The associate of science degree from JCCC:

  • is designed as a professional-oriented degree for transfer to another college or university to support progress toward earning a bachelor's degree. 

  • requires a minimum of 60 college-level credit hours within specified categories with 15 credit hours earned at JCCC and a 2.0 or higher GPA.

  • requires a minimum of 34 credit hours of Kansas Systemwide General Education requirements.

  • requires a minimum of 26 additional credit hours of open electives, including 6 hours of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) electives.

  • requires the completion of a JCCC Cultural Diversity course from a list of approved courses. Some of the courses in this list will also meet Kansas Systemwide General Education requirements.

​The associate of science degree is designed as a transfer degree. Students should refer to transfer information, meet with a JCCC counselor, and create a plan when selecting courses.

Kansas Systemwide General Education Requirements 

English (6 hrs.)

ENGL 121Composition I*3
or ENGL 119 College Composition I with Review*
ENGL 122Composition II*3

Communications (3 hrs.)

3 hours required from the following courses:
COMS 120Interpersonal Communication3
or COMS 121 Public Speaking
or COMS 125 Personal Communication

Mathematics and Statistics (3 hrs.)

MATH 151Contemporary Mathematics*3
MATH 161Elementary Statistics*3
MATH 171College Algebra*3
MATH 172Trigonometry*3
MATH 173Precalculus*5
MATH 175Discrete Mathematics and its Applications*3
MATH 201Statistics*3
MATH 231Business and Applied Calculus I*3
MATH 232Business and Applied Calculus II*3
MATH 241Calculus I*5
MATH 242Calculus II*5
MATH 243Calculus III*5
MATH 254Differential Equations*4
MATH 285Statistics for Business*4

Natural and Physical Sciences (4-5 hrs.)

Minimum 4 hours of a lab science required from the following courses:
Natural Science
BIOL 121Introductory Biology for Non-Majors4
BIOL 125General Botany5
BIOL 127General Zoology5
BIOL 135Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology4
BIOL 140Human Anatomy4
BIOL 144Human Anatomy and Physiology*5
BIOL 150Biology of Organisms*5
BIOL 161Introduction to Biotechnology4
BIOL 225Human Physiology*4
BIOL 230
BIOL 231
and Microbiology Lab*
EVRN 130
EVRN 132
Environmental Science
and Environmental Science Laboratory*
Physical Science
ASTR 122Astronomy4
CHEM 120Chemistry in Society*4
CHEM 122Principles of Chemistry*5
CHEM 124
CHEM 125
General Chemistry I Lecture*
and General Chemistry I Lab*
CHEM 131
CHEM 132
General Chemistry II Lecture*
and General Chemistry II Lab*
CHEM 140Principles of Organic & Biological Chemistry*5
GEOS 130General Geology5
GEOS 140
GEOS 141
Physical Geography
and Physical Geography Lab*
GEOS 160Introduction to Meteorology5
PHYS 130College Physics I*5
PHYS 131College Physics II*5
PHYS 220Engineering Physics I*5
PHYS 221Engineering Physics II*5
PSCI 120Physical Science4

Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 hrs.)

6 hours required from two subject areas:
ANTH 125Cultural Anthropology ±3
ANTH 126Physical Anthropology3
ANTH 130World Cultures ±3
ANTH 142World Prehistory ±3
ANTH 165Linguistic Anthropology ±3
Criminal Justice
CJ 121Introduction to Criminal Justice System3
CJ 141Criminal Law3
CJ 223International Criminal Justice Systems ±3
ECON 132Survey of Economics3
ECON 230Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 231Principles of Microeconomics3
GEOS 145World Regional Geography ±3
GEOS 155Human Geography ±3
Legal Studies
LAW 120Introduction to Paralegal Studies3
LAW 121Introduction to Law3
Political Science
POLS 122Political Science3
POLS 124American National Government3
POLS 126State and Local Government3
POLS 132Introduction to Comparative Government ±3
POLS 135International Relations ±3
POLS 175Environmental Policy and Law3
POLS 192Political Theory ±3
POLS 200Model United Nations ±3
POLS 220Introduction to Public Policy3
POLS 245Introduction to Public Administration3
PSYC 121Applied Psychology3
PSYC 130Introduction to Psychology3
PSYC 215Child Development*3
PSYC 218Human Development*3
SOC 122Introduction to Sociology ±3
SOC 125Social Problems ±3
SOC 131Sociology of Families3
SOC 146Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare ±3
Women and Gender Studies
WGS 201Global Women's Studies ±3

Arts and Humanities (6 hrs.)

