The goal of the Fire Science program at Johnson County Community College is to provide comprehensive education and training, specifically designed to promote the academic and professional development of fire service personnel during their employment and provide education for advancement to company-level officers.

The program serves to provide a higher academic education, technical training, and lifelong learning for members of Johnson County fire-related organizations and those seeking employment in the metro area.

The fire science program at JCCC, in close cooperation with the Johnson County Fire Chiefs Association and the University of Kansas Fire and Rescue Training Institute, has developed a degree for advancement in the fire service.

The program emphasizes general education in addition to technical education and is built around a core of fire science courses carefully selected by the members of the Fire Science Advisory Committee to prepare for your career growth. Technical electives may be pursued through courses available under a continuing cooperative agreement between area fire science programs or through other degree-granting institutions that are accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress. You may fulfill technical education requirements through the advanced standing credit process.

Note: Mechanisms have been developed to compensate for the effect of students working 24-hour shifts.

For more information, call (913)469-4405.

(Major Code 3210; CIP Code 43.0203)

Fire Science Program web page

Program Outcomes

Johnson County Community College (JCCC) is committed to offering high-quality affordable programs that focus on developing knowledge and skills conducive to life-long learning. Both the General Education Student Learning Outcomes and Institutional Learning Outcomes convey JCCC's approach to programmatic outcomes. Additionally, students who successfully complete the Fire Science, AAS from JCCC will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the history, philosophy, function, and organization of fire service.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of terms and concepts related to fire service, firefighting, fire protection and fire investigation.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of fire development, cause, and prevention.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of basic firefighting tactics and strategy.
  • Demonstrate the necessary information and related techniques to ensure effective fire scene operations.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the problems and hazards to fire personnel when a building is attacked by fire or is under stress from other factors dealing with collapse.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of building construction principles, fire protection systems, and fire prevention codes.
  • Identify hazardous materials, hazardous properties, and successful emergency scene operations.
  • Understand the principles of supervision and management necessary for leadership and administration in the fire service.
  • Know the duties and responsibilities of Incident Command.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the methods of attack and pre-planning for fire problems through team participation activities.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to determine a fire cause and preservation of evidence at a fire scene.