This course is approved by the Kansas Board of Regents for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas Regents public postsecondary institutions. Additional courses may also be eligible for transfer. Please visit a JCCC counselor or the JCCC Registrar's office, and the Transfer Kansas portal to learn more.
CSS 123 E-Presentation: MS PowerPoint* (1 Hour)
Prerequisites or corequisites: CIS 124 or (CSS 105 or CPCA 105) or (CSS 106 or CPCA 106) or (CSS 128 or CPCA 128) or an appropriate score on a waiver test.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will demonstrate proficiency with presentation software on a personal computer. Foundational presentation competencies, including planning, creating and editing a presentation; inserting graphics and objects; creating speaker notes; creating and formatting tables; applying transitions and animations; formatting custom shapes; and creating a self-running presentation, will be covered.