6 hours required from two subject areas:
Art History
ARTH 180Art History: Ancient to Medieval ±3
ARTH 182Art History: Renaissance to Modern3
ARTH 184Art History: Twentieth Century ±3
ARTH 188History of Photography3
ARTH 200Women, Art, and Society ±3
English (Literature)
ENGL 130Introduction to Literature*3
ENGL 214Environmental Literature*3
ENGL 215U.S. Latino and Latina Literature* ±3
ENGL 216African-American Literature*3
ENGL 217Literature by Women* ±3
ENGL 227Introduction to Poetry*3
ENGL 230Introduction to Fiction*3
ENGL 232Children's Literature* ±3
ENGL 235Drama as Literature*3
ENGL 236British Literature to 1800*3
ENGL 237British Literature after 1800*3
ENGL 246American Literature I*3
ENGL 247American Literature II*3
ENGL 254Masterpieces of the Cinema*3
English (Writing)
ENGL 123Technical Writing I*3
ENGL 140Writing for Interactive Media*3
ENGL 222Advanced Composition: The Art of the Essay*3
ENGL 223Introduction to Creative Writing*3
ENGL 257Generative AI and The Future of Writing*3
COMS 180Intercultural Communication3
Film and Media Studies
FMS 100Intro to Film3
FMS 200Intro to Filmmaking and Media Aesthetics3
Foreign Languages
FL 120Elementary German I ±5
FL 121Elementary German II* ±5
FL 130Elementary Spanish I ±5
FL 131Elementary Spanish II* ±5
FL 140Elementary French I ±5
FL 141Elementary French II* ±5
FL 165Elementary Chinese I ±5
FL 166Elementary Chinese II* ±5
FL 170Elementary Japanese I ±5
FL 171Elementary Japanese II* ±5
FL 182Intermediate Japanese I* ±5
FL 183Intermediate Japanese II* ±5
FL 220Intermediate German I* ±3
FL 221Intermediate German II* ±3
FL 230Intermediate Spanish I* ±3
FL 231Intermediate Spanish II* ±3
FL 240Intermediate French I* ±3
FL 241Intermediate French II* ±3
FL 265Intermediate Chinese I* ±3
FL 266Intermediate Chinese II* ±3
HIST 120Local and Kansas History ±3
HIST 125Western Civilization: Ancient World to the Renaissance3
HIST 126Western Civilization: Scientific Revolution to the Modern Age3
HIST 128Medieval History ±3
HIST 129Early Modern Europe 1500-17893
HIST 130European History Since 17893
HIST 132History of Africa ±3
HIST 135Eastern Civilization ±3
HIST 137African American History ±3
HIST 140U.S. History to 18773
HIST 141U.S. History Since 18773
HIST 143Ancient Greece, the Near East and Egypt ±3
HIST 145History of Ancient Rome ±3
HIST 149History of India ±3
HIST 150Islam: Religion and Civilization ±3
HIST 151World History: Traditional ±3
HIST 152World History: Modern World ±3
HIST 160Modern Russian History ±3
HIST 162Modern Latin America ±3
HIST 165History of China ±3
HIST 167Introduction to History: Japan ±3
HIST 180North American Indian History ±3
HIST 195History of the Middle East ±3
HIST 200Empires of the Silk Road ±3
HIST 210Environmental History of North America3
HIST 250American West3
HIST 260Women in U.S. History ±3
HUM 122Introduction to Humanities3
HUM 145World Humanities: Ancient to Medieval ±3
HUM 146World Humanities: Renaissance to Modern ±3
HUM 150Islam: Religion and Civilization ±3
HUM 155Classical Mythology3
HUM 156Contemporary Approaches to World Mythology ±3
HUM 165Introduction to Chinese Culture3
HUM 167Introduction to Japanese Culture ±3
JOUR 120Mass Media and Society3
MUS 121Introduction to Music Listening3
MUS 125Introduction to Jazz Listening3
MUS 126Introduction to World Music ±3
MUS 128History of Rock and Roll Music ±3
PHIL 121Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 124Logic and Critical Thinking3
PHIL 128Environmental Ethics3
PHIL 130Food Ethics3
PHIL 143Ethics3
PHIL 154History of Ancient Philosophy3
PHIL 176Philosophy of Religion3
PHOT 200Foundations in Photography3
REL 120Exploring World Religions ±3
REL 125Asian Religions ±3
REL 126Religions of the West ±3
REL 150Islam: Religion and Civilization ±3
THEA 120Introduction to Theater3

