuss differences in developing Web versus native applications.
B. Explore Web application security.
VI. Future of Web Applications and Responsive Design
A. Explore single-page applications.
B. Discuss performance issues.
C. Discuss maintainability.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
20-40% Assignments and Quizzes
20-40% Projects
20-40% Exams
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 237
- Title: Emerging Technologies*
- Number: WEB 237
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
Prerequisites: WEB 126.
This course provides a practical approach to encourage greater understanding and analysis of emerging technologies such as the web, social media, mobile apps, video games and wearables. The course focuses on how companies, organizations and individuals are using digital media to communicate and connect with all of their various stakeholder groups, including consumers. As the media environment changes with new technological capabilities to distribute and retrieve messages, companies’ promotional communication strategies must adapt as well. This course exposes students to the decision-making involved in a promotional communication context in terms of both message content development and placement.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Develop an understanding of the current cultural changes in digital media production and consumption.
Create media to explicitly utilize the internet as a promotion and distribution method.
Understand emerging technologies, platforms and formats.
Design and produce interactive narratives that span across digital and physical spaces, and combine multiple platforms and devices.
Explore aspects related to interoperability and scalability between different media platforms.
Critique the present and speculate on the future of digital media.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Digital Media Production and Consumption
A. Explore relevant concepts and contemporary approaches for designing and implementing cross media applications.
B. Apply tools for cross technologies production.
II. Internet Promotion and Distribution
A. Explore tools.
B. Investigate and experiment with a variety of emerging media production tools.
III. Digital Media Technologies, Platforms and Formats
A. Compare print media, traditional mass media and other analog technologies with streaming and digital media.
B. Employ and understand different modalities of design and production and integrate those modalities into an interactive experience.
C. Present work clearly using contemporary methods and critique work of peers.
IV. Interactive Narratives
A. Integrate and follow a design process.
B. Design and produce interactive cross-media experience around proposed themes.
C. Create scripts for multiplatform storytelling.
D. Compare and select appropriate narrative formats.
E. Apply introductory prototyping techniques for the formulation of project concepts and construction.
V. Digital Media Platform Interoperability and Scalability
A. Identify major contexts of emerging media and develop a working vocabulary of terms.
B. Explore different methods of interdisciplinary collaboration to function as part of a team.
VI. Digital Media Future
A. Discuss evolving technologies and the innovative approaches used by professionals working in the field.
B. Analyze and discuss cross-technology cases.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
30-40% Homework and projects
30-40% Quizzes and tests
30-40% Final streaming/digital media project
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 238
- Title: Interactive Scripting: JQuery*
- Number: WEB 238
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 4
- Contact Hours: 5
- Lecture Hours: 3
- Lab Hours: 2
Prerequisites: WEB 122 and WEB 124.
Designers and developers can use jQuery to have complete access to all Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) styles of any element on a Web page, effortless Web page content manipulation via filters and patterns, detection or creation of events (mouse movement or click), moving, hiding and fading elements and other features. Students will be exposed to how to write efficient jQuery selectors to round up sets of Document Object Model (DOM) elements, how to use the framework's many methods to manipulate DOM elements, how to use the jQuery event application programming interface (API) to set up event listeners and event delegation, how to manage Ajax requests with jQuery and how to extend jQuery with custom filters and methods.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Incorporate the most recent version of jQuery into Web pages.
Use jQuery harmoniously with other JavaScript libraries.
Retrieve DOM elements using jQuery selector expressions and make changes to the elements’ structure, content and styling.
Create interactive and responsive Web pages using jQuery’s event API.
Initiate Ajax requests with jQuery and handle responses in HTML, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formats.
