
Education Program

Two-Year Degree

Elementary Education, AA

Early Childhood Education Courses

EDUC 130   Foundations of Early Childhood Education* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites : (RDG 096 or RDG 126) RDG 120 or College Reading Readiness.

This introductory survey course is designed to provide students with current information on topics relevant to employment in early childhood programs. The course explores the historical and philosophical roots of early childhood education, general principles in child development, the teacher's role, values and ethics in early childhood education, curriculum design, and classroom management. Twenty hours of observation in a group childcare setting are required.

EDUC 131   Early Childhood Curriculum I* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: EDUC 130 with a grade of "C" or higher.

This methods course is designed for students who are, or will be, working in an early childhood education setting and parents or others who desire to develop an intellectually challenging environment for young children. The focus of the course is curriculum areas that deal with language and physical development.

EDUC 210   Creative Experiences for Young Children* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites : EDUC 130 with a grade of "C" or higher and PSYC 215.

This course is a study of constructing and maintaining an environment for young children that fosters aesthetic sensitivity and creativity. The course includes the young child's developmental stages in art, music, movement, creative movement and creative drama. Methods and materials for this course cover developmentally appropriate creative experiences; inclusive, anti-bias curriculum; integration of creative experiences throughout the curriculum; use of technology; and helping families understand the creative experience.

EDUC 220   Survey of the Exceptional Child* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites : (RDG 096 or RDG 126) RDG 120 or College Reading Readiness.

This course is an overview of the field of special education geared to those who are preparing to work with children and youths with special needs. The course provides fundamental information on the identification and exceptionality, laws and legal cases affecting the delivery of services to individuals with exceptionalities, and the principles of effective educational approaches for each exceptionality. Categories of exceptionality presented include learning disabilities, behavior disorders, gifted and talented, communication disorders, autism, traumatic brain injury, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, other health impairments, and multiple and severe disabilities.

EDUC 231   Early Childhood Curriculum II* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: EDUC 130 with a grade of "C" or higher.

This methods course is designed for students who are, or will be, working in an early childhood education setting and parents or others who desire to develop an intellectually challenging environment for young children. The focus of the course is on curriculum areas that deal with the physical and social aspects of the world. Included in this inquiry curriculum are mathematics, science, social studies and nutrition.

EDUC 234   Families in Society* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites or corequisites: PSYC 215.

This course is a study of effective relationships between families and the larger society. The course is designed for teachers and families who desire to provide an environment that reflects sensitivity to the unique needs of the individual child/adolescent and their families. Topics covered during the course are family dynamics, child and adolescent development, supporting positive relationships and behaviors, and effective communication and guidance strategies, as well as building and advocating for effective, collaborative relationships between teachers, families and communities.

EDUC 250   Child Health, Safety and Nutrition* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites : (RDG 096 or RDG 126) RDG 120 or College Reading Readiness.

This course is a study of the basic health, nutrition and safety management practices for young children. Information on establishing and maintaining a physically and psychologically safe and healthy learning environment appropriate for the needs of young children will be included. The interrelation of health, safety and nutrition is stressed, with emphasis on appraisal procedures, prevention and protection, services and educational experiences for young children and their families.

EDUC 260   Observing and Interacting with Young Children* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites : EDUC 130 with a grade of "C" or higher.

Prerequisites or corequisites: PSYC 215.

This course is a study of the role of observation to assess and monitor the development and learning of, and the appropriate techniques for interacting with, young children. Included will be the purposes and types of observation procedures, interpretation and use of findings, reporting techniques, and legal and ethical responsibilities. Expected age-related child behavior, fundamental principles of and theoretical approaches to child guidance, guidance techniques, working with families and issues of diversity are also presented. The laboratory will include demonstration of the subject matter.

EDUC 285   Student Teaching: Early Childhood Education* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites : EDUC 130 with a grade of "C" or higher and EDUC 250 with a grade of "C" or higher and EDUC 260 with a grade of "C" or higher.

This course will focus on the field experience of early childhood education students allowing them to apply their knowledge of teaching young children in a supervised setting. The student lab experience will occur in two different early childhood settings, with children of varying age groups. The course will also include a lecture/seminar component focused on practical application of student teaching experiences, as well as the development of a student teaching portfolio.

PSYC 130   Introduction to Psychology (3 Hours)

This basic introduction to psychology includes the study of biological aspects of behavior, the brain, consciousness, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, stress, maturation and development, learning and memory, normal and abnormal personality, and social psychology. This course is the prerequisite for all advanced-level psychology courses.

PSYC 215   Child Development* (3 Hours)

Prerequisites : PSYC 130.

This course is a comprehensive account of human development from conception through adolescence. The course integrates genetic, biological, physical and anthropological influences with psychological processes and explores determinants of behavior from a genetic and environmental perspective.