Cavalier Credits (6 hrs.)

COMS 120Interpersonal Communication3
COMS 121Public Speaking3
COMS 125Personal Communication3
COMS 180Intercultural Communication ±3
Mathmatics and Statistics
MATH 151Contemporary Mathematics*3
MATH 161Elementary Statistics*3
MATH 171College Algebra*3
MATH 172Trigonometry*3
MATH 173Precalculus*5
MATH 175Discrete Mathematics and its Applications*3
MATH 201Statistics*3
MATH 231Business and Applied Calculus I*3
MATH 232Business and Applied Calculus II*3
MATH 241Calculus I*5
MATH 242Calculus II*5
MATH 243Calculus III*5
MATH 254Differential Equations*4
MATH 285Statistics for Business*4
Natural and Physical Sciences
Natural Science
BIOL 121Introductory Biology for Non-Majors4
BIOL 125General Botany5
BIOL 127General Zoology5
BIOL 135Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology4
BIOL 140Human Anatomy4
BIOL 144Human Anatomy and Physiology*5
BIOL 150Biology of Organisms*5
BIOL 161Introduction to Biotechnology4
BIOL 225Human Physiology*4
BIOL 230Microbiology*3
BIOL 231Microbiology Lab*2
EVRN 124Oceanus: Essentials of Oceanography (non-lab science)3
EVRN 130Environmental Science3
EVRN 132Environmental Science Laboratory*2
EVRN 134Principles of Sustainability (non-lab science)3
EVRN 250Bioethics in Science and Research* (non-lab science)3
EVRN 275Nature, Law, and Environmental Protection* (non-lab science)3
Physical Science
ASTR 120Fundamentals of Astronomy (non-lab science)3
ASTR 122Astronomy4
CHEM 120Chemistry in Society*4
CHEM 122Principles of Chemistry*5
CHEM 124General Chemistry I Lecture*4
CHEM 125General Chemistry I Lab*1
CHEM 131General Chemistry II Lecture*4
CHEM 132General Chemistry II Lab*1
CHEM 140Principles of Organic & Biological Chemistry*5
ENGR 121Engineering Orientation2
GEOS 130General Geology5
GEOS 140Physical Geography3
GEOS 141Physical Geography Lab*2
GEOS 160Introduction to Meteorology5
PHYS 130College Physics I*5
PHYS 131College Physics II*5
PHYS 220Engineering Physics I*5
PHYS 221Engineering Physics II*5
PSCI 120Physical Science4
Social and Behavioral Sciences
ANTH 125Cultural Anthropology ±3
ANTH 126Physical Anthropology3
ANTH 130World Cultures ±3
ANTH 142World Prehistory ±3
ANTH 165Linguistic Anthropology ±3
Criminal Justice
CJ 121Introduction to Criminal Justice System3
CJ 141Criminal Law3
CJ 223International Criminal Justice Systems ±3
ECON 132Survey of Economics3
ECON 230Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 231Principles of Microeconomics3
GEOS 145World Regional Geography3
GEOS 155Human Geography3
Legal Studies
LAW 120Introduction to Paralegal Studies3
LAW 121Introduction to Law3
Political Science
POLS 122Political Science3
POLS 124American National Government3
POLS 126State and Local Government3
POLS 132Introduction to Comparative Government ±3
POLS 135International Relations ±3
POLS 175Environmental Policy and Law3
POLS 192Political Theory ±3
POLS 200Model United Nations ±3
POLS 220Introduction to Public Policy3
POLS 245Introduction to Public Administration3
PSYC 121Applied Psychology3
PSYC 130Introduction to Psychology3
PSYC 215Child Development*3
PSYC 218Human Development*3
SOC 122Introduction to Sociology ±3
SOC 125Social Problems ±3
SOC 131Sociology of Families3
SOC 146Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare ±3
Women and Gender Studies
WGS 201Global Women's Studies ±3
Arts and Humanities
Art History
ARTH 180Art History: Ancient to Medieval ±3
ARTH 182Art History: Renaissance to Modern3
ARTH 184Art History: Twentieth Century ±3
ARTH 188History of Photography3