Author plugin methods that extend jQuery's native functionality.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. jQuery
A. Discuss framework structural overview.
B. Use jQuery with other libraries.
C. Explore jQuery utility methods.
II. DOM Elements with jQuery
A. Use CSS Selectors.
1. Basic CSS selectors
2. Hierarchical selectors
3. Attribute selectors
B. Apply jQuery Filters.
1. Basic filters
2. Content filters
3. Visibility filters
4. Child-specific filters
5. Form element filters
C. Discuss jQuery Object Methods.
III. Event-Driven Programming with jQuery
A. Use event helper methods.
B. Use Interaction Helpers: toggle() and hover().
C. Implement jQuery event object.
D. Implement jQuery live events and event delegation.
E. Explore ways to pass data to event callbacks.
F. Create jQuery custom events.
G. Create jQuery special events.
IV. jQuery and Ajax
A. Discuss the load() method.
B. Explore basic Ajax requests with $.get() and $.post().
C. Exercise complete control with $.ajax().
D. Explain global Ajax events.
E. Utilize Ajax helper methods.
V. Extend jQuery
A. Add custom filters to selectors.
B. Discuss utility method plugins.
C. Discuss jQuery object method plugins.
D. Provide default argument values.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
35-65% Examinations
35-65% Projects/Assignments
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 239
- Title: Introduction to Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)*
- Number: WEB 239
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 2
- Contact Hours: 2
- Lecture Hours: 2
Prerequisites: WEB 114.
This course will introduce and explain how application programming interfaces (APIs) work covering the essentials of this core piece of modern web development, explaining what APIs are and how to use them to quickly incorporate data into your websites. Students will use APIs to consume and obtain data from APIs. Topics include the basics of associated technologies and skills, such as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and object-oriented programming, and shows how to handle errors you might encounter when trying to obtain data from an API.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
- Explain what an API is and does.
- Demonstrate data parsing.
- Handle errors.
- Manage connecting to APIs.
- Facilitate authentication with an API key.
- Manipulate APIs.
Content Outline and Competencies:
A. Explain why APIs are useful and necessary.
B. Discuss types of APIs.
C. Explore use cases on how to use APIs.
D. Write API documentation.
II. Data Parsing
A. Create GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests.
B. Explain GET vs POST request method.
C. Describe Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) messages.
D. Engage APIs across channels.
III. Error Handling
A. Review and document an API.
B. Test an API.
C. Test API Connections.
D. Explore API drivers.
E. Discuss API effects.
F. Explore API opportunities.
IV. API Authentication
A. Create basic authentication.
B. Create OAuth Security Domain.
V. API Manipulation
A. Work with real-world APIs.
B. Secure an API.
C. Create security policies.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
35-65% Assignments and Quizzes
35-65% Exams
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 240
- Title: HTML and CSS II*
- Number: WEB 240
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
Prerequisites: WEB 124.
This course focuses on the latest generation of browser-based technologies for front-end design and development. Topics in the course include Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), HyperText Markup Language (HTML) elements, HTML Application Programming Interface (API), forms, audio and video, offline applications, Canvas drawing and animation, communication APIs, Web Sockets and Web Workers, Geolocation, local and session storage, Web Structured Query language (SQL) Database, and advanced topics such as mobile Web applications, performance analysis, browser issues and developer tools.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Manipulate HTML structural elements.
Explore CSS features and functions.
Design HTML forms.
Use HTML media elements.
Optimize for accessibility, device agnosticism, responsive design and user content.
Apply HTML JavaScript Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and custom controls.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. HTML Structural Elements