ARTH 200Women, Art, and Society ±3
English (Literature)
ENGL 130Introduction to Literature*3
ENGL 214Environmental Literature*3
ENGL 215U.S. Latino and Latina Literature* ±3
ENGL 216African-American Literature*3
ENGL 217Literature by Women* ±3
ENGL 227Introduction to Poetry*3
ENGL 230Introduction to Fiction*3
ENGL 232Children's Literature* ±3
ENGL 235Drama as Literature*3
ENGL 236British Literature to 1800*3
ENGL 237British Literature after 1800*3
ENGL 246American Literature I*3
ENGL 247American Literature II*3
ENGL 254Masterpieces of the Cinema*3
English (Writing)
ENGL 123Technical Writing I*3
ENGL 140Writing for Interactive Media*3
ENGL 222Advanced Composition: The Art of the Essay*3
ENGL 223Introduction to Creative Writing*3
ENGL 257Generative AI and The Future of Writing*3
Film and Media Studies
FMS 100Intro to Film ±3
FMS 200Intro to Filmmaking and Media Aesthetics ±3
Foreign Languages
FL 120Elementary German I ±5
FL 121Elementary German II* ±5
FL 130Elementary Spanish I ±5
FL 131Elementary Spanish II* ±5
FL 140Elementary French I ±5
FL 141Elementary French II* ±5
FL 165Elementary Chinese I ±5
FL 166Elementary Chinese II* ±5
FL 170Elementary Japanese I ±5
FL 171Elementary Japanese II* ±5
FL 182Intermediate Japanese I* ±5
FL 183Intermediate Japanese II* ±5
FL 220Intermediate German I* ±3
FL 221Intermediate German II* ±3
FL 230Intermediate Spanish I* ±3
FL 231Intermediate Spanish II* ±3
FL 240Intermediate French I* ±3
FL 241Intermediate French II* ±3
FL 265Intermediate Chinese I* ±3
FL 266Intermediate Chinese II* ±3
HIST 120Local and Kansas History ±3
HIST 125Western Civilization: Ancient World to the Renaissance3
HIST 126Western Civilization: Scientific Revolution to the Modern Age3
HIST 128Medieval History ±3
HIST 129Early Modern Europe 1500-17893
HIST 130European History Since 17893
HIST 132History of Africa ±3
HIST 135Eastern Civilization ±3
HIST 137African American History ±3
HIST 140U.S. History to 18773
HIST 141U.S. History Since 18773
HIST 143Ancient Greece, the Near East and Egypt ±3
HIST 145History of Ancient Rome ±3
HIST 149History of India ±3
HIST 150Islam: Religion and Civilization ±3
HIST 151World History: Traditional ±3
HIST 152World History: Modern World ±3
HIST 160Modern Russian History ±3
HIST 162Modern Latin America ±3
HIST 165History of China ±3
HIST 167Introduction to History: Japan ±3
HIST 180North American Indian History ±3
HIST 195History of the Middle East ±3
HIST 200Empires of the Silk Road ±3
HIST 210Environmental History of North America3
HIST 250American West3
HIST 260Women in U.S. History ±3
HUM 122Introduction to Humanities3
HUM 145World Humanities: Ancient to Medieval ±3
HUM 146World Humanities: Renaissance to Modern ±3
HUM 150Islam: Religion and Civilization ±3
HUM 155Classical Mythology3
HUM 156Contemporary Approaches to World Mythology ±3
HUM 165Introduction to Chinese Culture3
HUM 167Introduction to Japanese Culture ±3
JOUR 120Mass Media and Society3
MUS 121Introduction to Music Listening3
MUS 125Introduction to Jazz Listening3
MUS 126Introduction to World Music ±3
MUS 128History of Rock and Roll Music ±3
PHIL 121Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 124Logic and Critical Thinking3
PHIL 128Environmental Ethics3
PHIL 130Food Ethics3
PHIL 143Ethics3
PHIL 154History of Ancient Philosophy3
PHIL 176Philosophy of Religion3
PHOT 200Foundations in Photography3
REL 120Exploring World Religions ±3
REL 125Asian Religions ±3
REL 126Religions of the West ±3
REL 150Islam: Religion and Civilization ±3
THEA 120Introduction to Theater3