A. Write semantic HTML and CSS.
B. Write correct syntax for HTML.
C. Discuss Web standards.
D. Generate semantic metadata to structured HTML content.
II. CSS Feature and Functions
A. Construct CSS transforms and transitions.
B. Use CSS declarations for presentation.
C. Apply CSS properties and techniques.
D. Create gradients and multiple backgrounds.
E. Examine future CSS properties, features and functions.
A. Explain form input types and attributes.
B. Create Web form(s).
C. Validate form data.
IV. HTML Media Elements
A. Use HTML Canvas.
B. Utilize HTML Audio.
1. Audio codes and fallbacks supported by HTML
2. Audio file types supported by HTML
3. Audio file types supported by Web–enabled devices
C. Utilize HTML Video
1. Video codecs and fallbacks supported by HTML
2. Video file types supported by HTML
3. Video file types supported by Web–enabled devices
D. Create Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
E. Apply embedded fonts and multicolumn layouts.
V. Accessibility, Device Agnosticism, Responsive Design and User Content
A. Discuss Web Accessibility Initiative-Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI- ARIA).
B. Explore the accessibility of media controls.
C. Add meta-content and multimedia.
D. Design to support user needs and the tasks.
VI. HTML JavaScript API and Custom Controls
A. Create persistent data storage of key-value pair data in Web clients.
B. Create persistent communication connection between the client and the server.
C. Define Web workers allowing JavaScript to be run in the background.
D. Create offline Web applications.
E. Demonstrate accessing a device's media capture mechanism.
F. Explore HTML JavaScript API attributes, methods and events.
G. Create custom multimedia controls.
H. Use the Drag and Drop API.
I. Apply the Geolocation API.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
20-30% In-class quizzes/activities
30-50% Projects
30-50% Exams
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 243
- Title: Search Engine Optimization*
- Number: WEB 243
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
Prerequisites: WEB 110.
This course will cover how to optimize a website to maximize search engine ranking. Upon completion of the course students will be able to identify and implement effective website designs and strategies for search engine optimization.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Explain the importance of search engine visibility.
Create Web design rules for search engine optimization.
Discuss what can harm search engine visibility.
Explore best practices for search engine optimization.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Search Engine Visibility
A. Explain the importance of search engine visibility.
B. Identify search engine services.
II. Web Design Rules for Search Engine Optimization
A. Create, list and use text components.
B. Create and set up keyword placement.
C. Include the link component.
D. Discuss the compromise between marketing and design.
E. Describe JavaScript and search engine visibility.
III. Visibility
A. Manage flash sites for search engine visibility.
B. Discuss dynamic Web pages using server-side includes (SSI).
C. Optimize PDF documents for search engine visibility.
IV. Best Practices Search Engine Marketing
A. Describe types of spam.
B. Discuss common misconceptions.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
35-65% Quizzes
35-65% Projects/Assignments
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 245
- Title: Motion Graphics Tools*
- Number: WEB 245
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 1
- Lecture Hours: 1
Prerequisites or corequisites: WEB 125.
This course is designed to introduce students to motion graphics and special effects. All basic applications of the program will be touched upon including credits, transitions, filters, masks and mattes. Students will experience the complete motion graphics workflow, beginning by capturing their own still images and videos and concluding by rendering and exporting an original composition.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Create a motion graphics composition on a timeline utilizing keyframes and anchor points.
Utilize linear, Bezier and hold to define the relationships between keyframes.
Create and import masks, layer masks and backgrounds from Photoshop.
Use blending modes to correct color, lighting and sharpness in video footage and still images.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Motion Graphics Composition
A. Explore the timeline.
B. Utilize keyframes and anchor points.
II. Three Kinds of Interpolation Techniques
A. Create a linear interpolation.
B. Create a Bezier interpolation.
C. Create a hold interpolation.
III. Masks and Backgrounds
A. Create and utilize masks.
B. Use layer masks.
C. Incorporate backgrounds in motion graphics compositions.
IV. Blending Modes
A. Discuss libel and defamation.
B. Explore fair comment and criticism.
C. Explore copyright and fair use.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
25-35% In-class quizzes/activities
45-65% Projects
45-65% Exams
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 290
- Title: Web Development and Digital Media Capstone*
- Number: WEB 290
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 3
- Contact Hours: 3
- Lecture Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Department approval.
This course is the culmination of the course work that makes up the Web Development and Digital Media AAS degree. It incorporates elements from each of the core program courses to allow students to walk through the entire Web design process, including design/project documentation, wire framing, creating mock-ups, revisions, pages and final deliverables. Upon completion of course, students will have a professional website that can serve as part of their professional portfolio.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Develop a concept and plan for a Web-based media project.