General Education Hours: 34-35

STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Courses (6 hrs.)

AET 110Industrial Maintenance3
AET 111AC/DC Circuits4
AET 120Industrial Fluid Power3
AET 122Industrial Code3
AET 140Actuator and Sensor Systems*3
AET 160Programmable Logic Controllers I*3
AET 185LAN Cabling and Installation3
AET 240Industrial Robotics*3
AET 255Motor Controls and Variable Frequency Drives*3
AET 260Programmable Logic Controllers II*3
AET 270Programmable Logic Controllers III*3
AET 280Automation Engineer Technology Capstone Course*3
ASTR 120Fundamentals of Astronomy3
ASTR 122Astronomy4
BIOL 117Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Sciences1
BIOL 121Introductory Biology for Non-Majors4
BIOL 125General Botany5
BIOL 127General Zoology5
BIOL 132Introduction to Public Health3
BIOL 135Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology4
BIOL 140Human Anatomy4
BIOL 144Human Anatomy and Physiology*5
BIOL 145Human Anatomy and Physiology Dissection*1
BIOL 150Biology of Organisms*5
BIOL 161Introduction to Biotechnology4
BIOL 198Exploring Biodiversity Through Travel*1-4
BIOL 205General Genetics*4
BIOL 225Human Physiology*4
BIOL 227Human Pathophysiology*4
BIOL 230Microbiology*3
BIOL 231Microbiology Lab*2
BIOL 235The Science of Human Nutrition*3
BIOL 240General Pharmacology*3
CHEM 100Preparation for Chemistry3
CHEM 120Chemistry in Society*4
CHEM 122Principles of Chemistry*5
CHEM 124General Chemistry I Lecture*4
CHEM 125General Chemistry I Lab*1
CHEM 131General Chemistry II Lecture*4
CHEM 132General Chemistry II Lab*1
CHEM 140Principles of Organic & Biological Chemistry*5
CHEM 220Organic Chemistry I*5
CHEM 221Organic Chemistry II*5
CHEM 250Biochemistry*4
CIS 124Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications3
CIS 201Introduction to Information Systems*3
CIS 204UNIX Scripting and Utilities*3
CIS 240Advanced Topics in Java*4
CIS 242Introduction to System Design and Analysis*3
CIS 260Database Management*4
CIS 264Application Development and Programming*4
CIS 270Information Systems Internship*3
CIS 275Web-Enabled Database Programming*4
CIS 292Special Topics:*1-4
CMGT 100Industrial Safety/OSHA-303
CMGT 105Construction Methods3
CMGT 123Building Codes*3
CMGT 125Construction Specifications*2
CMGT 129Construction Management3
CMGT 140Construction Materials*3
CMGT 150Construction Safety/OSHA-303
CMGT 160Green Building Fundamentals*3
CMGT 205Advanced Construction Methods*3
CMGT 225Construction Documents*2
CMGT 227Construction Cost Estimating*3
CMGT 229Advanced Construction Management*3
CMGT 271Construction Management Internship*3
CS 134Programming Fundamentals4
CS 200Concepts of Programming Algorithms Using C++*4
CS 201Concepts of Programming Algorithms using C#*4
CS 202Concepts of Programming Algorithms using Python*4
CS 205Concepts of Programming Algorithms using Java*4
CS 210Discrete Structures I*3
CS 211Discrete Structures II*3
CS 235Object-Oriented Programming Using C++*4
CS 236Object-Oriented Programming Using C#*4
CS 250Basic Data Structures using C++*4
CS 252Basic Data Structures Using Python*4
CS 255Basic Data Structures Using Java*4
CSS 105Introduction to Personal Computers: Windows1
CSS 106Introduction to Personal Computers: Macintosh1
CSS 108Word Processing I: MS Word*1
CSS 109Google Apps*1
CSS 110Spreadsheets I: MS Excel*1
CSS 111Spreadsheets II: MS Excel*1
CSS 113Spreadsheets I, II & III: MS Excel*3
CSS 114Databases I: MS Access*1
CSS 115Databases II: MS Access*2
CSS 118Groupware: Outlook*1
CSS 120Computer User Support Skills*3
CSS 121Introduction to Project Management*1
CSS 123E-Presentation: MS PowerPoint*1
CSS 125Word Processing II: MS Word*1
CSS 128PC Applications: MS Office3
CSS 138Operating Systems: Windows*1
CSS 140Digital Devices and Online Technologies*3
CSS 228PC Applications II: MS Office*3
CSS 290Computer Support Specialist Internship*2
CSS 292Special Topics:*1-3
DS 210Introduction to Data Science3
DS 220Data Visualization3
DS 230SQL for Data Analysis3
DS 240Introduction to Statistical Programming3
DS 260Data Mining*3
DS 270Introduction to Machine Learning*3
DS 280Big Data Architecture3
ELEC 120Introduction to Electronics3
ELEC 125Digital Electronics I4
ELEC 134DC Circuits*4
ELEC 160Semiconductor Devices I*3
ELEC 212Fundamentals of Light and Lasers*3
ELEC 227Digital Electronics II*4
ELEC 234AC Circuits*4
ELEC 235Digital Systems and Applications*4
ELEC 240Electronic Communication Systems*4
ELEC 251Laser Systems and Applications*3
ELEC 252Specialized Lasers and System Integration*3
ELEC 260Semiconductor Devices II*4
ELEC 271Electronics Internship*1-3
ENGR 121Engineering Orientation2
ENGR 131Engineering Graphics I:AutoCAD*4
ENGR 251Statics*3
ENGR 254Dynamics*3
ENGR 284Thermodynamics*4
EVRN 115Natural History of Kansas3
EVRN 124Oceanus: Essentials of Oceanography3
EVRN 130Environmental Science3
EVRN 132Environmental Science Laboratory*2
EVRN 134Principles of Sustainability3
EVRN 155Bioethics*3
EVRN 250Bioethics in Science and Research*3
EVRN 255Freshwater Ecology4
EVRN 275Nature, Law, and Environmental Protection*3
GAME 102The Business of Games3
GAME 104Introduction to Game Development1
GAME 105Beginning Game Creation3
GAME 120Game Design I*4
GAME 121Game Programming I*4
GAME 131User-Centered Design*4
GAME 132Game Level Editing*4
GAME 134Game World Creation*4
GAME 136Game Prototyping*4
GAME 180Artificial Intelligence for Games*3
GAME 220Game Design II*4
GAME 221Game Programming II*4
GAME 235Game Quality Assurance*2
GAME 238Serious Game Design*3
GAME 242Agile Game Development*3
GAME 250Game Capstone*4
GAME 255Mobile Game Programming*4
GAME 292Special Topics:*3
GEOS 130General Geology5
GEOS 140Physical Geography3
GEOS 141Physical Geography Lab*2
GEOS 145World Regional Geography3
GEOS 155Human Geography3
GEOS 160Introduction to Meteorology5
HCIS 225Healthcare Data Analytics2
HCIS 235Care Coordination and Interoperable Health IT Systems2
HCIS 245Population Health2
HCIS 255Technology Concepts and Cybersecurity in Healthcare2
HCIS 262Customer Service in the Health Environment2
HCIS 263Working with Health Information Technology (HIT) Systems2
HCIS 264Configuration and Implementation of Electronic Health Records2
HCIS 265Installation and Maintenance of Health IT Systems2
HCIS 267EHR Design, Functionality and Usability3
HCIS 270Health Information Systems Internship*2
HCIS 271The Culture of Healthcare2
HCIS 272Terminology in Health Care Settings2
HCIS 273Quality Improvement in Healthcare2