Design and build a prototype.
Develop a project production schedule.
Test the media project.
Determine and produce a distribution and maintenance plan.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Concept and Plan
A. Identify and define the audience and client goals.
B. Utilize existing content and/or develop new content.
C. Identify copyright issues and other legal issues.
II. Design and Prototype
A. Create project style guide.
B. Develop prototypes.
III. Production
A. Develop a production schedule.
B. Identify production resources.
C. Produce the necessary media.
D. Write production documentation.
IV. Project Testing
A. Employ user testing.
B. Perform functional testing.
C. Perform testing across devices.
V. Distribution and Maintenance
A. Determine appropriate distribution methods.
B. Identify future maintenance issues or concerns.
C. Produce project documentation.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
35-65% Assignments and Collaboration
35-65% Final Project
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 292
- Title: Special Topics:*
- Number: WEB 292
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 1 - 3
- Contact Hours: 1 - 3
- Lecture Hours: 1 - 3
Prerequisites: Department approval.
This course periodically presents specialized topics in Web Development and Digital Media that are not available in the regularly offered curriculum. Special Topics may be repeated for credit, but only on different topics. This is a repeatable course and may be taken more than once for credit.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Appropriately use terminology related to the special topic.
Solve problems by using content related to the special topic.
Demonstrate conceptual understanding of the special topic.
Use software related to the special topic.
Content Outline and Competencies:
Because of the nature of Special Topics, the course outline and competencies will vary, depending on the topic being offered. Course outlines must be designed in the standard format for all JCCC approved courses with specific objectives, outcomes and using outcome-based language. It will be up to full-time department faculty and their administrator to determine what topics will be offered and by whom, and to approve course content.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation will be based on typical assignments such as readings, discussion, design or application projects, written assignments, etc., dependent upon the needs of the topic and the instructor.
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).
WEB 294
- Title: Web Development and Digital Media Internship*
- Number: WEB 294
- Effective Term: 2025-26
- Credit Hours: 1
- Contact Hours: 12
- Lecture Hours:
- Other Hours: 12
Prerequisites: Department approval.
Web Development and Digital Media Internship provides students with the opportunity to gain experience in the workplace and translate classroom learning into practice. An internship experience provides the student with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a work setting. The experience also helps students gain a clearer sense of what they still need to learn and provides an opportunity to build professional networks. 180 hours minimum requirement of on-the-job training.
Refer to the instructor's course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.Objectives
Acquire practical experience within the business environment.
Develop a greater understanding about career options while more clearly defining personal career goals.
Experience the activities and functions of business professionals.
Develop and refine oral and written communication skills.
Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.
Content Outline and Competencies:
I. Practical Experience
A. Develop competencies on specific types of assignments.
B. Demonstrate the ability to work independently.
C. Examine data to grasp issues, draw conclusions and solve problems.
D. Resolve difficult or complicated challenges.
II. Career Options
A. Identify potential career paths within and across job families.
B. Assess skills considered essential for professionals engaging in that career.
III. Activities and Functions
A. Demonstrate an ability to work effectively as a member of a development team.
B. Demonstrate professional conduct and effective workplace skills.
IV. Oral and Written Communication
A. Write clearly and succinctly.
B. Present technical information in a way that makes sense.
C. Demonstrate ability to communicate and actively engage with management and leadership.
V. Skill Development
A. Develop and implement a shared vision and mission.
B. Create and implement plans to achieve goals.
Method of Evaluation and Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
20-30% Sponsor's mid-term evaluation
20-30% Instructor's mid-term evaluation
20-30% Sponsor's final evaluation
20-30% Instructor's final evaluation
Total: 100%
Grade Criteria:
90 - 100% = A80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
0 - 59% = F
Student Responsibilities:
JCCC provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate in educational programs and activities. If you are a student with a disability and if you are in need of accommodations or services, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services and make a formal request. To schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor or for additional information, you may send an email or call Access Services at (913)469-3521. Access Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center (SC 202).