HCIS 274Healthcare Workflow Analysis and Redesign2
HCIS 277Training and Instructional Design2
IT 119CompTIA A+ Core 13
IT 120CompTIA A+ Core 23
IT 141Introduction to Networks3
IT 150Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials*3
IT 152Google Cloud Fundamentals*3
IT 153AWS Cloud Foundations*3
IT 155Microsoft Administration Fundamentals*3
IT 175Cybersecurity Fundamentals*3
IT 202IT Scripting*3
IT 204Enterprise Networking, Security and Automation*3
IT 206Network Security Fundamentals*3
IT 207AWS Cloud Operations*3
IT 223Azure Administration*3
IT 224Microsoft 365 Administration*3
IT 230Linux Fundamentals3
IT 231Linux Administration*3
IT 238Digital Forensics*3
IT 239Ethical Hacking*3
IT 257Cybersecurity Operations*3
IT 271Information Technology Internship I*3
IT 272Information Technology Internship II*3
IT 292Special Topics:*1-3
MATH 151Contemporary Mathematics*3
MATH 161Elementary Statistics*3
MATH 171College Algebra*3
MATH 172Trigonometry*3
MATH 173Precalculus*5
MATH 175Discrete Mathematics and its Applications*3
MATH 191Math and Physics for Games I*4
MATH 201Statistics*3
MATH 210Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I*3
MATH 212Math for Elementary Teachers II*3
MATH 231Business and Applied Calculus I*3
MATH 232Business and Applied Calculus II*3
MATH 241Calculus I*5
MATH 242Calculus II*5
MATH 243Calculus III*5
MATH 246Elementary Linear Algebra*3
MATH 254Differential Equations*4
MATH 285Statistics for Business*4
MATH 292Special Topics:*1-3
PHYS 130College Physics I*5
PHYS 131College Physics II*5
PHYS 191Math and Physics for Games I*4
PHYS 220Engineering Physics I*5
PHYS 221Engineering Physics II*5
PSCI 120Physical Science4
SAG 100Principles of Sustainable Market Farming3
SAG 142Small Farm Business Planning and Management3
SAG 165Farm Producer Food Safety3
SAG 170Value-Added Production3
SAG 200Sustainable Livestock Production and Health3
SAG 205Global Agroecology3
SAG 250Sustainable Food Systems3
SAG 255Integrated Pest Management3
SAG 260Sustainable Soil Management3
SAG 272Sustainable Agriculture Fall Practicum2
SAG 274Sustainable Agriculture Spring Practicum2
SAG 276Sustainable Agriculture Summer Practicum2
SAG 285Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Internship*2
SAG 292Special Topics:*1-6
SCI 292Special Topics:*1-5
WEB 110HTML and CSS3
WEB 112Professional Skills for the Digital Developer3
WEB 114Web Scripting: JavaScript I*2
WEB 116Digital Media Concepts2
WEB 118Digital Workflow3
WEB 120Web Analytics*3
WEB 121Digital Media Assets*4
WEB 122CSS Techniques & Projects*3
WEB 124Web Scripting: JavaScript II*2
WEB 125Digital Video Tools1
WEB 126Technical Interface Skills*3
WEB 128Server Scripting: PHP with MySQL*2
WEB 172WordPress I*1
WEB 225Advanced Digital Video Tools*1
WEB 231User Experience*4
WEB 233Visual Storytelling3
WEB 234Web Apps I*3
WEB 237Emerging Technologies*3
WEB 238Interactive Scripting: JQuery*4
WEB 239Introduction to Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)*2
WEB 240HTML and CSS II*3
WEB 243Search Engine Optimization*1
WEB 245Motion Graphics Tools*1
WEB 290Web Development and Digital Media Capstone*3
WEB 292Special Topics:*1-3
WEB 294Web Development and Digital Media Internship*1

Open Elective Hours

Open electives are non-developmental courses meeting degree requirements. Please consult with a JCCC counselor for more information.19-20

STEM and Elective Hours: 25-26

Total Program Hours: 60 

Cultural Diversity Courses

These courses fulfill JCCC's Cultural Diversity requirement for the AA, AFA, and AS degrees.; one course required.

ANTH 125Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 130World Cultures3
ANTH 134Native Americans3
ANTH 135American Indian Art3
ANTH 142World Prehistory3
ANTH 150People and Cultures of Mesoamerica3
ANTH 165Linguistic Anthropology3
ARTH 135American Indian Art3
ARTH 180Art History: Ancient to Medieval3
ARTH 184Art History: Twentieth Century3
ARTH 186Art History: Introduction to Asian Art3
ARTH 200Women, Art, and Society3
BIOL 132Introduction to Public Health3
BUS 235Introduction to International Business3
CJ 223International Criminal Justice Systems3
COMS 180Intercultural Communication3
EDUC 221Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for K-12 Educators3
ENGL 215U.S. Latino and Latina Literature*3
ENGL 217Literature by Women*3
ENGL 232Children's Literature*3
ENGL 244Literature of American Popular Music*3
FL 120Elementary German I5
FL 121Elementary German II*5
FL 130Elementary Spanish I5
FL 131Elementary Spanish II*5
FL 135Basic Spanish for Hospitality Management3
FL 140Elementary French I5
FL 141Elementary French II*5
FL 165Elementary Chinese I5
FL 166Elementary Chinese II*5
FL 170Elementary Japanese I5
FL 171Elementary Japanese II*5
FL 182Intermediate Japanese I*5
FL 183Intermediate Japanese II*5
FL 220Intermediate German I*3
FL 221Intermediate German II*3
FL 230Intermediate Spanish I*3
FL 231Intermediate Spanish II*3
FL 240Intermediate French I*3
FL 241Intermediate French II*3
FL 265Intermediate Chinese I*3
FL 266Intermediate Chinese II*3
FL 288Spanish for Heritage and Advanced Speakers of Spanish*3
FMS 100Intro to Film3
FMS 200Intro to Filmmaking and Media Aesthetics3
GEOS 145World Regional Geography3
GEOS 155Human Geography3
GIST 101Global Topics in Focus:*1-3
HC 125International Awareness Field Study2
HIST 120Local and Kansas History3
HIST 128Medieval History3
HIST 132History of Africa3
HIST 135Eastern Civilization3
HIST 137African American History3
HIST 143Ancient Greece, the Near East and Egypt3
HIST 145History of Ancient Rome3
HIST 149History of India3
HIST 150Islam: Religion and Civilization3
HIST 151World History: Traditional3
HIST 152World History: Modern World3
HIST 160Modern Russian History3
HIST 162Modern Latin America3
HIST 165History of China3
HIST 167Introduction to History: Japan3
HIST 180North American Indian History3
HIST 195History of the Middle East3
HIST 200Empires of the Silk Road3
HIST 260Women in U.S. History3
HPER 251Sport and Society3
HUM 137Introduction to Russian Culture3
HUM 145World Humanities: Ancient to Medieval3
HUM 146World Humanities: Renaissance to Modern3
HUM 150Islam: Religion and Civilization3
HUM 156Contemporary Approaches to World Mythology3
HUM 167Introduction to Japanese Culture3
JOUR 220International Media3
MUS 126Introduction to World Music3
MUS 128History of Rock and Roll Music3
PHIL 142History of Asian Philosophy3
PHIL 177Feminist Theory3
PHOT 200Foundations in Photography3
POLS 132Introduction to Comparative Government3
POLS 135International Relations3
POLS 192Political Theory3
POLS 200Model United Nations3
POLS 250Introduction to Globalization3
PSYC 205Human Sexuality*3
PSYC 220Social Psychology*3
REL 120Exploring World Religions3
REL 125Asian Religions3
REL 126Religions of the West3
REL 150Islam: Religion and Civilization3
SAG 205Global Agroecology3
SOC 122Introduction to Sociology3
SOC 125Social Problems3
SOC 146Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare3
SOC 180Inequality and Diversity in The United States3
SOC 240Sociology of Community3
SOC 270Men and Masculinities3
WGS 201Global Women's Studies3
WGS 220The Many Women of Islam3

This course has registration requirements. 


This course fulfills JCCC's Cultural Diversity requirement for the AA, AFA, and AS degrees.